Add relax and autopilot profile
This commit is contained in:
@ -283,6 +283,8 @@ func generateEngine() *gin.Engine {
r.GET("/c/:cid", clanPage)
r.GET("/u/:user", userProfile)
r.GET("/rx/u/:user", relaxProfile)
r.GET("/ap/u/:user", autoProfile)
r.GET("/b/:bid", beatmapInfo)
r.POST("/pwreset", passwordReset)
@ -73,3 +73,122 @@ func userProfile(c *gin.Context) {
data.DisableHH = true
data.Scripts = append(data.Scripts, "/static/profile.js")
func relaxProfile(c *gin.Context) {
var (
userID int
username string
privileges uint64
ctx := getContext(c)
u := c.Param("user")
if _, err := strconv.Atoi(u); err != nil {
err := db.QueryRow("SELECT id, username, privileges FROM users WHERE username = ? AND "+ctx.OnlyUserPublic()+" LIMIT 1", u).Scan(&userID, &username, &privileges)
if err != nil && err != sql.ErrNoRows {
} else {
err := db.QueryRow(`SELECT id, username, privileges FROM users WHERE id = ? AND `+ctx.OnlyUserPublic()+` LIMIT 1`, u).Scan(&userID, &username, &privileges)
switch {
case err == nil:
case err == sql.ErrNoRows:
err := db.QueryRow(`SELECT id, username, privileges FROM users WHERE username = ? AND `+ctx.OnlyUserPublic()+` LIMIT 1`, u).Scan(&userID, &username, &privileges)
if err != nil && err != sql.ErrNoRows {
data := new(profileData)
data.UserID = userID
defer resp(c, 200, "profile_relax.html", data)
if data.UserID == 0 {
data.TitleBar = "User not found"
data.Messages = append(data.Messages, warningMessage{T(c, "That user could not be found.")})
if common.UserPrivileges(privileges)&common.UserPrivilegeDonor > 0 {
var profileBackground struct {
Type int
Value string
db.Get(&profileBackground, "SELECT type, value FROM profile_backgrounds WHERE uid = ?", data.UserID)
switch profileBackground.Type {
case 1:
data.KyutGrill = "/static/profbackgrounds/" + profileBackground.Value
data.KyutGrillAbsolute = true
case 2:
data.SolidColour = profileBackground.Value
data.TitleBar = T(c, "%s's profile", username)
data.DisableHH = true
data.Scripts = append(data.Scripts, "/static/profile_relax.js")
func autoProfile(c *gin.Context) {
var (
userID int
username string
privileges uint64
ctx := getContext(c)
u := c.Param("user")
if _, err := strconv.Atoi(u); err != nil {
err := db.QueryRow("SELECT id, username, privileges FROM users WHERE username = ? AND "+ctx.OnlyUserPublic()+" LIMIT 1", u).Scan(&userID, &username, &privileges)
if err != nil && err != sql.ErrNoRows {
} else {
err := db.QueryRow(`SELECT id, username, privileges FROM users WHERE id = ? AND `+ctx.OnlyUserPublic()+` LIMIT 1`, u).Scan(&userID, &username, &privileges)
switch {
case err == nil:
case err == sql.ErrNoRows:
err := db.QueryRow(`SELECT id, username, privileges FROM users WHERE username = ? AND `+ctx.OnlyUserPublic()+` LIMIT 1`, u).Scan(&userID, &username, &privileges)
if err != nil && err != sql.ErrNoRows {
data := new(profileData)
data.UserID = userID
defer resp(c, 200, "profile_auto.html", data)
if data.UserID == 0 {
data.TitleBar = "User not found"
data.Messages = append(data.Messages, warningMessage{T(c, "That user could not be found.")})
if common.UserPrivileges(privileges)&common.UserPrivilegeDonor > 0 {
var profileBackground struct {
Type int
Value string
db.Get(&profileBackground, "SELECT type, value FROM profile_backgrounds WHERE uid = ?", data.UserID)
switch profileBackground.Type {
case 1:
data.KyutGrill = "/static/profbackgrounds/" + profileBackground.Value
data.KyutGrillAbsolute = true
case 2:
data.SolidColour = profileBackground.Value
data.TitleBar = T(c, "%s's profile", username)
data.DisableHH = true
data.Scripts = append(data.Scripts, "/static/profile_auto.js")
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,442 @@
// code that is executed on every user profile
$(document).ready(function() {
var wl = window.location;
var newPathName = wl.pathname;
// userID is defined in profile.html
if (newPathName.split("/")[2] != userID) {
newPathName = "/u/" + userID;
// if there's no mode parameter in the querystring, add it
if ("mode=") === -1)
window.history.replaceState('', document.title, newPathName + "?mode=" + favouriteMode + wl.hash);
else if (wl.pathname != newPathName)
window.history.replaceState('', document.title, newPathName + + wl.hash);
// when an item in the mode menu is clicked, it means we should change the mode.
