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2019-02-23 13:29:15 +00:00
/* // +build testing */
// Copyright (c) 2012-2018 Ugorji Nwoke. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a MIT license found in the LICENSE file.
package codec
// This file contains values used by tests and benchmarks.
// The benchmarks will test performance against other libraries
// (encoding/json, json-iterator, bson, gob, etc).
// Consequently, we only use values that will parse well in all engines,
// and only leverage features that work across multiple libraries for a truer comparison.
// For example,
// - JSON/BSON do not like maps with keys that are not strings,
// so we only use maps with string keys here.
// - _struct options are not honored by other libraries,
// so we don't use them in this file.
import (
// func init() {
// rt := reflect.TypeOf((*TestStruc)(nil)).Elem()
// defTypeInfos.get(rt2id(rt), rt)
// }
type wrapSliceUint64 []uint64
type wrapSliceString []string
type wrapUint64 uint64
type wrapString string
type wrapUint64Slice []wrapUint64
type wrapStringSlice []wrapString
type stringUint64T struct {
S string
U uint64
type AnonInTestStruc struct {
AS string
AI64 int64
AI16 int16
AUi64 uint64
ASslice []string
AI64slice []int64
AUi64slice []uint64
AF64slice []float64
AF32slice []float32
// AMI32U32 map[int32]uint32
// AMU32F64 map[uint32]float64 // json/bson do not like it
AMSU16 map[string]uint16
// use these to test 0-len or nil slices/maps/arrays
AI64arr0 [0]int64
A164slice0 []int64
AUi64sliceN []uint64
AMSU16N map[string]uint16
AMSU16E map[string]uint16
// testSimpleFields is a sub-set of TestStrucCommon
type testSimpleFields struct {
S string
I64 int64
I8 int8
Ui64 uint64
Ui8 uint8
F64 float64
F32 float32
B bool
Sslice []string
I16slice []int16
Ui64slice []uint64
Ui8slice []uint8
Bslice []bool
Iptrslice []*int64
WrapSliceInt64 wrapSliceUint64
WrapSliceString wrapSliceString
Msi64 map[string]int64
type TestStrucCommon struct {
S string
I64 int64
I32 int32
I16 int16
I8 int8
I64n int64
I32n int32
I16n int16
I8n int8
Ui64 uint64
Ui32 uint32
Ui16 uint16
Ui8 uint8
F64 float64
F32 float32
B bool
By uint8 // byte: msgp doesn't like byte
Sslice []string
I64slice []int64
I16slice []int16
Ui64slice []uint64
Ui8slice []uint8
Bslice []bool
Byslice []byte
Iptrslice []*int64
WrapSliceInt64 wrapSliceUint64
WrapSliceString wrapSliceString
Msi64 map[string]int64
Simplef testSimpleFields
SstrUi64T []stringUint64T
NotAnon AnonInTestStruc
// R Raw // Testing Raw must be explicitly turned on, so use standalone test
// Rext RawExt // Testing RawExt is tricky, so use standalone test
Nmap map[string]bool //don't set this, so we can test for nil
Nslice []byte //don't set this, so we can test for nil
Nint64 *int64 //don't set this, so we can test for nil
type TestStruc struct {
// _struct struct{} `json:",omitempty"` //set omitempty for every field
Mtsptr map[string]*TestStruc
Mts map[string]TestStruc
Its []*TestStruc
Nteststruc *TestStruc
func populateTestStrucCommon(ts *TestStrucCommon, n int, bench, useInterface, useStringKeyOnly bool) {
var i64a, i64b, i64c, i64d int64 = 64, 6464, 646464, 64646464
// if bench, do not use uint64 values > math.MaxInt64, as bson, etc cannot decode them
var a = AnonInTestStruc{
// There's more leeway in altering this.
AS: strRpt(n, "A-String"),
AI64: -64646464,
AI16: 1616,
AUi64: 64646464,
// (U+1D11E)G-clef character may be represented in json as "\uD834\uDD1E".
// single reverse solidus character may be represented in json as "\u005C".
// include these in ASslice below.
