name: common: Guernsey official: Bailiwick of Guernsey native: eng: common: Guernsey official: Bailiwick of Guernsey fra: common: Guernesey official: Bailliage de Guernesey nfr: common: Dgèrnésiais official: Dgèrnésiais eumember: false landlocked: false nationality: "" tlds: - .gg languages: eng: English fra: French nfr: Guernésiais translations: FRA: common: Guernesey official: Bailliage de Guernesey HRV: common: Guernsey official: Struka Guernsey JPN: common: ガーンジー official: ガーンジーの得意分野 NLD: common: Guernsey official: Baljuwschap Guernsey SPA: common: Guernsey official: Bailía de Guernsey currencies: - GBP borders: [] codes: alpha2: GG alpha3: GGY cioc: "" ccn3: "831" callingcodes: - "44" internationalprefix: "" geo: region: Europe subregion: Northern Europe continent: Europe capital: St. Peter Port area: 78 coordinates: longitudestring: 2 35 W latitudestring: 49 28 N minlongitude: -2.7 minlatitude: 49.40111 maxlongitude: -2.158056 maxlatitude: 49.733334 latitude: 49.720085 longitude: -2.1999686