
312 lines
12 KiB

const { app, BrowserWindow, ipcMain, dialog } = require('electron');
const { setupTitlebar, attachTitlebarToWindow } = require('custom-electron-titlebar/main');
const windowManager = require('./ui/windowManager');
const osuUtil = require('./osuUtil');
const ezppUtil = require('./ezppUtil');
const config = require('./config');
const fs = require('fs');
const rpc = require('./discordPresence');
const windowName = require('get-window-by-name');
const terminalUtil = require('./terminalUtil');
let tempOsuPath;
let osuWindowInfo;
let isIngame;
const platform = process.platform;
let linuxWMCtrlFound = false;
const run = () => {
const gotTheLock = app.requestSingleInstanceLock()
if (!gotTheLock) {
setInterval(async () => {
if (platform == "win32") {
osuWindowInfo = windowName.getWindowText("osu!.exe");
const firstInstance = osuWindowInfo[0];
if (firstInstance) {
if (firstInstance.processTitle && firstInstance.processTitle.length > 0) {
const windowTitle = firstInstance.processTitle;
let rpcOsuVersion = "";
let currentMap = undefined;
if (!windowTitle.includes("-")) {
rpcOsuVersion = windowTitle;
} else {
var string = windowTitle;
var components = string.split(' - ');
const splitArray = [components.shift(), components.join(' - ')];
rpcOsuVersion = splitArray[0];
currentMap = splitArray[1];
rpc.updateStatus(currentMap, rpcOsuVersion);
} else {
rpc.updateState("Idle in Launcher...");
rpc.updateStatus(undefined, undefined);
} else {
rpc.updateState("Idle in Launcher...");
rpc.updateStatus(undefined, undefined);
} else if (platform == "linux") {
if (!linuxWMCtrlFound) {
if (isIngame) {
rpc.updateStatus("Clicking circles!", "runningunderwine");
} else {
rpc.updateState("Idle in Launcher...");
rpc.updateStatus(undefined, undefined);
const processesOutput = await terminalUtil.execCommand(`wmctrl -l|awk '{$3=""; $2=""; $1=""; print $0}'`);
const allLines = processesOutput.split("\n");
const filteredProcesses = allLines.filter((line) => line.trim().startsWith("osu!"));
if (filteredProcesses.length > 0) {
const windowTitle = filteredProcesses[0].trim();
let rpcOsuVersion = "";
let currentMap = undefined;
if (!windowTitle.includes("-")) {
rpcOsuVersion = windowTitle;
} else {
var string = windowTitle;
var components = string.split(' - ');
const splitArray = [components.shift(), components.join(' - ')];
rpcOsuVersion = splitArray[0];
currentMap = splitArray[1];
rpc.updateStatus(currentMap, rpcOsuVersion);
} else {
rpc.updateState("Idle in Launcher...");
rpc.updateStatus(undefined, undefined);
} else {
if (isIngame) {
rpc.updateStatus("Clicking circles!", "runningunderwine");
} else {
rpc.updateState("Idle in Launcher...");
rpc.updateStatus(undefined, undefined);
}, 2000);
let mainWindow;
app.whenReady().then(() => {
mainWindow = createWindow();
mainWindow.on('show', async () => {
await updateConfigVars(mainWindow);
await tryLogin(mainWindow);
await doUpdateCheck(mainWindow);
if (platform === "linux") {
/* mainWindow.webContents.send('status_update', {
type: "info",
message: "We detected that you are running the Launcher under Linux. It's currently just compatible with Arch and the osu AUR package!"
}); */
const terminalTest = await terminalUtil.execCommand(`wmctrl -l|awk '{$3=""; $2=""; $1=""; print $0}'`);
const isFailed = terminalTest.trim() == "";
if (isFailed) {
mainWindow.webContents.send('status_update', {
type: "info",
message: "Seems like you are missing the wmctrl package, please install it for the RPC to work!"