$("#mode-menu>.item").click(function(e) {
if ($(this).hasClass("active"))
var m = $(this).data("mode");
$("[data-mode]:not(.item):not([hidden])").attr("hidden", "");
$("[data-mode=" + m + "]:not(.item)").removeAttr("hidden");
var needsLoad = $("#scores-zone>[data-mode=" + m + "][data-loaded=0]");
if (needsLoad.length > 0)
initialiseScores(needsLoad, m);
window.history.replaceState('', document.title, wl.pathname + "?mode=" + m + wl.hash);
// load scores page for the current favourite mode
var i = function(){initialiseScores($("#scores-zone>div[data-mode=" + favouriteMode + "]"), favouriteMode)};
if (i18nLoaded)
i18next.on("loaded", function() {
function initialiseAchievements() {
api('users/achievements' + (currentUserID == userID ? '?all' : ''),
{id: userID}, function (resp) {
var achievements = resp.achievements;
// no achievements -- show default message
if (achievements.length === 0) {
.append($("<div class='ui sixteen wide column'>")
.text(T("Nothing here. Yet.")));
var displayAchievements = function(limit, achievedOnly) {
var $ach = $("#achievements").empty();
limit = limit < 0 ? achievements.length : limit;
var shown = 0;
for (var i = 0; i < achievements.length; i++) {
var ach = achievements[i];
if (shown >= limit || (achievedOnly && !ach.achieved)) {
$("<div class='ui two wide column'>").append(
$("<img src='" +
"client/" + ach.icon + ".png' alt='" + +
"' class='" +
(!ach.achieved ? "locked-achievement" : "achievement") +
content: ach.description,
position: "bottom center",
distanceAway: 10
// if we've shown nothing, and achievedOnly is enabled, try again
// this time disabling it.
if (shown == 0 && achievedOnly) {
displayAchievements(limit, false);
// only 8 achievements - we can remove the button completely, because
// it won't be used (no more achievements).
// otherwise, we simply remove the disabled class and add the click handler
// to activate it.
if (achievements.length <= 8) {
} else {
.click(function() {
displayAchievements(-1, false);
displayAchievements(8, true);
function initialiseFriends() {
var b = $("#add-friend-button");
if (b.length == 0) return;
api('friends/with', {id: userID}, setFriendOnResponse);
function setFriendOnResponse(r) {
var x = 0;
if (r.friend) x++;
if ( x++;
function setFriend(i) {
var b = $("#add-friend-button");
b.removeClass("loading green blue red");
switch (i) {
case 0:
.attr("title", T("Add friend"))
.html("<i class='plus icon'></i>");
case 1:
.attr("title", T("Remove friend"))
.html("<i class='minus icon'></i>");
case 2:
.attr("title", T("Unmutual friend"))
.html("<i class='heart icon'></i>");
b.attr("data-friends", i > 0 ? 1 : 0)
function friendClick() {
var t = $(this);
if (t.hasClass("loading")) return;
api("friends/" + (t.attr("data-friends") == 1 ? "del" : "add"), {user: userID}, setFriendOnResponse, true);
var defaultScoreTable;
function setDefaultScoreTable() {
defaultScoreTable = $("<table class='ui table score-table' />")
$("<thead />").append(
$("<tr />").append(
$("<th>" + T("General info") + "</th>"),
$("<th>"+ T("Score") + "</th>")
$("<tbody />")
$("<tfoot />").append(
$("<tr />").append(
$("<th colspan=2 />").append(
$("<div class='ui right floated pagination menu' />").append(
$("<a class='disabled item load-more-button'>" + T("Load more") + "</a>").click(loadMoreClick)
i18next.on('loaded', function(loaded) {
function initialiseScores(el, mode) {
el.attr("data-loaded", "1");
var best = defaultScoreTable.clone(true).addClass("orange");
var recent = defaultScoreTable.clone(true).addClass("blue");
best.attr("data-type", "best");
recent.attr("data-type", "recent");
recent.addClass("no bottom margin");
el.append($("<div class='ui segments no bottom margin' />").append(
$("<div class='ui segment' />").append("<h2 class='ui header'>" + T("Best scores") + "</h2>", best),
$("<div class='ui segment' />").append("<h2 class='ui header'>" + T("Recent scores") + "</h2>", recent)
loadScoresPage("best", mode);
loadScoresPage("recent", mode);
function loadMoreClick() {
var t = $(this);
if (t.hasClass("disabled"))
var type = t.parents("table[data-type]").data("type");
var mode = t.parents("div[data-mode]").data("mode");
loadScoresPage(type, mode);
// currentPage for each mode
var currentPage = {
0: {best: 0, recent: 0},
1: {best: 0, recent: 0},
2: {best: 0, recent: 0},
3: {best: 0, recent: 0},
var scoreStore = {};
function loadScoresPage(type, mode) {
var table = $("#scores-zone div[data-mode=" + mode + "] table[data-type=" + type + "] tbody");
var page = ++currentPage[mode][type];
console.log("loadScoresPage with", {
page: page,
type: type,
mode: mode,
api("users/scores/ap/" + type, {
mode: mode,
p: page,
l: 20,
id: userID,
}, function(r) {
if (r.scores == null) {
disableLoadMoreButton(type, mode);
r.scores.forEach(function(v, idx){
scoreStore[] = v;
if (v.completed == 0){
var scoreRank = "failed";
var scoreRank = getRank(mode, v.mods, v.accuracy, v.count_300, v.count_100, v.count_50, v.count_miss);
table.append($("<tr class='new score-row' data-scoreid='" + + "' />").append(
"<td><img src='/static/ranking-icons/" + scoreRank + ".png' class='score rank' alt='" + scoreRank + "' height='16' width='16' > " +
escapeHTML(v.beatmap.song_name) + " <b>" + getScoreMods(v.mods) + "</b> <i>(" + v.accuracy.toFixed(2) + "%)</i><br />" +
"<div class='subtitle'><time class='new timeago' datetime='" + v.time + "'>" + v.time + "</time></div></td>"
$("<td><b>" + ppOrScore(v.pp, v.score) + "</b> " + weightedPP(type, page, idx, v.pp) + (v.completed == 3 ? "<br>" + downloadStar( : "") + "</td>")
$(".new.downloadstar").click(function(e) {
var enable = true;
if (r.scores.length != 20)
enable = false;
disableLoadMoreButton(type, mode, enable);
function downloadStar(id) {
return "<a href='/web/replays_auto/" + id + "' class='new downloadstar'><i class='star icon'></i>" + T("Download") + "</a>";
function weightedPP(type, page, idx, pp) {
if (type != "best" || pp == 0)
return "";
var perc = Math.pow(0.95, ((page - 1) * 20) + idx);
var wpp = pp * perc;
return "<i title='Weighted PP, " + Math.round(perc*100) + "%'>(" + wpp.toFixed(2) + "pp)</i>";
function disableLoadMoreButton(type, mode, enable) {
var button = $("#scores-zone div[data-mode=" + mode + "] table[data-type=" + type + "] .load-more-button");
if (enable) button.removeClass("disabled");
else button.addClass("disabled");
function viewScoreInfo() {
var scoreid = $(this).data("scoreid");
if (!scoreid && scoreid !== 0) return;
var s = scoreStore[scoreid];
if (s === undefined) return;
// data to be displayed in the table.
