const path = require('path'); const fs = require('fs'); const configFolder = path.join(process.env['LOCALAPPDATA'], 'EZPPLauncher'); if (!fs.existsSync(configFolder)) fs.mkdirSync(configFolder); const configLocation = path.join(configFolder, `ezpplauncher.${path.basename(process.env['USERNAME'])}.cfg`); if (!fs.existsSync(configLocation)) fs.writeFileSync(configLocation, ""); async function get(key, defaultValue) { const fileStream = await fs.promises.readFile(configLocation, "utf-8"); const lines = fileStream.split(/\r?\n/) for (const line of lines) { if (line.includes('=')) { const argsPair = line.split('=', 2); const keyname = argsPair[0] const value = argsPair[1]; if (keyname == key) { return value; } } } return defaultValue; } async function set(key, value) { console.log("setting " + key + " to " + value); const configValues = new Map(); const fileStream = await fs.promises.readFile(configLocation, "utf-8"); const lines = fileStream.split(/\r?\n/) for (const line of lines) { if (line.includes('=')) { const argsPair = line.split('=', 2); const keyname = argsPair[0] const value = argsPair[1]; configValues.set(keyname, value); } } configValues.set(key, value); const arr = []; for (var [storkey, storvalue] of configValues.entries()) arr.push(`${storkey}=${storvalue}`); await fs.promises.writeFile(configLocation, arr.join('\n')); } module.exports = { get, set }