const DiscordRPC = require("discord-auto-rpc"); const { appName, appVersion } = require("./appInfo.js"); const clientId = "1032772293220384808"; /** @type {DiscordRPC.AutoClient} */ let richPresence; let intervalId; let currentStatus = { details: " ", state: "Idle in Launcher...", startTimestamp: new Date(), largeImageKey: "ezppfarm", largeImageText: `${appName} ${appVersion}`, smallImageKey: " ", smallImageText: " ", buttons: [ { label: "Download the Launcher", url: "", }, { label: "Join EZPPFarm", url: "", }, ], instance: false, }; module.exports = { connect: () => { if (!richPresence) { richPresence = new DiscordRPC.AutoClient({ transport: "ipc" }); richPresence.endlessLogin({ clientId }); richPresence.once("ready", () => { console.log( "connected presence with user " + richPresence.user.username, ); richPresence.setActivity(currentStatus); intervalId = setInterval(() => { richPresence.setActivity(currentStatus); }, 2500); }); } }, disconnect: async () => { if (richPresence) { clearInterval(intervalId); await richPresence.clearActivity(); await richPresence.destroy(); richPresence = null; } }, updateStatus: ({ state, details, largeImageKey }) => { currentStatus.state = state ?? " "; currentStatus.details = details ?? " "; currentStatus.largeImageKey = largeImageKey ?? "ezppfarm"; }, updateUser: ({ username, id }) => { currentStatus.smallImageKey = id ? `${id}` : " "; currentStatus.smallImageText = username ?? " "; }, update: () => { if (richPresence && richPresence.user) { richPresence.setActivity(currentStatus); } }, hasPresence: () => richPresence != undefined, };