name: common: Swaziland official: Kingdom of Swaziland native: eng: common: Swaziland official: Kingdom of Swaziland ssw: common: Swaziland official: Kingdom of Swaziland eumember: false landlocked: true nationality: "" tlds: - .sz languages: eng: English ssw: Swazi translations: DEU: common: Swasiland official: Königreich Swasiland FIN: common: Swazimaa official: Swazimaan kuningaskunta FRA: common: Swaziland official: Royaume du Swaziland HRV: common: Svazi official: Kraljevina Svazi ITA: common: Swaziland official: Regno dello Swaziland JPN: common: スワジランド official: スワジランド王国 NLD: common: Swaziland official: Koninkrijk Swaziland POR: common: Suazilândia official: Reino da Suazilândia RUS: common: Свазиленд official: Королевство Свазиленд currencies: - SZL borders: - MOZ - ZAF codes: alpha2: SZ alpha3: SWZ cioc: SWZ ccn3: "748" callingcodes: - "268" internationalprefix: "00" geo: region: Africa subregion: Southern Africa continent: Africa capital: Lobamba area: 17364 coordinates: longitudestring: 31 30 E latitudestring: 26 30 S minlongitude: 30.783333 minlatitude: -27.316668 maxlongitude: 32.13333 maxlatitude: -25.783333 latitude: -26.565134 longitude: 31.498114