// Modules to control application life and create native browser window const { app, BrowserWindow, Menu, ipcMain, dialog, shell } = require( "electron", ); const path = require("path"); const serve = require("electron-serve"); const loadURL = serve({ directory: "public" }); const config = require("./electron/config"); const { setupTitlebar, attachTitlebarToWindow } = require( "custom-electron-titlebar/main", ); const { isValidOsuFolder, getUpdateFiles, getGlobalConfig, getFilesThatNeedUpdate, downloadUpdateFiles, getUserConfig, runOsuWithDevServer, replaceUIFiles, findOsuInstallation, runOsuUpdater, gamemodes, getEZPPLauncherUpdateFiles, downloadEZPPLauncherUpdateFiles, } = require("./electron/osuUtil"); const { formatBytes } = require("./electron/formattingUtil"); const windowName = require("get-window-by-name"); const fs = require("fs"); const { runFileDetached } = require("./electron/executeUtil"); const richPresence = require("./electron/richPresence"); const cryptUtil = require("./electron/cryptoUtil"); const { getHwId } = require("./electron/hwidUtil"); const { appName, appVersion } = require("./electron/appInfo"); const { updateAvailable, releasesUrl } = require("./electron/updateCheck"); const fkill = require("fkill"); const { checkImageExists } = require("./electron/imageUtil"); const { isNet8Installed } = require("./electron/netUtils"); const Logger = require("./electron/logging"); const { isWritable } = require("./electron/fileUtil"); // Keep a global reference of the window object, if you don't, the window will // be closed automatically when the JavaScript object is garbage collected. let mainWindow; let osuCheckInterval; let userOsuPath; let osuLoaded = false; let patch = false; let logger = new Logger(path.join( process.platform == "win32" ? process.env["LOCALAPPDATA"] : process.env["HOME"], "EZPPLauncher", "logs", )); let currentUser = undefined; function isDev() { return !app.isPackaged; } function startOsuStatus() { osuCheckInterval = setInterval(async () => { const osuWindowTitle = windowName.getWindowText("osu!.exe"); if (osuWindowTitle.length < 0) { return; } const firstInstance = osuWindowTitle[0]; if (firstInstance) { if (!osuLoaded) { osuLoaded = true; try { const currentUserInfo = await fetch( `https://api.ez-pp.farm/get_player_info?name=${currentUser.username}&scope=info`, { headers: { "User-Agent": "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36 Edg/", }, }, ); const currentUserInfoJson = await currentUserInfo.json(); if ( "player" in currentUserInfoJson && currentUserInfoJson.player != null ) { if ( "info" in currentUserInfoJson.player && currentUserInfoJson.player.info != null ) { const id = currentUserInfoJson.player.info.id; const username = currentUserInfoJson.player.info.name; richPresence.updateUser({ id, username, }); richPresence.update(); } } } catch { } setTimeout(() => { if (patch) { const patcherExecuteable = path.join( userOsuPath, "EZPPLauncher", "patcher", "osu!.patcher.exe", ); if (fs.existsSync(patcherExecuteable)) { runFileDetached(userOsuPath, patcherExecuteable); } } }, 3000); } const windowTitle = firstInstance.processTitle; lastOsuStatus = windowTitle; const currentStatusRequest = await fetch( "https://api.ez-pp.farm/v1/get_player_status?name=" + currentUser.username, { headers: { "User-Agent": "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36 Edg/", }, }, ); const currentStatus = await currentStatusRequest.json(); if (!("player_status" in currentStatus)) return; if (!