package raven import ( "fmt" "go/build" "io/ioutil" "os" "path/filepath" "runtime" "strings" "testing" ) type FunctionNameTest struct { skip int pack string name string } var ( thisFile string thisPackage string functionNameTests []FunctionNameTest ) func TestFunctionName(t *testing.T) { for _, test := range functionNameTests { pc, _, _, _ := runtime.Caller(test.skip) pack, name := functionName(pc) if pack != test.pack { t.Errorf("incorrect package; got %s, want %s", pack, test.pack) } if name != { t.Errorf("incorrect function; got %s, want %s", name, } } } func TestStacktrace(t *testing.T) { st := trace() if st == nil { t.Error("got nil stacktrace") } if len(st.Frames) == 0 { t.Error("got zero frames") } f := st.Frames[len(st.Frames)-1] if f.Filename != thisFile { t.Errorf("incorrect Filename; got %s, want %s", f.Filename, thisFile) } if !strings.HasSuffix(f.AbsolutePath, thisFile) { t.Error("incorrect AbsolutePath:", f.AbsolutePath) } if f.Function != "trace" { t.Error("incorrect Function:", f.Function) } if f.Module != thisPackage { t.Error("incorrect Module:", f.Module) } if f.Lineno != 87 { t.Error("incorrect Lineno:", f.Lineno) } if f.ContextLine != "\treturn NewStacktrace(0, 2, []string{thisPackage})" { t.Errorf("incorrect ContextLine: %#v", f.ContextLine) } if len(f.PreContext) != 2 || f.PreContext[0] != "// a" || f.PreContext[1] != "func trace() *Stacktrace {" { t.Errorf("incorrect PreContext %#v", f.PreContext) } if len(f.PostContext) != 2 || f.PostContext[0] != "\t// b" || f.PostContext[1] != "}" { t.Errorf("incorrect PostContext %#v", f.PostContext) } _, filename, _, _ := runtime.Caller(0) runningInVendored := strings.Contains(filename, "vendor") if f.InApp != !runningInVendored { t.Error("expected InApp to be true") } if f.InApp && st.Culprit() != fmt.Sprintf("%s.trace", thisPackage) { t.Error("incorrect Culprit:", st.Culprit()) } } // a func trace() *Stacktrace { return NewStacktrace(0, 2, []string{thisPackage}) // b } func derivePackage() (file, pack string) { // Get file name by seeking caller's file name. _, callerFile, _, ok := runtime.Caller(1) if !ok { return } // Trim file name file = callerFile for _, dir := range build.Default.SrcDirs() { dir := dir + string(filepath.Separator) if trimmed := strings.TrimPrefix(callerFile, dir); len(trimmed) < len(file) { file = trimmed } } // Now derive package name dir := filepath.Dir(callerFile) dirPkg, err := build.ImportDir(dir, build.AllowBinary) if err != nil { return } pack = dirPkg.ImportPath return } func init() { thisFile, thisPackage = derivePackage() functionNameTests = []FunctionNameTest{ {0, thisPackage, "TestFunctionName"}, {1, "testing", "tRunner"}, {2, "runtime", "goexit"}, {100, "", ""}, } } // TestNewStacktrace_outOfBounds verifies that a context exceeding the number // of lines in a file does not cause a panic. func TestNewStacktrace_outOfBounds(t *testing.T) { st := NewStacktrace(0, 1000000, []string{thisPackage}) f := st.Frames[len(st.Frames)-1] if f.ContextLine != "\tst := NewStacktrace(0, 1000000, []string{thisPackage})" { t.Errorf("incorrect ContextLine: %#v", f.ContextLine) } } func TestNewStacktrace_noFrames(t *testing.T) { st := NewStacktrace(999999999, 0, []string{}) if st != nil { t.Errorf("expected st.Frames to be nil: %v", st) } } func TestFileContext(t *testing.T) { // reset the cache fileCache = make(map[string][][]byte) tempdir, err := ioutil.TempDir("", "") if err != nil { t.Fatal("failed to create temporary directory:", err) } defer os.RemoveAll(tempdir) okPath := filepath.Join(tempdir, "ok") missingPath := filepath.Join(tempdir, "missing") noPermissionPath := filepath.Join(tempdir, "noperms") err = ioutil.WriteFile(okPath, []byte("hello\nworld\n"), 0600) if err != nil { t.Fatal("failed writing file:", err) } err = ioutil.WriteFile(noPermissionPath, []byte("no access\n"), 0000) if err != nil { t.Fatal("failed writing file:", err) } tests := []struct { path string expectedLines int expectedIndex int }{ {okPath, 1, 0}, {missingPath, 0, 0}, {noPermissionPath, 0, 0}, } for i, test := range tests { lines, index := fileContext(test.path, 1, 0) if !(len(lines) == test.expectedLines && index == test.expectedIndex) { t.Errorf("%d: fileContext(%#v, 1, 0) = %v, %v; expected len()=%d, %d", i, test.path, lines, index, test.expectedLines, test.expectedIndex) } if len(fileCache) != i+1 { t.Errorf("%d: result was not cached; len(fileCached)=%d", i, len(fileCache)) } } }