name: common: Malta official: Republic of Malta native: eng: common: Malta official: Republic of Malta mlt: common: Malta official: Repubblika ta ' Malta eumember: true landlocked: false nationality: "" tlds: - .mt languages: eng: English mlt: Maltese translations: FIN: common: Malta official: Maltan tasavalta FRA: common: Malte official: République de Malte ITA: common: Malta official: Repubblica di Malta JPN: common: マルタ official: マルタ共和国 NLD: common: Malta official: Republiek Malta POR: common: Malta official: República de Malta RUS: common: Мальта official: Республика Мальта currencies: - EUR borders: [] codes: alpha2: MT alpha3: MLT cioc: MLT ccn3: "470" callingcodes: - "356" internationalprefix: "00" geo: region: Europe subregion: Southern Europe continent: Europe capital: Valletta area: 316 coordinates: longitudestring: 14 35 E latitudestring: 35 50 N minlongitude: 14.185556 minlatitude: 35.78389 maxlongitude: 14.575 maxlatitude: 36.081944 latitude: 35.933365 longitude: 14.381034