name: common: Northern Mariana Islands official: Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands native: cal: common: Northern Mariana Islands official: Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands cha: common: Na Islas Mariånas official: Sankattan Siha Na Islas Mariånas eng: common: Northern Mariana Islands official: Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands eumember: false landlocked: false nationality: "" tlds: - .mp languages: cal: Carolinian cha: Chamorro eng: English translations: DEU: common: Nördliche Marianen official: Commonwealth der Nördlichen Marianen FIN: common: Pohjois-Mariaanit official: Pohjois-Mariaanit HRV: common: Sjevernomarijanski otoci official: Zajednica je Sjeverni Marijanski otoci ITA: common: Isole Marianne Settentrionali official: Commonwealth delle Isole Marianne Settentrionali POR: common: Marianas Setentrionais official: Comunidade das Ilhas Marianas do Norte RUS: common: Северные Марианские острова official: Содружество Северных Марианских островов currencies: - USD borders: [] codes: alpha2: MP alpha3: MNP cioc: "" ccn3: "580" callingcodes: - "1670" internationalprefix: "011" geo: region: Oceania subregion: Micronesia continent: Australia capital: Saipan area: 464 coordinates: longitudestring: 145 45 E latitudestring: 15 12 N minlongitude: 144.88637 minlatitude: 4.110382 maxlongitude: 146.06465 maxlatitude: 20.553482 latitude: 15.262779 longitude: 145.80457