ASslice: []string{
strRpt(n, "Aone"),
strRpt(n, "Atwo"),
strRpt(n, "Athree"),
strRpt(n, "Afour.reverse_solidus.\u005c"),
strRpt(n, "Afive.Gclef.\U0001d11E\"ugorji\"done.")},
AI64slice: []int64{
0, 1, -1, -22, 333, -4444, 55555, -666666,
// msgpack ones
-48, -32, -24, -8, 32, 127, 192, 255,
// standard ones
0, -1, 1,
math.MaxInt8, math.MaxInt8 + 4, math.MaxInt8 - 4,
math.MaxInt16, math.MaxInt16 + 4, math.MaxInt16 - 4,
math.MaxInt32, math.MaxInt32 + 4, math.MaxInt32 - 4,
math.MaxInt64, math.MaxInt64 - 4,
math.MinInt8, math.MinInt8 + 4, math.MinInt8 - 4,
math.MinInt16, math.MinInt16 + 4, math.MinInt16 - 4,
math.MinInt32, math.MinInt32 + 4, math.MinInt32 - 4,
math.MinInt64, math.MinInt64 + 4,
AUi64slice: []uint64{
0, 1, 22, 333, 4444, 55555, 666666,
// standard ones
math.MaxUint8, math.MaxUint8 + 4, math.MaxUint8 - 4,
math.MaxUint16, math.MaxUint16 + 4, math.MaxUint16 - 4,
math.MaxUint32, math.MaxUint32 + 4, math.MaxUint32 - 4,
AMSU16: map[string]uint16{strRpt(n, "1"): 1, strRpt(n, "22"): 2, strRpt(n, "333"): 3, strRpt(n, "4444"): 4},
// Note: +/- inf, NaN, and other non-representable numbers should not be explicitly tested here
AF64slice: []float64{
11.11e-11, -11.11e+11,
2.222E+12, -2.222E-12,
-555.55E-5, 555.55E+5,
666.66E-6, -666.66E+6,
7777.7777E-7, -7777.7777E-7,
-8888.8888E+8, 8888.8888E+8,
-99999.9999E+9, 99999.9999E+9,
// these below are hairy enough to need strconv.ParseFloat
33.33E-33, -33.33E+33,
44.44e+44, -44.44e-44,
// standard ones
0, -1, 1,
// math.Inf(1), math.Inf(-1),
math.Pi, math.Phi, math.E,
math.MaxFloat64, math.SmallestNonzeroFloat64,
AF32slice: []float32{
11.11e-11, -11.11e+11,
2.222E+12, -2.222E-12,
-555.55E-5, 555.55E+5,
666.66E-6, -666.66E+6,
7777.7777E-7, -7777.7777E-7,
-8888.8888E+8, 8888.8888E+8,
-99999.9999E+9, 99999.9999E+9,
// these below are hairy enough to need strconv.ParseFloat
33.33E-33, -33.33E+33,
// standard ones
0, -1, 1,
// math.Float32frombits(0x7FF00000), math.Float32frombits(0xFFF00000), //+inf and -inf
math.MaxFloat32, math.SmallestNonzeroFloat32,
A164slice0: []int64{},
AUi64sliceN: nil,
AMSU16N: nil,
AMSU16E: map[string]uint16{},
if !bench {
a.AUi64slice = append(a.AUi64slice, math.MaxUint64, math.MaxUint64-4)
*ts = TestStrucCommon{
S: strRpt(n, `some really really cool names that are nigerian and american like "ugorji melody nwoke" - get it? `),
// set the numbers close to the limits
I8: math.MaxInt8 * 2 / 3, // 8,
I8n: math.MinInt8 * 2 / 3, // 8,
I16: math.MaxInt16 * 2 / 3, // 16,
I16n: math.MinInt16 * 2 / 3, // 16,
I32: math.MaxInt32 * 2 / 3, // 32,
I32n: math.MinInt32 * 2 / 3, // 32,
I64: math.MaxInt64 * 2 / 3, // 64,
I64n: math.MinInt64 * 2 / 3, // 64,
Ui64: math.MaxUint64 * 2 / 3, // 64
Ui32: math.MaxUint32 * 2 / 3, // 32
Ui16: math.MaxUint16 * 2 / 3, // 16
Ui8: math.MaxUint8 * 2 / 3, // 8
F32: 3.402823e+38, // max representable float32 without losing precision
F64: 3.40281991833838838338e+53,
B: true,
By: 5,
Sslice: []string{strRpt(n, "one"), strRpt(n, "two"), strRpt(n, "three")},
I64slice: []int64{1111, 2222, 3333},
I16slice: []int16{44, 55, 66},
Ui64slice: []uint64{12121212, 34343434, 56565656},
Ui8slice: []uint8{210, 211, 212},
Bslice: []bool{true, false, true, false},
Byslice: []byte{13, 14, 15},
Msi64: map[string]int64{
strRpt(n, "one"): 1,
strRpt(n, "two"): 2,
strRpt(n, "\"three\""): 3,
WrapSliceInt64: []uint64{4, 16, 64, 256},
WrapSliceString: []string{strRpt(n, "4"), strRpt(n, "16"), strRpt(n, "64"), strRpt(n, "256")},
// R: Raw([]byte("goodbye")),
// Rext: RawExt{ 120, []byte("hello"), }, // TODO: don't set this - it's hard to test
// DecodeNaked bombs here, because the stringUint64T is decoded as a map,
// and a map cannot be the key type of a map.