var data = {
"Points": addCommas(s.score),
"PP": addCommas(s.pp),
"Beatmap": "<a href='/b/" + s.beatmap.beatmap_id + "'>" + escapeHTML(s.beatmap.song_name) + "</a>",
"Accuracy": s.accuracy + "%",
"Max combo": addCommas(s.max_combo) + "/" + addCommas(s.beatmap.max_combo)
+ (s.full_combo ? " " + T("(full combo)") : ""),
"Difficulty": T("{{ stars }} star", {
stars: s.beatmap.difficulty2[modesShort[s.play_mode]],
count: Math.round(s.beatmap.difficulty2[modesShort[s.play_mode]]),
"Mods": getScoreMods(s.mods, true),
// hits data
var hd = {};
var trans = modeTranslations[s.play_mode];
].forEach(function(val, i) {
hd[trans[i]] = val;
data = $.extend(data, hd, {
"Ranked?": T(s.completed == 3 ? "Yes" : "No"),
"Achieved": s.time,
"Mode": modes[s.play_mode],
var els = [];
$.each(data, function(key, value) {
$("<tr />").append(
$("<td>" + T(key) + "</td>"),
$("<td>" + value + "</td>")
$("#score-data-table tr").remove();
var modeTranslations = [
"GREATs (Gekis)",
"GOODs (Katus)",
"Fruits (300s)",
"Ticks (100s)",
"Droplet misses",
"Max 300s",
function getRank(gameMode, mods, acc, c300, c100, c50, cmiss) {
var total = c300+c100+c50+cmiss;
// Hidden | Flashlight | FadeIn
var hdfl = (mods & (1049608)) > 0;
var ss = hdfl ? "SSHD" : "SS";
var s = hdfl ? "SHD" : "S";
switch(gameMode) {
case 0:
case 1:
var ratio300 = c300 / total;
var ratio50 = c50 / total;
if (ratio300 == 1)
return ss;
if (ratio300 > 0.9 && ratio50 <= 0.01 && cmiss == 0)
return s;
if ((ratio300 > 0.8 && cmiss == 0) || (ratio300 > 0.9))
return "A";
if ((ratio300 > 0.7 && cmiss == 0) || (ratio300 > 0.8))
return "B";
if (ratio300 > 0.6)
return "C";
return "D";
case 2:
if (acc == 100)
return ss;
if (acc > 98)
return s;
if (acc > 94)
return "A";
if (acc > 90)
return "B";
if (acc > 85)
return "C";
return "D";
case 3:
if (acc == 100)
return ss;
if (acc > 95)
return s;
if (acc > 90)
return "A";
if (acc > 80)
return "B";
if (acc > 70)
return "C";
return "D";
function ppOrScore(pp, score) {
if (pp != 0)
return addCommas(pp.toFixed(2)) + "pp";
return addCommas(score);
function beatmapLink(type, id) {
if (type == "s")
return "<a href='/s/" + id + "'>" + id + '</a>';
return "<a href='/b/" + id + "'>" + id + '</a>';
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,442 @@
// code that is executed on every user profile
$(document).ready(function() {
var wl = window.location;
var newPathName = wl.pathname;
// userID is defined in profile.html
if (newPathName.split("/")[2] != userID) {
newPathName = "/u/" + userID;
// if there's no mode parameter in the querystring, add it
if ("mode=") === -1)
window.history.replaceState('', document.title, newPathName + "?mode=" + favouriteMode + wl.hash);
else if (wl.pathname != newPathName)
window.history.replaceState('', document.title, newPathName + + wl.hash);
// when an item in the mode menu is clicked, it means we should change the mode.
$("#mode-menu>.item").click(function(e) {
if ($(this).hasClass("active"))
var m = $(this).data("mode");
$("[data-mode]:not(.item):not([hidden])").attr("hidden", "");
$("[data-mode=" + m + "]:not(.item)").removeAttr("hidden");
var needsLoad = $("#scores-zone>[data-mode=" + m + "][data-loaded=0]");
if (needsLoad.length > 0)
initialiseScores(needsLoad, m);
window.history.replaceState('', document.title, wl.pathname + "?mode=" + m + wl.hash);
// load scores page for the current favourite mode
var i = function(){initialiseScores($("#scores-zone>div[data-mode=" + favouriteMode + "]"), favouriteMode)};
if (i18nLoaded)
i18next.on("loaded", function() {
function initialiseAchievements() {
api('users/achievements' + (currentUserID == userID ? '?all' : ''),
{id: userID}, function (resp) {
var achievements = resp.achievements;
// no achievements -- show default message
if (achievements.length === 0) {
.append($("<div class='ui sixteen wide column'>")
.text(T("Nothing here. Yet.")));
var displayAchievements = function(limit, achievedOnly) {
var $ach = $("#achievements").empty();
limit = limit < 0 ? achievements.length : limit;
var shown = 0;
for (var i = 0; i < achievements.length; i++) {
var ach = achievements[i];
if (shown >= limit || (achievedOnly && !ach.achieved)) {
$("<div class='ui two wide column'>").append(
$("<img src='" +
"client/" + ach.icon + ".png' alt='" + +
"' class='" +
(!ach.achieved ? "locked-achievement" : "achievement") +
content: ach.description,
position: "bottom center",
distanceAway: 10
// if we've shown nothing, and achievedOnly is enabled, try again
// this time disabling it.
if (shown == 0 && achievedOnly) {
displayAchievements(limit, false);
// only 8 achievements - we can remove the button completely, because
// it won't be used (no more achievements).
