const appInfo = require('./appInfo.js'); const DiscordAutoRPC = require("discord-auto-rpc"); const { app } = require('electron'); const DiscordRPC = require("discord-rpc").default; const clientId = "1032772293220384808"; let client = undefined; let lastState = "Idle in Launcher..."; let presenceEnabled = true; let startDate = new Date(); let lastActivity = { details: " ", state: lastState, startTimestamp: startDate, largeImageKey: "ezppfarm", largeImageText: appInfo.appName + " " + appInfo.appVersion, buttons: [ { label: "Download the Launcher", url: "" }, { label: "Join EZPPFarm", url: "" } ], instance: false, }; module.exports = { connect: () => { if (client === undefined) { client = new DiscordAutoRPC.AutoClient({ transport: "ipc" }); client.endlessLogin({ clientId: clientId }); client.once("ready", () => { setInterval(() => { if (lastActivity !== undefined) lastActivity.state = lastState; client.setActivity(presenceEnabled ? lastActivity : undefined); }, 2500); }); } }, enablePresence: () => presenceEnabled = true, disablePresence: () => presenceEnabled = false, updateStartDate: () => startDate = new Date(), updateState: (state) => lastState = state, updateStatus: (details, osuVersion) => { lastActivity = { details: details ? details : " ", state: lastState, startTimestamp: startDate, smallImageKey: osuVersion ? "osu" : " ", smallImageText: osuVersion ? osuVersion : " ", largeImageKey: "ezppfarm", largeImageText: appInfo.appName + " " + appInfo.appVersion, buttons: [ { label: "Download the Launcher", url: "" }, { label: "Join EZPPFarm", url: "" } ], instance: false, } } }