const fs = require('fs'); const fu = require('./fileUtil'); const path = require('path'); const crypto = require('crypto'); const axios = require('axios').default; const executeUtil = require('./executeUtil'); const { EventEmitter } = require('events'); const { DownloaderHelper } = require('node-downloader-helper'); const checkUpdateURL = ""; const customUIDLLPath = "!ui.dll"; const customUIDLLHash = "!ui.md5"; const customUIDLLName = "ezpp!ui.dll"; const ignoredOsuEntities = [ 'osu!auth.dll', ] const osuEntities = [ 'avcodec-51.dll', 'avformat-52.dll', 'avutil-49.dll', 'bass.dll', 'bass_fx.dll', 'collection.db', 'd3dcompiler_47.dll', 'Data', 'Downloads', 'libEGL.dll', 'libGLESv2.dll', 'Logs', 'Microsoft.Ink.dll', 'OpenTK.dll', 'osu!.cfg', 'osu!.db', 'osu!.exe', 'osu!auth.dll', 'osu!gameplay.dll', 'osu!seasonal.dll', 'osu!ui.dll', 'presence.db', 'pthreadGC2.dll', 'scores.db', 'Skins', 'Songs' ] async function isValidOsuFolder(path) { const allFiles = await fs.promises.readdir(path); let matches = 0; for (const file of allFiles) { if (osuEntities.includes(file)) matches = matches + 1; } return Math.round((matches / osuEntities.length) * 100) >= 60; } async function getLatestConfig(osuPath) { const configFileInfo = { name: "", path: "", get: async (key) => { if (!configFileInfo.path) return ""; const fileStream = await fs.promises.readFile(configFileInfo.path, "utf-8"); const lines = fileStream.split(/\r?\n/) for (const line of lines) { if (line.includes(' = ')) { const argsPair = line.split(' = ', 2); const keyname = argsPair[0] const value = argsPair[1]; if (keyname == key) { return value; } } } } } const userOsuConfig = path.join(osuPath, `osu!.${process.env['USERNAME']}.cfg`) if (fs.existsSync(userOsuConfig)) { = `osu!.${process.env['USERNAME']}.cfg`; configFileInfo.path = userOsuConfig; } return configFileInfo; } async function getUpdateFiles(releaseStream) { const releaseData = await axios.get(checkUpdateURL + releaseStream, {}); return; } async function getEZPPUIMD5() { const releaseData = await axios.get(customUIDLLHash, {}); return; } async function filesThatNeedUpdate(osuPath, updateFiles) { const filesToDownload = []; for (const updatedFile of updateFiles) { const fileName = updatedFile.filename; const fileHash = updatedFile.file_hash; const fileURL = updatedFile.url_full; if (ignoredOsuEntities.includes(fileName)) continue; const fileOnDisk = path.join(osuPath, fileName); if (await fu.existsAsync(fileOnDisk)) { const binaryFileContents = await fs.promises.readFile(fileOnDisk); const existingFileMD5 = crypto.createHash("md5").update(binaryFileContents).digest("hex"); if (existingFileMD5.toLowerCase() != fileHash.toLowerCase()) { filesToDownload.push({ fileName, fileURL }) } } else { filesToDownload.push({ fileName, fileURL }); } } const ezppUI = path.join(osuPath, customUIDLLName); if (fs.existsSync(ezppUI)) { const latestMd5Hash = await getEZPPUIMD5(); const binaryUIContents = await fs.promises.readFile(ezppUI); const existingUIMD5 = crypto.createHash("md5").update(binaryUIContents).digest("hex"); if (existingUIMD5 != latestMd5Hash) { filesToDownload.push({ fileName: "ezpp!ui.dll", fileURL: customUIDLLPath }) } } else filesToDownload.push({ fileName: "ezpp!ui.dll", fileURL: customUIDLLPath }) return filesToDownload; } async function downloadUpdateFiles(osuPath, filesToUpdate) { const eventEmitter = new EventEmitter(); let completedIndex = 0; filesToUpdate.forEach(async (fileToUpdate) => { const filePath = path.join(osuPath, fileToUpdate.fileName); if (await fu.existsAsync(filePath)) await fs.promises.rm(filePath); const fileDownload = new