version: b{build} image: Visual Studio 2017 cache: test/test_suite -> test/suite_url build_script: - ps: >- function VcVars { param ([string]$VcPath, [string]$BatName) Push-Location $VcPath cmd /c ($BatName + "&set") | ForEach-Object { if ($_ -match "=") { $v = $_.split("="); set-item -force -path "ENV:\$($v[0])" -value "$($v[1])" } } Pop-Location } $VcPath = "C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio\2017\Community\VC\Auxiliary\Build" VcVars $VcPath vcvars32.bat .\release.ps1; if (-not $?) { exit $LastExitCode } VcVars $VcPath vcvars64.bat .\release.ps1; if (-not $?) { exit $LastExitCode } cd .\test .\download_suite.ps1 .\build.bat; if (-not $?) { exit $LastExitCode } .\oppai_test.exe; if (-not $?) { exit $LastExitCode } Write-Host "bin size: " + (Get-Item '.\oppai_test.exe').length dumpbin /dependents .\oppai_test.exe .\build.bat ..\oppai.lib; if (-not $?) { exit $LastExitCode } cp ..\oppai.dll . .\oppai_test.exe; if (-not $?) { exit $LastExitCode } Write-Host "bin size: " + (Get-Item '.\oppai_test.exe').length dumpbin /dependents .\oppai_test.exe test: off artifacts: - path: oppai-*-windows-*.zip name: windows-binaries deploy: - provider: GitHub tag: $(appveyor_repo_tag_name) release: oppai $(appveyor_repo_tag_name)-$(appveyor_build_version) description: linux binaries are manually uploaded shortly after the windows release and statically linked against musl libc\n\nwindows binaries should not require the c runtime\n\nx64 and x86_64 mean 64-bit i586 and x86 mean 32-bit\n\nthe binary packages include the source code inside the src directory auth_token: secure: k73tV2NZTFp4thujp/KiohNwRwIpWC12gU/qsnfCqlctcC+rqWiDWet3sSAz34gT artifact: windows-binaries force_update: true on: APPVEYOR_REPO_TAG: true