name: common: Chile official: Republic of Chile native: spa: common: Chile official: República de Chile eumember: false landlocked: false nationality: "" tlds: - .cl languages: spa: Spanish translations: CYM: common: Chile official: Republic of Chile DEU: common: Chile official: Republik Chile FIN: common: Chile official: Chilen tasavalta FRA: common: Chili official: République du Chili HRV: common: Čile official: Republika Čile ITA: common: Cile official: Repubblica del Cile NLD: common: Chili official: Republiek Chili RUS: common: Чили official: Республика Чили SPA: common: Chile official: República de Chile currencies: - CLF - CLP borders: - ARG - BOL - PER codes: alpha2: CL alpha3: CHL cioc: CHI ccn3: "152" callingcodes: - "56" internationalprefix: "00" geo: region: Americas subregion: South America continent: South America capital: Santiago area: 756102 coordinates: longitudestring: 71 00 W latitudestring: 30 00 S minlongitude: -109.46667 minlatitude: -56.533333 maxlongitude: -66.433334 maxlatitude: -17.53 latitude: -35.78623 longitude: -71.674675