name: common: Bhutan official: Kingdom of Bhutan native: dzo: common: འབྲུག་ཡུལ་ official: འབྲུག་རྒྱལ་ཁབ་ eumember: false landlocked: true nationality: "" tlds: - .bt languages: dzo: Dzongkha translations: CYM: common: Bhwtan official: Kingdom of Bhutan DEU: common: Bhutan official: Königreich Bhutan FIN: common: Bhutan official: Bhutanin kuningaskunta JPN: common: ブータン official: ブータン王国 NLD: common: Bhutan official: Koninkrijk Bhutan POR: common: Butão official: Reino do Butão RUS: common: Бутан official: Королевство Бутан SPA: common: Bután official: Reino de Bután currencies: - BTN - INR borders: - CHN - IND codes: alpha2: BT alpha3: BTN cioc: BHU ccn3: "064" callingcodes: - "975" internationalprefix: "00" geo: region: Asia subregion: Southern Asia continent: Asia capital: Thimphu area: 38394 coordinates: longitudestring: 90 30 E latitudestring: 27 30 N minlongitude: 80 minlatitude: 26.716667 maxlongitude: 92.03333 maxlatitude: 30 latitude: 27.41688 longitude: 90.43476