const fs = require("fs"); const path = require("path"); const crypto = require("crypto"); const EventEmitter = require("events"); const { default: axios } = require("axios"); const { runFile } = require("./executeUtil"); const checkUpdateURL = ""; const ignoredOsuEntities = [ "osu!auth.dll", ]; const osuEntities = [ "avcodec-51.dll", "avformat-52.dll", "avutil-49.dll", "bass.dll", "bass_fx.dll", "collection.db", "d3dcompiler_47.dll", "libEGL.dll", "libGLESv2.dll", "Microsoft.Ink.dll", "OpenTK.dll", "osu!.cfg", "osu!.db", "osu!.exe", "osu!auth.dll", "osu!gameplay.dll", "osu!seasonal.dll", "osu!ui.dll", "presence.db", "pthreadGC2.dll", "scores.db", ]; const patcherFiles = [ { name: "patcher.exe", url_download: "", url_hash: "" }, { name: "patch.hook.dll", url_download: "", url_hash: "" } ] const uiFiles = [ { name: "ezpp!ui.dll", url_download: "!ui.dll", url_hash: "!ui.md5" } ] async function isValidOsuFolder(path) { const allFiles = await fs.promises.readdir(path); let matches = 0; for (const file of allFiles) { if (osuEntities.includes(file)) matches = matches + 1; } return (Math.round((matches / osuEntities.length) * 100) >= 60); } function getGlobalConfig(osuPath) { const configFileInfo = { name: "", path: "", get: async (key) => { if (!configFileInfo.path) { console.log("config file not loaded"); return ""; } const fileStream = await fs.promises.readFile( configFileInfo.path, "utf-8", ); const lines = fileStream.split(/\r?\n/); for (const line of lines) { if (line.includes(" = ")) { const argsPair = line.split(" = ", 2); const keyname = argsPair[0]; const value = argsPair[1]; if (keyname == key) { return value; } } } }, }; const globalOsuConfig = path.join(osuPath, "osu!.cfg"); if (fs.existsSync(globalOsuConfig)) { = "osu!.cfg"; configFileInfo.path = globalOsuConfig; } return configFileInfo; } function getUserConfig(osuPath) { const configFileInfo = { name: "", path: "", set: async (key, newValue) => { if (!configFileInfo.path) { return ""; } const fileContents = []; const fileStream = await fs.promises.readFile( configFileInfo.path, "utf-8", ); const lines = fileStream.split(/\r?\n/); for (const line of lines) { if (line.includes(" = ")) { const argsPair = line.split(" = ", 2); const keyname = argsPair[0]; if (keyname == key) { fileContents.push(`${key} = ${newValue}`); } else { fileContents.push(line); } } else { fileContents.push(line); } } await fs.promises.writeFile(configFileInfo.path, fileContents.join("\n")); return true; }, get: async (key) => { if (!configFileInfo.path) { return ""; } const fileStream = await fs.promises.readFile( configFileInfo.path, "utf-8", ); const lines = fileStream.split(/\r?\n/); for (const line of lines) { if (line.includes(" = ")) { const argsPair = line.split(" = ", 2); const keyname = argsPair[0]; const value = argsPair[1]; if (keyname == key) { return value; } } } }, }; const userOsuConfig = path.join( osuPath, `osu!.${process.env["USERNAME"]}.cfg`, ); if (fs.existsSync(userOsuConfig)) { = `osu!.${process.env["USERNAME"]}.cfg`; configFileInfo.path = userOsuConfig; } return configFileInfo; } async function getUpdateFiles(releaseStream) { const releaseData = await fetch(checkUpdateURL + releaseStream); return releaseData.ok ? await releaseData.json() : undefined; } async function getFilesThatNeedUpdate(osuPath, releaseStreamFiles) { const updateFiles = []; for (const updatePatch of releaseStreamFiles) { const fileName = updatePatch.filename; const fileHash = updatePatch.file_hash; const fileOnDisk = path.join(osuPath, fileName); if (fs.existsSync(fileOnDisk)) { if (ignoredOsuEntities.includes(fileName)) continue; const fileHashOnDisk = crypto.createHash("md5").update(fs.readFileSync(fileOnDisk)).digest("hex"); if (fileHashOnDisk.trim().toLowerCase() != fileHash.trim().toLowerCase()) { console.log({ fileOnDisk, fileHashOnDisk, fileHash }) updateFiles.push(updatePatch); } } else updateFiles.push(updatePatch); } return updateFiles; } function downloadUpdateFiles(osuPath, updateFiles) { const eventEmitter = new EventEmitter(); const startDownload = async () => { for (const updatePatch of updateFiles) { const fileName = updatePatch.filename; const fileSize = updatePatch.filesize; const fileURL = updatePatch.url_full; const axiosDownloadWithProgress = await