// otherwise, we simply remove the disabled class and add the click handler
// to activate it.
if (achievements.length <= 8) {
} else {
.click(function() {
displayAchievements(-1, false);
displayAchievements(8, true);
function initialiseFriends() {
var b = $("#add-friend-button");
if (b.length == 0) return;
api('friends/with', {id: userID}, setFriendOnResponse);
function setFriendOnResponse(r) {
var x = 0;
if (r.friend) x++;
if ( x++;
function setFriend(i) {
var b = $("#add-friend-button");
b.removeClass("loading green blue red");
switch (i) {
case 0:
.attr("title", T("Add friend"))
.html("<i class='plus icon'></i>");
case 1:
.attr("title", T("Remove friend"))
.html("<i class='minus icon'></i>");
case 2:
.attr("title", T("Unmutual friend"))
.html("<i class='heart icon'></i>");
b.attr("data-friends", i > 0 ? 1 : 0)
function friendClick() {
var t = $(this);
if (t.hasClass("loading")) return;
api("friends/" + (t.attr("data-friends") == 1 ? "del" : "add"), {user: userID}, setFriendOnResponse, true);
var defaultScoreTable;
function setDefaultScoreTable() {
defaultScoreTable = $("<table class='ui table score-table' />")
$("<thead />").append(
$("<tr />").append(
$("<th>" + T("General info") + "</th>"),
$("<th>"+ T("Score") + "</th>")
$("<tbody />")
$("<tfoot />").append(
$("<tr />").append(
$("<th colspan=2 />").append(
$("<div class='ui right floated pagination menu' />").append(
$("<a class='disabled item load-more-button'>" + T("Load more") + "</a>").click(loadMoreClick)
i18next.on('loaded', function(loaded) {
function initialiseScores(el, mode) {
el.attr("data-loaded", "1");
var best = defaultScoreTable.clone(true).addClass("orange");
var recent = defaultScoreTable.clone(true).addClass("blue");
best.attr("data-type", "best");
recent.attr("data-type", "recent");
recent.addClass("no bottom margin");
el.append($("<div class='ui segments no bottom margin' />").append(
$("<div class='ui segment' />").append("<h2 class='ui header'>" + T("Best scores") + "</h2>", best),
$("<div class='ui segment' />").append("<h2 class='ui header'>" + T("Recent scores") + "</h2>", recent)
loadScoresPage("best", mode);
loadScoresPage("recent", mode);
function loadMoreClick() {
var t = $(this);
if (t.hasClass("disabled"))
var type = t.parents("table[data-type]").data("type");
var mode = t.parents("div[data-mode]").data("mode");
loadScoresPage(type, mode);
// currentPage for each mode
var currentPage = {
0: {best: 0, recent: 0},
1: {best: 0, recent: 0},
2: {best: 0, recent: 0},
3: {best: 0, recent: 0},
var scoreStore = {};
function loadScoresPage(type, mode) {
var table = $("#scores-zone div[data-mode=" + mode + "] table[data-type=" + type + "] tbody");
var page = ++currentPage[mode][type];
console.log("loadScoresPage with", {
page: page,
type: type,
mode: mode,
api("users/scores/relax/" + type, {
mode: mode,
p: page,
l: 20,
id: userID,
}, function(r) {
if (r.scores == null) {
disableLoadMoreButton(type, mode);
r.scores.forEach(function(v, idx){
scoreStore[] = v;
if (v.completed == 0){
var scoreRank = "failed";
var scoreRank = getRank(mode, v.mods, v.accuracy, v.count_300, v.count_100, v.count_50, v.count_miss);
table.append($("<tr class='new score-row' data-scoreid='" + + "' />").append(
"<td><img src='/static/ranking-icons/" + scoreRank + ".png' class='score rank' alt='" + scoreRank + "' height='16' width='16' > " +
escapeHTML(v.beatmap.song_name) + " <b>" + getScoreMods(v.mods) + "</b> <i>(" + v.accuracy.toFixed(2) + "%)</i><br />" +
"<div class='subtitle'><time class='new timeago' datetime='" + v.time + "'>" + v.time + "</time></div></td>"
$("<td><b>" + ppOrScore(v.pp, v.score) + "</b> " + weightedPP(type, page, idx, v.pp) + (v.completed == 3 ? "<br>" + downloadStar( : "") + "</td>")
$(".new.downloadstar").click(function(e) {
var enable = true;
if (r.scores.length != 20)
enable = false;
disableLoadMoreButton(type, mode, enable);
function downloadStar(id) {
return "<a href='/web/replays_relax/" + id + "' class='new downloadstar'><i class='star icon'></i>" + T("Download") + "</a>";
function weightedPP(type, page, idx, pp) {
if (type != "best" || pp == 0)
return "";
var perc = Math.pow(0.95, ((page - 1) * 20) + idx);
var wpp = pp * perc;
return "<i title='Weighted PP, " + Math.round(perc*100) + "%'>(" + wpp.toFixed(2) + "pp)</i>";
function disableLoadMoreButton(type, mode, enable) {
var button = $("#scores-zone div[data-mode=" + mode + "] table[data-type=" + type + "] .load-more-button");
if (enable) button.removeClass("disabled");
else button.addClass("disabled");
function viewScoreInfo() {
var scoreid = $(this).data("scoreid");
if (!scoreid && scoreid !== 0) return;
var s = scoreStore[scoreid];
if (s === undefined) return;
// data to be displayed in the table.