("status" in currentStatus.player_status)) return; const currentMode = currentStatus.player_status.status.mode; const currentModeString = gamemodes[currentMode]; const currentInfoRequest = await fetch( "https://api.ez-pp.farm/v1/get_player_info?name=" + currentUser.username + "&scope=all", { headers: { "User-Agent": "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36 Edg/", }, }, ); const currentInfo = await currentInfoRequest.json(); let currentUsername = currentInfo.player.info.name; const currentId = currentInfo.player.info.id; const currentStats = currentInfo.player.stats[currentMode]; currentUsername += ` (#${currentStats.rank})`; let largeImageKey = "ezppfarm"; let details = "Idle..."; let infoText = currentStatus.player_status.status.info_text.length > 0 ? currentStatus.player_status.status.info_text : " "; if ( "beatmap" in currentStatus.player_status.status && currentStatus.player_status.status.beatmap !== null ) { const setId = currentStatus.player_status.status.beatmap.set_id; if (setId) { const coverImage = `https://assets.ppy.sh/beatmaps/${setId}/covers/list@2x.jpg`; if ( checkImageExists(coverImage) ) { largeImageKey = coverImage; } } } switch (currentStatus.player_status.status.action) { case 1: details = "AFK..."; infoText = " "; largeImageKey = "ezppfarm"; break; case 2: details = "Playing..."; break; case 3: details = "Editing..."; break; case 4: details = "Modding..."; break; case 5: details = "Multiplayer: Selecting a Beatmap..."; infoText = " "; largeImageKey = "ezppfarm"; break; case 6: details = "Watching..."; break; case 8: details = "Testing..."; break; case 9: details = "Submitting..."; largeImageKey = "ezppfarm"; break; case 11: details = "Multiplayer: Idle..."; infoText = " "; largeImageKey = "ezppfarm"; break; case 12: details = "Multiplayer: Playing..."; break; case 13: details = "Browsing osu!direct..."; infoText = " "; largeImageKey = "ezppfarm"; break; } details = `[${currentModeString}] ${details}`; richPresence.updateUser({ username: currentUsername, id: currentId, }); richPresence.updateStatus({ details, state: infoText, largeImageKey, }); richPresence.update(); } }, 2500); } function stopOsuStatus() { clearInterval(osuCheckInterval); } function registerIPCPipes() { ipcMain.handle("ezpplauncher:login", async (e, args) => { let hwid = ""; try { hwid = getHwId(); } catch (err) { logger.error(`Failed to get HWID.`, err); return { code: 500, message: "Failed to get HWID.", }; } const timeout = new AbortController(); const timeoutId = setTimeout(() => timeout.abort(), 1000 * 10); logger.log(`Logging in with user ${args.username}...`); try { const fetchResult = await fetch("https://ez-pp.farm/login/check", { signal: timeout.signal, method: "POST", body: JSON.stringify({ username: args.username, password: args.password, }), headers: { "Content-Type": "application/json", "User-Agent": "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36 Edg/", }, }); clearTimeout(timeoutId); if (fetchResult.ok) { const result = await fetchResult.json(); if ("user" in result) { if (args.saveCredentials) { config.set("username", args.username); config.set("password", cryptUtil.encrypt(args.password, hwid)); } currentUser = args; config.remove("guest"); logger.log(`Logged in as user ${args.username}!`); } else logger.log(`Login failed for user ${args.username}.`); return result; } logger.log( `Login failed for user ${args.username}.\nResponse:\n${await fetchResult .text()}`, ); return { code: 500, message: "Something went wrong while logging you in.", }; } catch (err) { logger.error("Error while logging in:", err); return { code: 500, message: "Something went wrong while logging you in.", }; } }); ipcMain.handle("ezpplauncher:autologin-active", async (e) => { const username = config.get("username"); const password = config.get("password"); const guest = config.get("guest"); if (guest != undefined) return true; return username != undefined && password != undefined; }); ipcMain.handle("ezpplauncher:autologin", async (e) => { const hwid = getHwId(); const username = config.get("username"); const guest = config.get("guest"); if (guest) return { code: 200, message: "Login as guest", guest: true }; if (username == undefined) { return { code: 200, message: "No autologin" }; } const password = cryptUtil.decrypt(config.get("password"), hwid); if (username == undefined || password == undefined) { return { code: 200, message: "No autologin" }; } const timeout = new AbortController(); const timeoutId = setTimeout(() => timeout.abort(), 8000); logger.log(`Logging in with user ${username}...