name: common: Botswana official: Republic of Botswana native: eng: common: Botswana official: Republic of Botswana tsn: common: Botswana official: Lefatshe la Botswana eumember: false landlocked: true nationality: "" tlds: - .bw languages: eng: English tsn: Tswana translations: FIN: common: Botswana official: Botswanan tasavalta FRA: common: Botswana official: République du Botswana NLD: common: Botswana official: Republiek Botswana POR: common: Botswana official: República do Botswana SPA: common: Botswana official: República de Botswana currencies: - BWP borders: - NAM - ZAF - ZMB - ZWE codes: alpha2: BW alpha3: BWA cioc: BOT ccn3: "072" callingcodes: - "267" internationalprefix: "00" geo: region: Africa subregion: Southern Africa continent: Africa capital: Gaborone area: 582000 coordinates: longitudestring: 24 00 E latitudestring: 22 00 S minlongitude: 20 minlatitude: -26.833332 maxlongitude: 29.016666 maxlatitude: -17.833332 latitude: -22.186752 longitude: 23.814941