var data = {
"Points": addCommas(s.score),
"PP": addCommas(s.pp),
"Beatmap": "<a href='/b/" + s.beatmap.beatmap_id + "'>" + escapeHTML(s.beatmap.song_name) + "</a>",
"Accuracy": s.accuracy + "%",
"Max combo": addCommas(s.max_combo) + "/" + addCommas(s.beatmap.max_combo)
+ (s.full_combo ? " " + T("(full combo)") : ""),
"Difficulty": T("{{ stars }} star", {
stars: s.beatmap.difficulty2[modesShort[s.play_mode]],
count: Math.round(s.beatmap.difficulty2[modesShort[s.play_mode]]),
"Mods": getScoreMods(s.mods, true),
// hits data
var hd = {};
var trans = modeTranslations[s.play_mode];
].forEach(function(val, i) {
hd[trans[i]] = val;
data = $.extend(data, hd, {
"Ranked?": T(s.completed == 3 ? "Yes" : "No"),
"Achieved": s.time,
"Mode": modes[s.play_mode],
var els = [];
$.each(data, function(key, value) {
$("<tr />").append(
$("<td>" + T(key) + "</td>"),
$("<td>" + value + "</td>")
$("#score-data-table tr").remove();
var modeTranslations = [
"GREATs (Gekis)",
"GOODs (Katus)",
"Fruits (300s)",
"Ticks (100s)",
"Droplet misses",
"Max 300s",
function getRank(gameMode, mods, acc, c300, c100, c50, cmiss) {
var total = c300+c100+c50+cmiss;
// Hidden | Flashlight | FadeIn
var hdfl = (mods & (1049608)) > 0;
var ss = hdfl ? "SSHD" : "SS";
var s = hdfl ? "SHD" : "S";
switch(gameMode) {
case 0:
case 1:
var ratio300 = c300 / total;
var ratio50 = c50 / total;
if (ratio300 == 1)
return ss;
if (ratio300 > 0.9 && ratio50 <= 0.01 && cmiss == 0)
return s;
if ((ratio300 > 0.8 && cmiss == 0) || (ratio300 > 0.9))
return "A";
if ((ratio300 > 0.7 && cmiss == 0) || (ratio300 > 0.8))
return "B";
if (ratio300 > 0.6)
return "C";
return "D";
case 2:
if (acc == 100)
return ss;
if (acc > 98)
return s;
if (acc > 94)
return "A";
if (acc > 90)
return "B";
if (acc > 85)
return "C";
return "D";
case 3:
if (acc == 100)
return ss;
if (acc > 95)
return s;
if (acc > 90)
return "A";
if (acc > 80)
return "B";
if (acc > 70)
return "C";
return "D";
function ppOrScore(pp, score) {
if (pp != 0)
return addCommas(pp.toFixed(2)) + "pp";
return addCommas(score);
function beatmapLink(type, id) {
if (type == "s")
return "<a href='/s/" + id + "'>" + id + '</a>';
return "<a href='/b/" + id + "'>" + id + '</a>';
@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
{{ define "clanMembers" }}
{ with . }}
<div class="ui three column center aligned stackable grid">
{{ $teamJSON := teamJSON }}
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,264 @@
{{ define "tpl" }}
<div class="ui container">
{{ if .UserID }}
{{ $gqm := atoi (.Gin.Query "mode") }}
{{ $global := . }}
{{ with (.Get "users/full?id=%d" .UserID) }}
{{ $favouritemode := _or $gqm .favourite_mode }}
window.favouriteMode = {{ $favouritemode }};
window.userID = {{ .id }};
{{ if after .silence_info.end }}
<div class="ui error centered message">{{ $global.T "User is <b>silenced</b> for %s, expires %s." (.silence_info.reason | htmlescaper) (time .silence_info.end) | html }}</div>
{{ end }}
{{ $sarah := has .id 1193 }}
{{ $alicia := has .id 1000 }}
{{ $catherine := has .id 999 }}
{{ $super := has .privileges 7340031 }}
{{ $dev := has .privileges 11534335 }}
{{ $donor := has .privileges 7 }}
{{ $admin := has .privileges 3049983 }}
{{ $chatmod := has .privileges 786763 }}
{{ $bn := has .privileges 267 }}
{{ if hasAdmin $global.Context.User.Privileges }}
{{ $restr := not (has .privileges 1) }}
{{ $disab := not (has .privileges 2) }}
{{ $pend := has .privileges 1048576 }}
{{ if and $disab $restr }}
{{ if $pend }}
<div class="ui warning centered message">{{ $global.T "User is <b>%s</b>" "pending verification" | html }}.</div>
{{ else }}
<div class="ui error centered message">{{ $global.T "User is <b>%s</b>" "banned" | html }}.</div>
{{ end }}
{{ else if $restr }}
<div class="ui error centered message">{{ $global.T "User is <b>%s</b>" "restricted" | html }}.</div>
{{ else if $disab }}
<div class="ui error centered message">{{ $global.T "User is <b>%s</b>" "locked" | html }}.</div>
{{ end }}
{{ end }}
{{ with $global.Get "users/userpage?id=%.0f" .id }}
{{ if .userpage }}
{{ with parseUserpage .userpage }}
<div class="ui raised segment twemoji" id="userpage-content">
{{ html . }}
{{ end }}
{{ end }}
{{ end }}
<div class="ui top attached segment overflow auto">
<div class="magic table">
<div class="table element">
{{ if eq $global.UserID $global.Context.User.ID }}
<a href="/settings/avatar">
{{ end }}
<img src="{{ config "AvatarURL" }}/{{ .id }}" alt="avatar" class="user avatar">
{{ if eq $global.UserID $global.Context.User.ID }}
{{ end }}
<div class="table element">
<h1 class="ui header">
{{ if $super }}
<div class="owner">
{{ .username }}
