name: common: Bahamas official: Commonwealth of the Bahamas native: eng: common: Bahamas official: Commonwealth of the Bahamas eumember: false landlocked: false nationality: "" tlds: - .bs languages: eng: English translations: CYM: common: Bahamas official: Commonwealth of the Bahamas FIN: common: Bahamasaaret official: Bahaman liittovaltio FRA: common: Bahamas official: Commonwealth des Bahamas HRV: common: Bahami official: Zajednica Bahama ITA: common: Bahamas official: Commonwealth delle Bahamas JPN: common: バハマ official: バハマ RUS: common: Багамские Острова official: Содружество Багамских Островов SPA: common: Bahamas official: Commonwealth de las Bahamas currencies: - BSD borders: [] codes: alpha2: BS alpha3: BHS cioc: BAH ccn3: "044" callingcodes: - "1242" internationalprefix: "011" geo: region: Americas subregion: Caribbean continent: North America capital: Nassau area: 13943 coordinates: longitudestring: 76 00 W latitudestring: 24 15 N minlongitude: -80.48333 minlatitude: 20 maxlongitude: -70 maxlatitude: 29.375 latitude: 25.035648 longitude: -77.39513