name: common: Uganda official: Republic of Uganda native: eng: common: Uganda official: Republic of Uganda swa: common: Uganda official: Republic of Uganda eumember: false landlocked: true nationality: "" tlds: - .ug languages: eng: English swa: Swahili translations: DEU: common: Uganda official: Republik Uganda NLD: common: Oeganda official: Republiek Uganda POR: common: Uganda official: República do Uganda SPA: common: Uganda official: República de Uganda currencies: - UGX borders: - COD - KEN - RWA - SSD - TZA codes: alpha2: UG alpha3: UGA cioc: UGA ccn3: "800" callingcodes: - "256" internationalprefix: "000" geo: region: Africa subregion: Eastern Africa continent: Africa capital: Kampala area: 241550 coordinates: longitudestring: 32 00 E latitudestring: 1 00 N minlongitude: 29.583332 minlatitude: -1.433333 maxlongitude: 34.95 maxlatitude: 4.166667 latitude: 1.277328 longitude: 32.389984