{{else if $donor}}
<div class="dev">
{{ .username }}
{{ else }}
{{ .username }}
{{ end }}
{{ if .username_aka }}
<div class="subtitle">
{{ $global.T "(aka <b>%s</b>)" (.username_aka | htmlescaper) | html }}
{{ end }}
{{ with bget "isOnline?id=%.0f" .id }}
<div class="subtitle">
<i class="{{ if .result }}green{{ else }}grey{{ end }} circle icon"></i>
{{ if .result }}{{ $global.T "Online" }}{{ else }}{{ $global.T "Offline" }}{{ end }}
{{ end }}
<div class="magic table floating right">
<div class="table element">
{{ range $k, $v := (slice .std .taiko .ctb .mania) }}
<h1 data-mode="{{ $k }}"{{ if ne $k (int $favouritemode) }} hidden{{ end }}>{{ with and $v $v.global_leaderboard_rank }}#{{ . }}{{ else }}{{ $global.T "Unknown" }}{{ end }}</h1>
{{ end }}
<div id="profile-actions">
{{ if and (ne $global.Context.User.ID $global.UserID) (ne $global.Context.User.ID 0) }}
<button class="ui circular mini icon loading button" id="add-friend-button">
<i class="horizontal ellipsis icon"></i>
{{ end }}
{{ if eq $global.Context.User.ID $global.UserID }}
<a href="/settings" class="ui circular mini teal icon button"
title="{{ $global.T "Settings" }}">
<i class="edit icon"></i>
{{ end }}
{{ if hasAdmin $global.Context.User.Privileges }}
<a href="{{ $global.UserID }}"
target="_blank" title="Quick edit" class="ui circular mini blue icon button">
<i class="folder open outline icon"></i>
{{ end }}
{{ $user := . }}
<div class="ui four item bottom attached menu" id="mode-menu">
{{ range $k, $v := modes }}
<a class="{{ favMode $favouritemode $k }}item" data-mode="{{ $k }}" href="/u/{{ $ }}?mode={{ $k }}">{{ $v }}</a>
{{ end }}
<div class="ui segment">
<div class="ui three column divided stackable grid">
<div class="row">
<div class="column">
{{if $super }}
{{ $global.T "<b >%s</b> " .username | html }}
is an <i class="pink code small icon"></i><b>Owner</b>
{{ $global.T " from <b>%s</b>." (country .country true) | html }}
{{else if $dev}}
{{ $global.T "<b>%s</b> " .username | html }}
is a <i class="blue code small icon"></i><b>Developer</b>
{{ $global.T " from <b>%s</b>." (country .country true) | html }}
{{else if $admin}}
{{ $global.T "<b>%s</b> " .username | html }}
is an <i class="red lightning small icon"></i><b>Administrator</b>
{{ $global.T " from <b>%s</b>." (country .country true) | html }}
{{else if $chatmod}}
{{ $global.T "<b>%s</b> " .username | html }}
is a <i class="blue star small icon"></i><b>Chat Mod</b>
{{ $global.T " from <b>%s</b>." (country .country true) | html }}
{{else if $bn}}
{{ $global.T "<b>%s</b> " .username | html }}
is a <i class="orange universal access small icon"></i><b>Nominator</b>
{{ $global.T " from <b>%s</b>." (country .country true) | html }}
{{else if $donor }}
{{ $global.T "<b>%s</b> " .username | html }}
is a <i class="pink heart small icon"></i><b>Supporter</b>
{{ $global.T " from <b>%s</b>." (country .country true) | html }}
{{ else }}
{{ $global.T "<b>%s</b> is a player from <b>%s</b>." .username (country .country true) | html }}
{{ end }}
<br>{{ $global.T "They signed up on Yozora %s." (time $user.registered_on) | html }}
<br>{{ $global.T "Last seen: %s." (time $user.latest_activity) | html }}
<br>{{ with playstyle .play_style $global }}{{ $global.T "They play with %s." . }}{{ end }}
<div class="column">
{{ if and (not .badges) (not .custom_badge) }}
{{ $global.T "This user hasn't got any badges!" }}
{{ else }}
<div class="ui grid">
{{ range .badges }}
<div class="eight wide centered column">
<i class="circular {{ faIcon .icon }} big icon"></i><br>
<b>{{ .name }}</b>
{{ end }}
{{ with .custom_badge }}
<div class="eight wide centered column">
<i class="circular {{ faIcon .icon }} big icon"></i><br>
<b><i>{{ .name }}</i></b>
{{ end }}
{{ end }}
<div class="column">
{{ range $k, $v := (slice .std .taiko .ctb .mania) }}
<div data-mode="{{ $k }}" {{ if ne $k (int $favouritemode) }} hidden{{ end }}>
<table class="ui very basic two column compact table nopad">
{{ with .global_leaderboard_rank }}
<td><b>{{ $global.T "Global rank" }}</b></td>
<td class="right aligned">#{{ . }}</td>
{{ end }}
{{ with .country_leaderboard_rank }}
<td><b>{{ $global.T "Country rank" }} {{ country $ false }}</b></td>
<td class="right aligned">#{{ . }}</td>
{{ end }}
<td><b>{{ $global.T "PP" }}</b></td>
<td class="right aligned">{{ humanize .pp }}</td>
<td><b>{{ $global.T "Ranked score" }}</b></td>
<td class="right aligned">{{ humanize .ranked_score }}</td>
<td><b>{{ $global.T "Total score" }}</b></td>
<td class="right aligned">{{ humanize .total_score }}</td>
<td><b>{{ $global.T "Playcount" }}</b></td>
<td class="right aligned">{{ humanize .playcount }}</td>