`); try { const fetchResult = await fetch("https://ez-pp.farm/login/check", { signal: timeout.signal, method: "POST", body: JSON.stringify({ username: username, password: password, }), headers: { "Content-Type": "application/json", "User-Agent": "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36 Edg/", }, }); clearTimeout(timeoutId); if (fetchResult.ok) { const result = await fetchResult.json(); if ("user" in result) { currentUser = { username: username, password: password, }; logger.log(`Logged in as user ${username}!`); } else logger.log(`Login failed for user ${username}.`); return result; } else { config.remove("password"); } logger.log( `Login failed for user ${username}.\nResponse:\n${await fetchResult .text()}`, ); return { code: 500, message: "Something went wrong while logging you in.", }; } catch (err) { logger.error("Error while logging in:", err); return { code: 500, message: "Something went wrong while logging you in.", }; } }); ipcMain.handle("ezpplauncher:guestlogin", (e) => { config.remove("username"); config.remove("password"); config.set("guest", "1"); currentUser = undefined; logger.log("Logged in as guest user."); }); ipcMain.handle("ezpplauncher:logout", (e) => { config.remove("username"); config.remove("password"); config.remove("guest"); currentUser = undefined; logger.log("Loging out."); return true; }); ipcMain.handle("ezpplauncher:settings", async (e) => { return config.all(); }); ipcMain.handle("ezpplauncher:setting-update", async (e, args) => { for (const key of Object.keys(args)) { const value = args[key]; if (key == "presence") { if (!value) richPresence.disconnect(); else richPresence.connect(); } if (key == "logging") { logger.enabled = value; } if (typeof value == "boolean") { config.set(key, value ? "true" : "false"); } else { config.set(key, value); } } }); ipcMain.handle("ezpplauncher:detect-folder", async (e) => { const detected = await findOsuInstallation(); if (detected && await isValidOsuFolder(detected)) { mainWindow.webContents.send("ezpplauncher:alert", { type: "success", message: "osu! path successfully saved!", }); config.set("osuPath", detected); } return config.all(); }); ipcMain.handle("ezpplauncher:set-folder", async (e) => { const folderResult = await dialog.showOpenDialog({ title: "Select osu! installation directory", properties: ["openDirectory"], }); if (!folderResult.canceled) { const folder = folderResult.filePaths[0]; if (await isValidOsuFolder(folder)) { config.set("osuPath", folder); mainWindow.webContents.send("ezpplauncher:alert", { type: "success", message: "osu! path successfully saved!", }); } else { mainWindow.webContents.send("ezpplauncher:alert", { type: "error", message: "invalid osu! path!", }); } } return config.all(); }); ipcMain.handle("ezpplauncher:checkUpdate", async (e) => { const updateInfo = await updateAvailable(); if (updateInfo.update) { mainWindow.webContents.send("ezpplauncher:update", updateInfo.release); } }); ipcMain.handle("ezpplauncher:exitAndUpdate", async (e) => { await shell.openExternal(releasesUrl); app.exit(); }); ipcMain.handle("ezpplauncher:launch", async (e) => { try { const osuWindowTitle = windowName.getWindowText("osu!.exe"); if (osuWindowTitle.length > 0) { mainWindow.webContents.send("ezpplauncher:alert", { type: "error", message: "osu! is running, please exit.", }); mainWindow.webContents.send("ezpplauncher:launchabort"); return; } logger.log("Preparing