
38 lines
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2019-02-23 13:29:15 +00:00
"An error occurred while contacting the Ripple API. Please report this to a Ripple developer.": "Een fout is opgetreden tijdens het contacteren van de Ripple API. Gelieve dit te rapporteren bij een Ripple ontwikkelaar.",
"Why, LOVE, of course!": "LOVE, natuurlijk!",
"Your new settings have been saved.": "Je nieuwe instellingen zijn opgeslagen.",
"Your userpage has been saved.": "Je gebruikerspagina is opgeslagen!",
"Please provide a valid link, in the form of either https://osu.ppy.sh/s/<ID> or https://osu.ppy.sh/b/<ID>.": "Gelieve een juiste link te geven in de vorm https://osu.ppy.sh/s/<ID> of https://osu.ppy.sh/b/<ID>.",
"Beatmap rank request has been submitted.": "Beatmap rank verzoek is ingediend.",
"That beatmap is already ranked!": "Deze beatmap is al gerankt!",
"Add friend": "Vriend toevoegen",
"Remove friend": "Vriend verwijderen",
"Unmutual friend": "Wederzijdse vriendschap beëindigen.",
"General info": "Algemene info",
"Score": "Score",
"Load more": "Meer laden",
"Best scores": "Beste scores",
"Recent scores": "Recente scores",
"Download": "Downloaden",
"Points": "Punten",
"PP": "PP",
"Beatmap": "Beatmap",
"Accuracy": "Nauwkeurigheid",
"Max combo": "Grootste combo",
"(full combo)": "(maximale combo)",
"Difficulty": "Moeilijkheid",
"Yes": "Ja",
"No": "Nee",
"Achieved": "Behaalt",
"Mode": "Mode",
"None": "Geen",
"{{ stars }} star": "{{ stars }} ster",
"{{ stars }} star_plural": "{{ stars }} sterren",
"<b>{{ months }}</b> month costs <b>€ {{ eur }}</b>": "<b>{{ months }}</b> maand kost <b>€ {{ eur }}</b>",
"<b>{{ months }}</b> month costs <b>€ {{ eur }}</b>_plural": "<b>{{ months }}</b> maanden kosten <b>€ {{ eur }}</b>",
"($ {{ usd }} / BTC {{ btc }})": "($ {{ usd }} / BTC {{ btc }})",
"Mutual": "Wederzijdse vriend",
"Remove": "Verwijderen",
"Add": "Toevoegen"