<td><b>{{ $global.T "Replays watched" }}</b></td>
<td class="right aligned">{{ humanize .replays_watched }}</td>
<td><b>{{ $global.T "Total hits" }}</b></td>
<td class="right aligned">{{ humanize .total_hits }}</td>
</tr> <tr>
<td><b>{{ $global.T "Accuracy" }}</b></td>
<td class="right aligned">{{ printf "%.2f" .accuracy }}%</td>
<div class="ui blue progress little margin top" data-percent="{{ levelPercent .level }}">
<div class="bar">
<div class="progress">{{ levelPercent .level }}%</div>
<div class="label">{{ $global.T "Level %s" (level .level) }}</div>
{{ end }}
</div> <!-- end grid segment -->
<div id="scores-zone">
{{ range _range 4 }}
<div data-mode="{{ . }}" {{ if ne . (int $favouritemode) }} hidden{{ end }} data-loaded="0">
{{ end }}
<div class="ui segment">
<h2 class="ui header">{{ $global.T "Achievements" }}</h2>
<div id="achievements" class="ui grid">
<div class="right aligned">
<button class="ui disabled button" id="load-more-achievements">
{{ $global.T "Load more" }}
<div class="ui modal">
<i class="close icon"></i>
<div class="content">
<table class="ui definition table" id="score-data-table">
{{ end }}
{{ end }}
{{ end }}
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,264 @@
{{ define "tpl" }}
<div class="ui container">
{{ if .UserID }}
{{ $gqm := atoi (.Gin.Query "mode") }}
{{ $global := . }}
{{ with (.Get "users/full?id=%d" .UserID) }}
{{ $favouritemode := _or $gqm .favourite_mode }}
window.favouriteMode = {{ $favouritemode }};
window.userID = {{ .id }};
{{ if after .silence_info.end }}
<div class="ui error centered message">{{ $global.T "User is <b>silenced</b> for %s, expires %s." (.silence_info.reason | htmlescaper) (time .silence_info.end) | html }}</div>
{{ end }}
{{ $sarah := has .id 1193 }}
{{ $alicia := has .id 1000 }}
{{ $catherine := has .id 999 }}
{{ $super := has .privileges 7340031 }}
{{ $dev := has .privileges 11534335 }}
{{ $donor := has .privileges 7 }}
{{ $admin := has .privileges 3049983 }}
{{ $chatmod := has .privileges 786763 }}
{{ $bn := has .privileges 267 }}
{{ if hasAdmin $global.Context.User.Privileges }}
{{ $restr := not (has .privileges 1) }}
{{ $disab := not (has .privileges 2) }}
{{ $pend := has .privileges 1048576 }}
{{ if and $disab $restr }}
{{ if $pend }}
<div class="ui warning centered message">{{ $global.T "User is <b>%s</b>" "pending verification" | html }}.</div>
{{ else }}
<div class="ui error centered message">{{ $global.T "User is <b>%s</b>" "banned" | html }}.</div>
{{ end }}
{{ else if $restr }}
<div class="ui error centered message">{{ $global.T "User is <b>%s</b>" "restricted" | html }}.</div>
{{ else if $disab }}
<div class="ui error centered message">{{ $global.T "User is <b>%s</b>" "locked" | html }}.</div>
{{ end }}
{{ end }}
{{ with $global.Get "users/userpage?id=%.0f" .id }}
{{ if .userpage }}
{{ with parseUserpage .userpage }}
<div class="ui raised segment twemoji" id="userpage-content">
{{ html . }}
{{ end }}
{{ end }}
{{ end }}
<div class="ui top attached segment overflow auto">
<div class="magic table">
<div class="table element">
{{ if eq $global.UserID $global.Context.User.ID }}
<a href="/settings/avatar">
{{ end }}
<img src="{{ config "AvatarURL" }}/{{ .id }}" alt="avatar" class="user avatar">
{{ if eq $global.UserID $global.Context.User.ID }}
{{ end }}
<div class="table element">
<h1 class="ui header">
{{ if $super }}
<div class="owner">
{{ .username }}
{{else if $donor}}
<div class="dev">
{{ .username }}
{{ else }}
{{ .username }}
{{ end }}
{{ if .username_aka }}
<div class="subtitle">
{{ $global.T "(aka <b>%s</b>)" (.username_aka | htmlescaper) | html }}
{{ end }}
{{ with bget "isOnline?id=%.0f" .id }}
<div class="subtitle">
<i class="{{ if .result }}green{{ else }}grey{{ end }} circle icon"></i>
{{ if .result }}{{ $global.T "Online" }}{{ else }}{{ $global.T "Offline" }}{{ end }}
{{ end }}
<div class="magic table floating right">
<div class="table element">
{{ range $k, $v := (slice .std .taiko .ctb .mania) }}
<h1 data-mode="{{ $k }}"{{ if ne $k (int $favouritemode) }} hidden{{ end }}>{{ with and $v $v.global_leaderboard_rank }}#{{ . }}{{ else }}{{ $global.T "Unknown" }}{{ end }}</h1>
{{ end }}
<div id="profile-actions">
{{ if and (ne $global.Context.User.ID $global.UserID) (ne $global.Context.User.ID 0) }}
<button class="ui circular mini icon loading button" id="add-friend-button">
<i class="horizontal ellipsis icon"></i>
{{ end }}
{{ if eq $global.Context.User.ID $global.UserID }}
<a href="/settings" class="ui circular mini teal icon button"
title="{{ $global.T "Settings" }}">
<i class="edit icon"></i>
{{ end }}