launch..."); const configPatch = config.get("patch"); patch = configPatch != undefined ? configPatch == "true" : true; mainWindow.webContents.send("ezpplauncher:launchstatus", { status: "Checking osu! directory...", }); await new Promise((res) => setTimeout(res, 1000)); const osuPath = config.get("osuPath"); userOsuPath = osuPath; if (osuPath == undefined) { mainWindow.webContents.send("ezpplauncher:launchabort"); mainWindow.webContents.send("ezpplauncher:alert", { type: "error", message: "osu! path not set!", }); mainWindow.webContents.send("ezpplauncher:open-settings"); logger.log("osu! path is not set."); return; } if (!(await isValidOsuFolder(osuPath))) { mainWindow.webContents.send("ezpplauncher:launchabort"); mainWindow.webContents.send("ezpplauncher:alert", { type: "error", message: "invalid osu! path!", }); logger.log("osu! path is invalid."); return; } if (patch) { if (!(await isNet8Installed())) { mainWindow.webContents.send("ezpplauncher:launchabort"); mainWindow.webContents.send("ezpplauncher:alert", { type: "error", message: ".NET 8 is not installed.", }); //open .net 8 download in browser shell.openExternal( "https://dotnet.microsoft.com/en-us/download/dotnet/thank-you/runtime-desktop-8.0.4-windows-x64-installer", ); logger.log(".NET 8 is not installed."); } } mainWindow.webContents.send("ezpplauncher:launchstatus", { status: "Checking for osu! updates...", }); await new Promise((res) => setTimeout(res, 1000)); const releaseStream = await getGlobalConfig(osuPath).get( "_ReleaseStream", ); const latestFiles = await getUpdateFiles(releaseStream); const updateFiles = await getFilesThatNeedUpdate(osuPath, latestFiles); if (updateFiles.length > 0) { logger.log("osu! updates found."); const updateDownloader = downloadUpdateFiles(osuPath, updateFiles); let errored = false; updateDownloader.eventEmitter.on("error", (data) => { const filename = data.fileName; logger.error( `Failed to download/replace ${filename}!`, data.error, ); errored = true; mainWindow.webContents.send("ezpplauncher:alert", { type: "error", message: `Failed to download/replace ${filename}!\nMaybe try to restart EZPPLauncher.`, }); }); updateDownloader.eventEmitter.on("data", (data) => { if (data.progress >= 100) { logger.log(`Downloaded ${data.fileName} successfully.`); } mainWindow.webContents.send("ezpplauncher:launchprogress", { progress: Math.ceil(data.progress), }); mainWindow.webContents.send("ezpplauncher:launchstatus", { status: `Downloading ${data.fileName}(${formatBytes(data.loaded)}/${ formatBytes(data.total) })...`, }); }); await updateDownloader.startDownload(); mainWindow.webContents.send("ezpplauncher:launchprogress", { progress: -1, }); if (errored) { mainWindow.webContents.send("ezpplauncher:launchabort"); return; } mainWindow.webContents.send("ezpplauncher:launchstatus", { status: "osu! is now up to date!", }); await new Promise((res) => setTimeout(res, 1000)); } else { mainWindow.webContents.send("ezpplauncher:launchstatus", { status: "osu! is up to date!", }); await new Promise((res) => setTimeout(res, 1000)); } if (patch) { mainWindow.webContents.send("ezpplauncher:launchstatus", { status: "Looking for patcher updates...", }); await new Promise((res) => setTimeout(res, 1000)); const [patchFiles, allUpdateFiles] = await getEZPPLauncherUpdateFiles( osuPath, ); if (patchFiles.length > 0) { logger.log("EZPPLauncher updates found."); const patcherDownloader = await downloadEZPPLauncherUpdateFiles( osuPath, patchFiles, allUpdateFiles, ); let errored = false; patcherDownloader.eventEmitter.on("error", (data) => { const filename = data.fileName; logger.error(`Failed to download/replace ${filename}!`, data.error); errored = true; mainWindow.webContents.send("ezpplauncher:alert", { type: "error", message: `Failed to download/replace ${filename}!