DownloaderHelper(fileToUpdate.fileURL, osuPath, { fileName: fileToUpdate.fileName, override: true, }); fileDownload.on('end', () => { completedIndex = completedIndex + 1; if (completedIndex >= filesToUpdate.length) eventEmitter.emit('completed'); }); fileDownload.on('error', (err) => { console.log(err); eventEmitter.emit('error'); }); fileDownload.start().catch(err => console.error(err)); }); return eventEmitter; } async function startWithDevServer(osuPath, serverDomain, onExit) { const osuExe = path.join(osuPath, "osu!.exe"); if (!await fu.existsAsync(osuExe)) return false; switch (process.platform) { case "linux": executeUtil.runFile(osuPath, 'osu-stable', ["-devserver", serverDomain], onExit); return true; case "win32": executeUtil.runFile(osuPath, osuExe, ["-devserver", serverDomain], onExit); return true; } return false; } async function setConfigValue(configPath, key, value) { const configLines = new Array(); const fileStream = await fs.promises.readFile(configPath, "utf-8"); const lines = fileStream.split(/\r?\n/) for (const line of lines) { if (line.includes(' = ')) { const argsPair = line.split(' = ', 2); const keyname = argsPair[0].trim(); if (key == keyname) { configLines.push(`${keyname} = ${value}`); } else { configLines.push(line); } } else { configLines.push(line); } } await fs.promises.writeFile(configPath, configLines.join("\n"), 'utf-8'); } async function updateOsuCfg(cfgPath) { const osuFolder = path.dirname(cfgPath); const fileStream = await fs.promises.readFile(cfgPath, "utf-8"); const lines = fileStream.split(/\r?\n/); const newLines = []; for (const line of lines) { if (line.includes(' = ')) { const argsPair = line.split(' = ', 2); const keyname = argsPair[0] const value = argsPair[1]; if (keyname.startsWith("h_")) { const filename = keyname.substring(2, keyname.length); const filepath = path.join(osuFolder, filename); if (!fs.existsSync(filepath)) continue; const binaryFileContents = await fs.promises.readFile(filepath); const existingFileMD5 = crypto.createHash("md5").update(binaryFileContents).digest("hex"); if (value == existingFileMD5) newLines.push(line) else newLines.push(`${keyname} = ${existingFileMD5}`); } else { newLines.push(line); } } } await fs.promises.writeFile(cfgPath, newLines.join("\n"), 'utf-8'); } async function findOsuInstallation() { const regedit = require('qiao-regedit'); const osuLocationFromDefaultIcon = "HKLM\\SOFTWARE\\Classes\\osu\\DefaultIcon"; const osuStruct = await regedit.listValuesSync(osuLocationFromDefaultIcon); for (const line of osuStruct.split("\n")) { if (line.includes("REG_SZ")) { let value = (line.trim().split(" ")[2]); value = value.substring(1, value.length - 3); return path.dirname(value.trim()); } } return undefined; } async function replaceUI(folder, isStart) { const ezppUIFile = path.join(folder, customUIDLLName); const osuUIFile = path.join(folder, "osu!ui.dll"); const osuUIFileBackup = path.join(folder, "osu!ui.dll.bak"); if (isStart) { if (fs.existsSync(osuUIFileBackup)) await fs.promises.unlink(osuUIFileBackup); await fs.promises.rename(osuUIFile, osuUIFileBackup); await new Promise((res) => setTimeout(res, 1000)); await fs.promises.rename(ezppUIFile, osuUIFile); } else { if (!fs.existsSync(osuUIFileBackup)) return; await fs.promises.rename(osuUIFile, ezppUIFile); await new Promise((res) => setTimeout(res, 1000)); await fs.promises.rename(osuUIFileBackup, osuUIFile); } } module.exports = { isValidOsuFolder, getLatestConfig, getUpdateFiles, filesThatNeedUpdate, downloadUpdateFiles, startOsuWithDevServer: startWithDevServer, setConfigValue, findOsuInstallation, replaceUI, updateOsuCfg, getEZPPUIMD5 }