name: common: Afghanistan official: Islamic Republic of Afghanistan native: prs: common: افغانستان official: جمهوری اسلامی افغانستان pus: common: افغانستان official: د افغانستان اسلامي جمهوریت tuk: common: Owganystan official: Owganystan Yslam Respublikasy eumember: false landlocked: true nationality: "" tlds: - .af languages: prs: Dari pus: Pashto tuk: Turkmen translations: CYM: common: Affganistan official: Islamic Republic of Afghanistan NLD: common: Afghanistan official: Islamitische Republiek Afghanistan RUS: common: Афганистан official: Исламская Республика Афганистан currencies: - AFN borders: - IRN - PAK - TKM - UZB - TJK - CHN codes: alpha2: AF alpha3: AFG cioc: AFG ccn3: "004" callingcodes: - "93" internationalprefix: "00" geo: region: Asia subregion: Southern Asia continent: Asia capital: Kabul area: 652230 coordinates: longitudestring: 65 00 E latitudestring: 33 00 N minlongitude: 60.566666 minlatitude: 29.383333 maxlongitude: 74.88687 maxlatitude: 38.483612 latitude: 33.83325 longitude: 66.02528