// Thus, don't initialize this here.
// Msu2wss: map[stringUint64T]wrapStringSlice{
// {"5", 5}: []wrapString{"1", "2", "3", "4", "5"},
// {"3", 3}: []wrapString{"1", "2", "3"},
// },
// make Simplef same as top-level
// TODO: should this have slightly different values???
Simplef: testSimpleFields{
S: strRpt(n, `some really really cool names that are nigerian and american like "ugorji melody nwoke" - get it? `),
// set the numbers close to the limits
I8: math.MaxInt8 * 2 / 3, // 8,
I64: math.MaxInt64 * 2 / 3, // 64,
Ui64: math.MaxUint64 * 2 / 3, // 64
Ui8: math.MaxUint8 * 2 / 3, // 8
F32: 3.402823e+38, // max representable float32 without losing precision
F64: 3.40281991833838838338e+53,
B: true,
Sslice: []string{strRpt(n, "one"), strRpt(n, "two"), strRpt(n, "three")},
I16slice: []int16{44, 55, 66},
Ui64slice: []uint64{12121212, 34343434, 56565656},
Ui8slice: []uint8{210, 211, 212},
Bslice: []bool{true, false, true, false},
Msi64: map[string]int64{
strRpt(n, "one"): 1,
strRpt(n, "two"): 2,
strRpt(n, "\"three\""): 3,
WrapSliceInt64: []uint64{4, 16, 64, 256},
WrapSliceString: []string{strRpt(n, "4"), strRpt(n, "16"), strRpt(n, "64"), strRpt(n, "256")},
SstrUi64T: []stringUint64T{{"1", 1}, {"2", 2}, {"3", 3}, {"4", 4}},
AnonInTestStruc: a,
NotAnon: a,
if bench {
ts.Ui64 = math.MaxInt64 * 2 / 3
ts.Simplef.Ui64 = ts.Ui64
//For benchmarks, some things will not work.
if !bench {
//json and bson require string keys in maps
//ts.M = map[interface{}]interface{}{
// true: "true",
// int8(9): false,
//gob cannot encode nil in element in array (encodeArray: nil element)
ts.Iptrslice = []*int64{nil, &i64a, nil, &i64b, nil, &i64c, nil, &i64d, nil}
// ts.Iptrslice = nil
if !useStringKeyOnly {
// ts.AnonInTestStruc.AMU32F64 = map[uint32]float64{1: 1, 2: 2, 3: 3} // Json/Bson barf
func newTestStruc(depth, n int, bench, useInterface, useStringKeyOnly bool) (ts *TestStruc) {
ts = &TestStruc{}
populateTestStrucCommon(&ts.TestStrucCommon, n, bench, useInterface, useStringKeyOnly)
if depth > 0 {
if ts.Mtsptr == nil {
ts.Mtsptr = make(map[string]*TestStruc)
if ts.Mts == nil {
ts.Mts = make(map[string]TestStruc)
ts.Mtsptr[strRpt(n, "0")] = newTestStruc(depth, n, bench, useInterface, useStringKeyOnly)
ts.Mts[strRpt(n, "0")] = *(ts.Mtsptr[strRpt(n, "0")])
ts.Its = append(ts.Its, ts.Mtsptr[strRpt(n, "0")])
var testStrRptMap = make(map[int]map[string]string)
func strRpt(n int, s string) string {
if false {
// fmt.Printf(">>>> calling strings.Repeat on n: %d, key: %s\n", n, s)
return strings.Repeat(s, n)
m1, ok := testStrRptMap[n]
if !ok {
// fmt.Printf(">>>> making new map for n: %v\n", n)
m1 = make(map[string]string)
testStrRptMap[n] = m1
v1, ok := m1[s]
if !ok {
// fmt.Printf(">>>> creating new entry for key: %s\n", s)
v1 = strings.Repeat(s, n)
m1[s] = v1
return v1
// func wstrRpt(n int, s string) wrapBytes {
// return wrapBytes(bytes.Repeat([]byte(s), n))
// }