{{ if hasAdmin $global.Context.User.Privileges }}
<a href="{{ $global.UserID }}"
target="_blank" title="Quick edit" class="ui circular mini blue icon button">
<i class="folder open outline icon"></i>
{{ end }}
{{ $user := . }}
<div class="ui four item bottom attached menu" id="mode-menu">
{{ range $k, $v := modes }}
<a class="{{ favMode $favouritemode $k }}item" data-mode="{{ $k }}" href="/u/{{ $ }}?mode={{ $k }}">{{ $v }}</a>
{{ end }}
<div class="ui segment">
<div class="ui three column divided stackable grid">
<div class="row">
<div class="column">
{{if $super }}
{{ $global.T "<b >%s</b> " .username | html }}
is an <i class="pink code small icon"></i><b>Owner</b>
{{ $global.T " from <b>%s</b>." (country .country true) | html }}
{{else if $dev}}
{{ $global.T "<b>%s</b> " .username | html }}
is a <i class="blue code small icon"></i><b>Developer</b>
{{ $global.T " from <b>%s</b>." (country .country true) | html }}
{{else if $admin}}
{{ $global.T "<b>%s</b> " .username | html }}
is an <i class="red lightning small icon"></i><b>Administrator</b>
{{ $global.T " from <b>%s</b>." (country .country true) | html }}
{{else if $chatmod}}
{{ $global.T "<b>%s</b> " .username | html }}
is a <i class="blue star small icon"></i><b>Chat Mod</b>
{{ $global.T " from <b>%s</b>." (country .country true) | html }}
{{else if $bn}}
{{ $global.T "<b>%s</b> " .username | html }}
is a <i class="orange universal access small icon"></i><b>Nominator</b>
{{ $global.T " from <b>%s</b>." (country .country true) | html }}
{{else if $donor }}
{{ $global.T "<b>%s</b> " .username | html }}
is a <i class="pink heart small icon"></i><b>Supporter</b>
{{ $global.T " from <b>%s</b>." (country .country true) | html }}
{{ else }}
{{ $global.T "<b>%s</b> is a player from <b>%s</b>." .username (country .country true) | html }}
{{ end }}
<br>{{ $global.T "They signed up on Yozora %s." (time $user.registered_on) | html }}
<br>{{ $global.T "Last seen: %s." (time $user.latest_activity) | html }}
<br>{{ with playstyle .play_style $global }}{{ $global.T "They play with %s." . }}{{ end }}
<div class="column">
{{ if and (not .badges) (not .custom_badge) }}
{{ $global.T "This user hasn't got any badges!" }}
{{ else }}
<div class="ui grid">
{{ range .badges }}
<div class="eight wide centered column">
<i class="circular {{ faIcon .icon }} big icon"></i><br>
<b>{{ .name }}</b>
{{ end }}
{{ with .custom_badge }}
<div class="eight wide centered column">
<i class="circular {{ faIcon .icon }} big icon"></i><br>
<b><i>{{ .name }}</i></b>
{{ end }}
{{ end }}
<div class="column">
{{ range $k, $v := (slice .std .taiko .ctb .mania) }}
<div data-mode="{{ $k }}" {{ if ne $k (int $favouritemode) }} hidden{{ end }}>
<table class="ui very basic two column compact table nopad">
{{ with .global_leaderboard_rank }}
<td><b>{{ $global.T "Global rank" }}</b></td>
<td class="right aligned">#{{ . }}</td>
{{ end }}
{{ with .country_leaderboard_rank }}
<td><b>{{ $global.T "Country rank" }} {{ country $ false }}</b></td>
<td class="right aligned">#{{ . }}</td>
{{ end }}
<td><b>{{ $global.T "PP" }}</b></td>
<td class="right aligned">{{ humanize .pp }}</td>
<td><b>{{ $global.T "Ranked score" }}</b></td>
<td class="right aligned">{{ humanize .ranked_score }}</td>
<td><b>{{ $global.T "Total score" }}</b></td>
<td class="right aligned">{{ humanize .total_score }}</td>
<td><b>{{ $global.T "Playcount" }}</b></td>
<td class="right aligned">{{ humanize .playcount }}</td>
<td><b>{{ $global.T "Replays watched" }}</b></td>
<td class="right aligned">{{ humanize .replays_watched }}</td>
<td><b>{{ $global.T "Total hits" }}</b></td>
<td class="right aligned">{{ humanize .total_hits }}</td>
</tr> <tr>
<td><b>{{ $global.T "Accuracy" }}</b></td>
<td class="right aligned">{{ printf "%.2f" .accuracy }}%</td>
<div class="ui blue progress little margin top" data-percent="{{ levelPercent .level }}">
<div class="bar">
<div class="progress">{{ levelPercent .level }}%</div>
<div class="label">{{ $global.T "Level %s" (level .level) }}</div>
{{ end }}
</div> <!-- end grid segment -->
<div id="scores-zone">
{{ range _range 4 }}
<div data-mode="{{ . }}" {{ if ne . (int $favouritemode) }} hidden{{ end }} data-loaded="0">
{{ end }}
<div class="ui segment">
<h2 class="ui header">{{ $global.T "Achievements" }}</h2>
<div id="achievements" class="ui grid">
<div class="right aligned">
<button class="ui disabled button" id="load-more-achievements">
{{ $global.T "Load more" }}
<div class="ui modal">
<i class="close icon"></i>
<div class="content">
<table class="ui definition table" id="score-data-table">
{{ end }}
{{ end }}
{{ end }}
Reference in New Issue
Block a user