\nMaybe try to restart EZPPLauncher.`, }); }); patcherDownloader.eventEmitter.on("data", (data) => { if (data.progress >= 100) { logger.log(`Downloaded ${data.fileName} successfully.`); } mainWindow.webContents.send("ezpplauncher:launchprogress", { progress: Math.ceil(data.progress), }); mainWindow.webContents.send("ezpplauncher:launchstatus", { status: `Downloading ${data.fileName}(${ formatBytes(data.loaded) }/${formatBytes(data.total)})...`, }); }); patcherDownloader.eventEmitter.on("delete", (data) => { logger.log(`Deleting ${data.fileName}!`); mainWindow.webContents.send("ezpplauncher:launchprogress", { progress: -1, }); mainWindow.webContents.send("ezpplauncher:launchstatus", { status: `Deleting ${data.fileName}...`, }); }); await patcherDownloader.startDownload(); mainWindow.webContents.send("ezpplauncher:launchprogress", { progress: -1, }); if (errored) { mainWindow.webContents.send("ezpplauncher:launchabort"); return; } mainWindow.webContents.send("ezpplauncher:launchstatus", { status: "Patcher is now up to date!", }); } else { mainWindow.webContents.send("ezpplauncher:launchstatus", { status: "Patcher is up to date!", }); } await new Promise((res) => setTimeout(res, 1000)); } if (updateFiles.length > 0) { mainWindow.webContents.send("ezpplauncher:launchstatus", { status: "Launching osu! updater to verify updates...", }); await new Promise((res) => setTimeout(res, 1000)); await new Promise((res) => { runOsuUpdater(osuPath, async () => { await new Promise((res) => setTimeout(res, 500)); const terminationThread = setInterval(async () => { const osuWindowTitle = windowName.getWindowText("osu!.exe"); if (osuWindowTitle.length < 0) { return; } const firstInstance = osuWindowTitle[0]; if (firstInstance) { const processId = firstInstance.processId; await fkill(processId, { force: true, silent: true }); clearInterval(terminationThread); res(); } }, 500); }); }); } await new Promise((res) => setTimeout(res, 1000)); mainWindow.webContents.send("ezpplauncher:launchstatus", { status: "Preparing launch...", }); /* await updateOsuConfigHashes(osuPath); */ logger.log("Replacing UI files..."); try { await replaceUIFiles(osuPath, false); logger.log("UI files replaced successfully."); } catch (err) { logger.error("Failed to replace UI files:", err); mainWindow.webContents.send("ezpplauncher:alert", { type: "error", message: "Failed to replace UI files. try restarting EZPPLauncher.", }); mainWindow.webContents.send("ezpplauncher:launchabort"); return; } const forceUpdateFiles = [ ".require_update", "help.txt", "_pending", ]; try { for (const updateFileName of forceUpdateFiles) { const updateFile = path.join(osuPath, updateFileName); if (fs.existsSync(updateFile)) { await fs.promises.rm(updateFile, { force: true, recursive: (await fs.promises.lstat(updateFile)).isDirectory(), }); } } } catch (err) { logger.error("Failed to remove force update files:", err); } const userConfig = getUserConfig(osuPath); if (richPresence.hasPresence) { await userConfig.set("DiscordRichPresence", "0"); } await userConfig.set("ShowInterfaceDuringRelax", "1"); if (currentUser) { await userConfig.set("CredentialEndpoint", "ez-pp.farm"); await userConfig.set("SavePassword", "1"); await userConfig.set("SaveUsername", "1"); await userConfig.set("Username", currentUser.username); await userConfig.set("Password", currentUser.password); } mainWindow.webContents.send("ezpplauncher:launchstatus", { status: "Launching osu!...", }); await new Promise((res) => setTimeout(res, 1000)); logger.log("Launching osu!..."); const onExitHook = () => { logger.log("osu! has exited."); mainWindow.show(); mainWindow.focus(); stopOsuStatus(); richPresence.updateUser({ username: " ", id: undefined, }); richPresence.updateStatus({ state: "Idle in Launcher...", details: undefined, }); richPresence.update(); mainWindow.webContents.send("ezpplauncher:launchstatus", { status: "Waiting for cleanup...", }); const timeStart = performance.now(); logger.log("Waiting for cleanup..."); const cleanup = setInterval(async () => { const osuUIFile = path.join(osuPath, "osu!ui.dll"); const osuGameplayFile = path.join(osuPath, "osu!gameplay.dll"); if (isWritable(osuUIFile) && isWritable(osuGameplayFile)) { logger.log( `Cleanup complete, took ${ ((performance.now() - timeStart) / 1000).toFixed(3) } seconds.