} else linuxWMCtrlFound = true;
app.on('activate', function () {
if (BrowserWindow.getAllWindows().length === 0) mainWindow = createWindow();
app.on('window-all-closed', () => {
ipcMain.handle('launch', async () => {
const osuConfig = await osuUtil.getLatestConfig(tempOsuPath);
const username = await config.get('username');
const password = await config.get('password');
if (password && username) {
await osuUtil.setConfigValue(osuConfig.path, "SaveUsername", "1");
await osuUtil.setConfigValue(osuConfig.path, "SavePassword", "1");
await osuUtil.setConfigValue(osuConfig.path, "Username", username);
await osuUtil.setConfigValue(osuConfig.path, "Password", password);
await osuUtil.setConfigValue(osuConfig.path, "CredentialEndpoint", "ez-pp.farm");
} else {
await osuUtil.setConfigValue(osuConfig.path, "Username", "");
await osuUtil.setConfigValue(osuConfig.path, "Password", "");
rpc.updateState("Launching osu!...");
isIngame = true;
const result = await osuUtil.startOsuWithDevServer(tempOsuPath, "ez-pp.farm", async () => {
isIngame = false;
await doUpdateCheck(mainWindow);
return result;
ipcMain.on('do-update-check', async () => {
await doUpdateCheck(mainWindow);
ipcMain.on('do-update', async () => {
const osuPath = await config.get("osuPath", "");
const isValid = await osuUtil.isValidOsuFolder(osuPath);
if (osuPath.trim == "" || !isValid) {
mainWindow.webContents.send('status_update', {
type: "error",
message: "Invalid osu! folder"
if (fs.existsSync(osuPath)) {
tempOsuPath = osuPath;
const osuConfig = await osuUtil.getLatestConfig(tempOsuPath);
const lastVersion = await osuConfig.get("LastVersion");
let releaseStream = "stable40";
if (lastVersion.endsWith("cuttingedge"))
releaseStream = "cuttingedge"
else if (lastVersion.endsWith("beta"))
releaseStream = "beta";
const releaseFiles = await osuUtil.getUpdateFiles(releaseStream);
const filesToDownload = await osuUtil.filesThatNeedUpdate(tempOsuPath, releaseFiles);
const downloadTask = await osuUtil.downloadUpdateFiles(osuPath, filesToDownload);
downloadTask.on('completed', () => {
mainWindow.webContents.send('status_update', {
type: "update-complete"
downloadTask.on('error', () => {
mainWindow.webContents.send('status_update', {
type: "error",
message: "An error occured while updating."
} else
mainWindow.webContents.send('status_update', {
type: "error",
message: "Invalid osu! folder"
ipcMain.handle('set-osu-dir', async (event) => {
const yes = await dialog.showOpenDialog({
properties: ['openDirectory']
if (yes.filePaths.length <= 0)
return undefined;
const folderPath = yes.filePaths[0];
const validOsuDir = await osuUtil.isValidOsuFolder(folderPath);
if (validOsuDir) await config.set("osuPath", folderPath);
return { validOsuDir, folderPath };
ipcMain.handle('perform-login', async (event, data) => {
const { username, password } = data;
const loginData = await ezppUtil.performLogin(username, password);
if (loginData && loginData.code === 200) {
await config.set("username", username);
await config.set("password", password);
return loginData;
ipcMain.on('perform-logout', async (event) => {
await config.remove("username");
await config.remove("password");
async function updateConfigVars(window) {
const osuPath = await config.get("osuPath", "");
window.webContents.send('config_update', {
osuPath: osuPath
async function tryLogin(window) {
const username = await config.get("username", "");
const password = await config.get("password", "");
if ((username && username.length > 0) && (password && password.length > 0)) {
const passwordPlain = password;
const loginResponse = await ezppUtil.performLogin(username, passwordPlain);
if (loginResponse && loginResponse.code === 200) {
window.webContents.send('account_update', {
type: "loggedin",
user: loginResponse.user
} else {
window.webContents.send('account_update', {
type: "login-failed"
} else {
window.webContents.send('account_update', {
type: "not-loggedin"
async function doUpdateCheck(window) {
const osuPath = await config.get("osuPath");
if (!osuPath || osuPath.trim == "") {
window.webContents.send('status_update', {
type: "missing-folder"
const isValid = await osuUtil.isValidOsuFolder(osuPath);
if (!isValid) {
window.webContents.send('status_update', {
type: "missing-folder"
if (fs.existsSync(osuPath)) {
tempOsuPath = osuPath;
const osuConfig = await osuUtil.getLatestConfig(tempOsuPath);
const lastVersion = await osuConfig.get("LastVersion");
let releaseStream = "stable40";
if (lastVersion.endsWith("cuttingedge"))
releaseStream = "cuttingedge"
else if (lastVersion.endsWith("beta"))
releaseStream = "beta";
const releaseFiles = await osuUtil.getUpdateFiles(releaseStream);
const filesToDownload = await osuUtil.filesThatNeedUpdate(tempOsuPath, releaseFiles);
window.webContents.send('status_update', {
type: filesToDownload.length > 0 ? "update-available" : "up-to-date"
} else
window.webContents.send('status_update', {
type: "missing-folder"
function createWindow() {
// Create the browser window.
const win = windowManager.createWindow(700, 420);
win.webContents.setWindowOpenHandler(() => "deny");
win.webContents.on('did-finish-load', function () {
if (win.webContents.getZoomFactor() != 0.9)
return win;