# Hanayo ![build status](https://ci.zxq.co/api/badges/ripple/hanayo/status.svg) This repository has a mirror [here](https://github.com/osuripple/hanayo). The original repo is still [here](https://github.com/osuYozora/hanayo). ## To fellow developers: this is not how you do it! The biggest flaw of hanayo are that when I set out to create it, I wanted to create a template system that: * Created a handler by simply having the file "be there" * Could fetch the data it needed on its own, often from the Ripple API * Had the actual Go code be as little as possible This was not immediately evident to me, a Go beginner, but what I did there was basically make Go be PHP. The biggest lesson I learned on how to properly do templates, was learning to use [Vue](https://vuejs.org/). Yes, Vue can be used for the frontend and not really for server-rendered stuff, but even just learning how to do stuff with it can help you understand what a template is actually supposed to be in order to be maintainable. The key concepts and insights for me where: * Separating clearly code and markup, making the template declarative and keeping as little code in the template * A template should be purely functional. Its mere creation should not generate side effects, nor should it be dependent on things that are not its precise inputs: for a given input there is a specific output. * The concept of component as a single self-contained entity which is the same wherever you use it is very powerful. * Once a template/component starts becoming too big, split it into more components. But don't stop here. Actually making a project using Vue helps you to understand this much more easily than using mere words. Go ahead and build something, even if just to play around!