`, ); clearInterval(cleanup); await replaceUIFiles(osuPath, true); mainWindow.webContents.send("ezpplauncher:launchabort"); osuLoaded = false; } }, 1000); }; runOsuWithDevServer(osuPath, "ez-pp.farm", onExitHook); mainWindow.hide(); startOsuStatus(); return true; } catch (err) { logger.error("Failed to launch", err); mainWindow.webContents.send("ezpplauncher:alert", { type: "error", message: "Failed to launch osu!. Please try again.", }); mainWindow.webContents.send("ezpplauncher:launchabort"); } }); } function createWindow() { const gotTheLock = app.requestSingleInstanceLock(); if (!gotTheLock) { app.quit(); return; } setupTitlebar(); // Create the browser window. mainWindow = new BrowserWindow({ width: 550, height: 350, resizable: false, frame: false, titleBarStyle: "hidden", title: `${appName} ${appVersion}`, webPreferences: { nodeIntegration: true, preload: path.join(__dirname, "preload.js"), }, icon: path.join(__dirname, "public/favicon.png"), show: false, }); const menu = Menu.buildFromTemplate([]); Menu.setApplicationMenu(menu); // disable electron toolbar /* if (!isDev()) */ mainWindow.setMenu(null); attachTitlebarToWindow(mainWindow); // This block of code is intended for development purpose only. // Delete this entire block of code when you are ready to package the application. if (isDev()) { mainWindow.loadURL("http://localhost:8080/"); } else { loadURL(mainWindow); } registerIPCPipes(); const presenceEnabled = config.get("presence"); if (presenceEnabled == undefined) { richPresence.connect(); } else { if (presenceEnabled == "true") { richPresence.connect(); } } logger.init(); const loggingEnabled = config.get("logging"); if (loggingEnabled && loggingEnabled == "true") { logger.enabled = true; } // Uncomment the following line of code when app is ready to be packaged. // loadURL(mainWindow); // Open the DevTools and also disable Electron Security Warning. if (isDev()) { process.env["ELECTRON_DISABLE_SECURITY_WARNINGS"] = true; mainWindow.webContents.openDevTools({ mode: "detach" }); } // Emitted when the window is closed. mainWindow.on("closed", function () { // Dereference the window object, usually you would store windows // in an array if your app supports multi windows, this is the time // when you should delete the corresponding element. mainWindow = null; }); // Emitted when the window is ready to be shown // This helps in showing the window gracefully. mainWindow.once("ready-to-show", async () => { mainWindow.show(); mainWindow.focus(); }); } // This method will be called when Electron has finished // initialization and is ready to create browser windows. // Some APIs can only be used after this event occurs. app.on("ready", createWindow); // Quit when all windows are closed. app.on("window-all-closed", async function () { // On macOS it is common for applications and their menu bar // to stay active until the user quits explicitly with Cmd + Q await richPresence.disconnect(); if (process.platform !== "darwin") app.quit(); }); app.on("activate", function () { // On macOS it's common to re-create a window in the app when the // dock icon is clicked and there are no other windows open. if (mainWindow === null) createWindow(); }); // In this file you can include the rest of your app's specific main process // code. You can also put them in separate files and require them here.