axios.get(fileURL, { responseType: "stream", onDownloadProgress: (progressEvent) => { const { loaded, total } = progressEvent; eventEmitter.emit("data", { fileName, loaded, total, progress: Math.floor((loaded / total) * 100) }); }, });"end", () => { eventEmitter.emit("data", { fileName, loaded: fileSize, total: fileSize, progress: 100 }); }) await fs.promises.writeFile(path.join(osuPath, fileName),; } // wait until all files are downloaded return true; } return { eventEmitter, startDownload, } } function runOsuWithDevServer(osuPath, serverDomain, onExit) { const osuExecuteable = path.join(osuPath, "osu!.exe"); runFile(osuPath, osuExecuteable, ["-devserver", serverDomain], onExit); } async function getPatcherUpdates(osuPath) { const filesToDownload = []; const patcherDir = path.join(osuPath, "EZPPLauncher"); if (!fs.existsSync(patcherDir)) fs.mkdirSync(patcherDir); for (const patcherFile of patcherFiles) { if (fs.existsSync(path.join(patcherDir, { const latestPatchFileHash = await (await fetch(patcherFile.url_hash)).text(); const localPatchFileHash = crypto.createHash("md5").update(fs.readFileSync(path.join(patcherDir,"hex"); if (latestPatchFileHash.trim().toLowerCase() != localPatchFileHash.trim().toLowerCase()) filesToDownload.push(patcherFile); } else filesToDownload.push(patcherFile); } return filesToDownload; } function downloadPatcherUpdates(osuPath, patcherUpdates) { const eventEmitter = new EventEmitter(); const startDownload = async () => { const patcherDir = path.join(osuPath, "EZPPLauncher"); if (!fs.existsSync(patcherDir)) fs.mkdirSync(patcherDir); for (const patcherFile of patcherUpdates) { const fileName =; const fileURL = patcherFile.url_download; const axiosDownloadWithProgress = await axios.get(fileURL, { responseType: "stream", onDownloadProgress: (progressEvent) => { const { loaded, total } = progressEvent; eventEmitter.emit("data", { fileName, loaded, total, progress: Math.floor((loaded / total) * 100) }); }, }); await fs.promises.writeFile(path.join(osuPath, "EZPPLauncher", fileName),; } } return { eventEmitter, startDownload, } } async function getUIFiles(osuPath) { const filesToDownload = []; const ezppLauncherDir = path.join(osuPath, "EZPPLauncher"); if (!fs.existsSync(ezppLauncherDir)) fs.mkdirSync(ezppLauncherDir); for (const uiFile of uiFiles) { if (fs.existsSync(path.join(ezppLauncherDir, { const latestPatchFileHash = await (await fetch(uiFile.url_hash)).text(); const localPatchFileHash = crypto.createHash("md5").update(fs.readFileSync(path.join(ezppLauncherDir,"hex"); if (latestPatchFileHash.trim().toLowerCase() != localPatchFileHash.trim().toLowerCase()) filesToDownload.push(uiFile); } else filesToDownload.push(uiFile); } return filesToDownload; } function downloadUIFiles(osuPath, uiFiles) { const eventEmitter = new EventEmitter(); const startDownload = async () => { const ezpplauncherDir = path.join(osuPath, "EZPPLauncher"); if (!fs.existsSync(ezpplauncherDir)) fs.mkdirSync(ezpplauncherDir); for (const uiFile of uiFiles) { const fileName =; const fileURL = uiFile.url_download; const axiosDownloadWithProgress = await axios.get(fileURL, { responseType: "stream", onDownloadProgress: (progressEvent) => { const { loaded, total } = progressEvent; eventEmitter.emit("data", { fileName, loaded, total, progress: Math.floor((loaded / total) * 100) }); }, }); await fs.promises.writeFile(path.join(osuPath, "EZPPLauncher", fileName),; } } return { eventEmitter, startDownload, } } async function replaceUIFile(osuPath, revert) { if (!revert) { const ezppUIFile = path.join(osuPath, "EZPPLauncher", "ezpp!ui.dll"); const oldOsuUIFile = path.join(osuPath, "osu!ui.dll"); await fs.promises.rename(oldOsuUIFile, path.join(osuPath, "osu!ui.dll.bak")); await fs.promises.rename(ezppUIFile, oldOsuUIFile); } else { const oldOsuUIFile = path.join(osuPath, "osu!ui.dll"); const ezppUIFile = path.join(osuPath, "EZPPLauncher", "ezpp!ui.dll"); await fs.promises.rename(oldOsuUIFile, ezppUIFile); await fs.promises.rename(path.join(osuPath, "osu!ui.dll.bak"), oldOsuUIFile); } } module.exports = { isValidOsuFolder, getUserConfig, getGlobalConfig, getUpdateFiles, getFilesThatNeedUpdate, downloadUpdateFiles, runOsuWithDevServer, getPatcherUpdates, downloadPatcherUpdates, downloadUIFiles, getUIFiles, replaceUIFile };