#!/usr/bin/env python # very rough script that downloads unique maps from test_suite.json that # gensuite.py generates import sys import json try: import httplib except ImportError: import http.client as httplib try: import urllib except ImportError: import urllib.parse as urllib osu = httplib.HTTPSConnection('osu.ppy.sh') def osu_get(path): while True: try: osu.request('GET', path) r = osu.getresponse() raw = bytes() while True: try: raw += r.read() break except httplib.IncompleteRead as e: raw += e.partial return raw except (httplib.HTTPException, ValueError) as e: sys.stderr.write('%s\n' % (traceback.format_exc())) # prevents exceptions on next request if the # response wasn't previously read due to errors try: osu.getresponse().read() except httplib.HTTPException: pass time.sleep(5) if len(sys.argv) != 2: sys.stderr.write('usage: %s test_suite.json\n' % sys.argv[0]) sys.exit(1) with open(sys.argv[1], 'r') as f: scores = json.loads(f.read()) unique_maps = set([s['beatmap_id'] for m in [0, 1] for s in scores[m]]) i = 1 for b in unique_maps: sys.stderr.write( "[%.02f%% - %d/%d] %s" % (i / float(len(unique_maps)) * 100, i, len(unique_maps), b) ) i += 1 # TODO: tmp file and rename try: with open(b + '.osu', 'r') as f: sys.stderr.write(' (already exists)\n') continue except FileNotFoundError: pass sys.stderr.write('\n') with open(b + '.osu', 'wb') as f: f.write(osu_get('/osu/' + b))