msgid "" msgstr "" "Project-Id-Version: PACKAGE VERSION\n" "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n" "POT-Creation-Date: 2018-02-25 11:15+0000\n" "PO-Revision-Date: YEAR-MO-DA HO:MI+ZONE\n" "Last-Translator: FULL NAME \n" "Language-Team: LANGUAGE \n" "Language: nl\n" "MIME-Version: 1.0\n" "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n" "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n" "X-Generator: Translate Toolkit 2.0.0\n" "X-Pootle-Path: /nl/Hanayo/templates-nl.po\n" "X-Pootle-Revision: 8339\n" # General msgid "You're already logged in!" msgstr "Je bent al ingelogd!" msgid "Submit" msgstr "Indienen" msgid "Username" msgstr "Gebruikersnaam" msgid "Password" msgstr "Wachtwoord" msgid "Invalid CSRF token" msgstr "Ongeldig CSRF-token" msgid "" "Your session has expired. Please try redoing what you were trying to do." msgstr "Je sessie is verlopen. Probeer opnieuw." msgid "That user could not be found." msgstr "Deze gebruiker kon niet gevonden worden." msgid "Your settings have been saved." msgstr "Je instellingen zijn opgeslagen." # /beatmaps/rank_request msgid "Request beatmap ranking" msgstr "Vraag beatmap ranking aan" msgid "" "Want to play an unranked beatmap and get pp? You can submit beatmaps rank " "requests here!" msgstr "" "Wil je een ongerankte beatmap spelen en pp krijgen? Je kan hier beatmap " "rankings aanvragen!" msgid "Queue status" msgstr "Wachtrij status" msgid "by you" msgstr "door jou" msgid "Requests submitted" msgstr "Aanvraag ingediend" msgid "In the past 24 hours" msgstr "In de laatste 24 uur" msgid "Request a beatmap" msgstr "Vraag een beatmap aan" msgid "You cannot currently request beatmaps!" msgstr "Je kan op dit moment geen beatmaps aanvragen!" # After this text there is a date. The date is localised separately. msgid "Please try again " msgstr "Gelieve opnieuw te proberen" # pwreset/continue.html msgid "Reset password" msgstr "Wachtwoord resetten" msgid "" "Glad to have you back here, %s! To finish the password recovery, type in a " "new password:" msgstr "" "Blij je terug te zien, %s! Om wachtwoord reset te voltooien, gelieve een " "nieuw wachtwoord in te geven:" msgid "Nope." msgstr "Nope :)" msgid "That key could not be found. Perhaps it expired?" msgstr "Deze sleutel kon niet gevonden worden. Misschien is hij verlopen?" msgid "" "All right, we have changed your password and you should now be able to " "login! Have fun!" msgstr "" "Okay, je wachtwoord is veranderd en je zou moeten kunnen inloggen. Veel " "plezier!" # register/register.html msgid "Register" msgstr "Registreer" msgid "" "Sorry, it's not possible to register at the moment. Please try again later." msgstr "" "Sorry, je kan op dit moment niet registreren. Gelieve later opnieuw te " "proberen!" msgid "" "Remember: this seems like it's your second account! Do not multiaccount, or " "you're likely to get restricted!" msgstr "" "Opgepast: het lijkt erop dat dit je tweede account is! Maak geen meerdere " "accounts aan voor dezelfde persoon, of je riskeert een restrictie!" msgid "Username (2 to 15 characters, alphanumeric, spaces, _[]-)" msgstr "" "Gebruikersnaam (2 tot 15 tekens, alphanumerisch, spaties, _[]-)" msgid "Password (at least 8 characters)" msgstr "Wachtwoord (minstens 8 tekens)" msgid "Email" msgstr "E-mail" msgid "" "You have been successfully registered on Ripple! You now need to verify your " "account." msgstr "" "Je bent succesvol geregistreerd bij Ripple! Je moet nu je account verifiëren." # Register checks msgid "Your password is too short! It must be at least 8 characters long." msgstr "Je wachtwoord is te kort! Het moet minstens 8 tekens lang zijn." msgid "" "Your password is one of the most common passwords on the entire internet. No " "way we're letting you use that!" msgstr "" "Je wachtwoord is een van de meest gebruikte wachtwoorden op het internet, " "dit laten we je niet gebruiken!" msgid "" "Your username must contain alphanumerical characters, spaces, or any of " "_[]-" msgstr "" "Je gebruikersnaam meg enkel alphanumerische tekens, spaties of " "_[]- bevatten." msgid "You're not allowed to register with that username." msgstr "Je mag je niet registreren met deze gebruikersnaam!" msgid "Please pass a valid email address." msgstr "Geef een geldig e-mailadres op." msgid "An username can't contain both underscores and spaces." msgstr "Een gebruikersnaam kan niet zowel underscores als spaties bevatten." msgid "An user with that username already exists!" msgstr "Er bestaat al een account met deze gebruikersnaam!" msgid "An user with that email address already exists!" msgstr "Er bestaat al een account met deze e-mail." msgid "Captcha is invalid." msgstr "De captcha is incorrect." msgid "" "Whoops, an error slipped in. You might have been registered, though. I don't " "know." msgstr "" "Oops, er is een foutje gebeurt. Het kan zijn dat je succesvol bent " "geregistreerd, maar we weten dat niet zeker." # register/verify.html msgid "Verify account" msgstr "Account verifiëren" msgid "" "Your account has been created, however it still needs to be verified! " "Please log in into osu! (the game) using your account. " "There is no email confirmation at the moment. All you need to do is " "connect to Ripple from the osu! client! If you're having trouble, follow this guide." msgstr "" "Je account is aangemaakt, maar het moet nog steeds geverifieerd " "worden! Gelieve in te loggen in osu! (het spel) met je " "account. Er is geen email verificatie op dit moment. Al dat je " "moet doen is verbinden met Ripple via de osu! client! Als je problemen " "hebt, volg deze gids." msgid "" "Do not let anyone except yourself log into your Ripple " "account!
Get on our Discord server's #help channel " "instead (after following the steps on this page) so that we can help you out " "if you have trouble connecting." msgstr "" "Laat niemand behalve jezelf inloggen met je Ripple " "account!
Kijk in plaats daarvan in het #help kanaal van onze Discord server (na het volgen vande stappen op deze pagina) " "zodat we je kunnen helpen als je problemen hebt met verbinden." msgid "The Guide, tl;dr version" msgstr "De Gids, korte versie" msgid "Download the server switcher" msgstr "Download de Server Switcher" msgid "Extract it, disable your antivirus, execute it as administrator" msgstr "" "Pak het bestand uit, sluit je antivirus, voer het programma uit als " "administrator" msgid "Click on install certificate, then Yes" msgstr "Klik op install certificate, daarna Yes" msgid "" "Make sure the switcher says you're playing on Ripple server, if not " "click On/Off" msgstr "" "Zorg ervoor dat het programma zegt dat je aan het spelen bent op de " "Ripple server, zoniet druk op On/Off" msgid "" "If it says something about read-only mode, go to C:\\Windows\\" "System32\\Drivers\\etc, open the hosts' file Properties and make sure " "it's not set to \"Read only\"." msgstr "" "Als het iets zegt over \"read-only mode\", ga naar C:\\Windows\\" "System32\\Drivers\\etc, open de bestandsinstellingen van het bestand " "\"hosts\", en zorg ervoor dat het niet op alleen-lezen staat." msgid "" "If you're still having trouble, then again, get on our Discord " "server's #help channel. To have a better chance to be answered, say \"" "strawberry\" anywhere in your messages so that we know you have actually " "read this." msgstr "" "Als je nog steeds problemen hebt, ga dan naar het #help kanaal op onze Discord server. Om een betere kans te hebben een antwoord te " "krijgen, voeg \"strawberry\" toe aan je bericht zodat we weten dat je dit " "gelezen hebt." msgid "Waiting for verification" msgstr "Wachten op verificatie" # register/welcome.html msgid "Welcome!" msgstr "Welkom!" msgid "Welcome back!" msgstr "Welkom terug!" msgid "Congratulations for not reading things!" msgstr "Proficiat, je kan niet lezen!" msgid "Multiaccounts are not allowed on Ripple" msgstr "" "Het maken van meerdere accounts voor dezelfde persoon is niet toegestaan op " "Ripple." msgid "" "Your new account has been banned and your main account has been " "restricted. You can appeal in a month by sending an email to You better " "read the rules next time." msgstr "" "Je nieuwe account is verbannen en je hoofd-account is " "gerestricteerd. Je kan na een maand in beroep gaan door een mail te " "sturen naar Je leest " "volgende keer beter de regels." msgid "Welcome to Ripple" msgstr "Welkom bij Ripple" msgid "" "We're glad to have you here. Your account is now active. You can now " "play on Ripple and log in on the website!" msgstr "" "We zijn blij te hier te hebben. Je account is nu actief. Je kan nu " "spelen op Ripple en inloggen op de website!" msgid "Here's a few things you might want to check out:" msgstr "Hier zijn een paar dingen die je misschien wilt bekijken:" msgid "Login" msgstr "Login" msgid "Rules" msgstr "Regels" msgid "Documentation" msgstr "Documentatie" msgid "Server switcher" msgstr "" msgid "Status" msgstr "Status" msgid "Discord" msgstr "Discord" msgid "Subreddit" msgstr "Subreddit" msgid " - in case you don't know where to start" msgstr " - in het geval dat je niet weet waar te starten" msgid " - in case you haven't already read them" msgstr " - in het geval dat je ze nog niet gelezen hebt" msgid " - in case, well, you need help doing stuff" msgstr " - in het geval dat je, wel, help nodig hebt met iets" msgid " - in case you believe Ripple is down" msgstr " - in het geval dat je denk dat Ripple plat ligt" msgid " - in case you want to talk with people about Ripple" msgstr " - in het geval dat je met andere mensen wil praten over Ripple" msgid " - just in case" msgstr " - gewoon, voor het geval dat" # 2fa_gateway_recover.html msgid "Recover account" msgstr "Account herstellen" msgid "" "Can't find a way to get back access to your Ripple account? Fear not! If you " "have your recovery codes which we recommended you to print you can type one " "in here and we'll magically log you in this time. After you've managed to " "get in, please disable and then re-enable 2FA, so you won't risk losing your " "account again." msgstr "" "Kan je niet terug in je Ripple account? Wees niet bang! Als je je " "herstelcodes nog hebt (die je moest printen op papier), kan je er hier een " "invullen en zullen we je eenmaal op een magische manier inloggen. Eens je " "ingelogd bent, zet 2FA dan een uit en terug aan, zodat je je account niet " "weer kunt kwijtspelen." msgid "Oh no you don't." msgstr "Oh nee, foei." msgid "Get out." msgstr "Maak dat we wegkomt." msgid "Recovery code is invalid." msgstr "Herstelcode is ongeldig" # register/elmo.html msgid "Elmo! Stop!" msgstr "Elmo! Stop!" msgid "Stop!" msgstr "Stop!" msgid "" "We see that you're trying to sign up while having already signed up as %s! " "Please note that multiaccounting is punishable, and can lead to a one month " "restriction!" msgstr "" "We zien dat je probeert te registreren wanneer je al geregistreerd bent als %" "s! Onthoud dat meerdere accounts maken voor dezelfde persoon strafbaar is, " "en kan leiden tot een restrictie van een maand." msgid "If you're %s, keep in mind that multiaccounting = ban." msgstr "" "Als je %s bent, onthoud dan dan meerdere accounts maken voor dezelfde " "persoon tegen de regels is." msgid "" "If you're not %s, but you're using %s's computer, please sign up on Ripple " "from your own computer." msgstr "" "Als je %s niet bent, maar je gebruikt %s's computer, gelieve in te loggen " "via je eigen computer." msgid "" "If you live with %s and you don't have your own computer from which to sign " "up on Ripple, then please contact, and we'll deal with " "your specific case." msgstr "" "Als je bij %s woont en je geen eigen computer hebt om mee te registreren bij " "Ripple, contacteer en we zullen voor jou een uitzondering " "maken." msgid "" "This warning may pop up also if you're using another computer on the same " "network of %s. As long as you're not using the same computer, you should be " "all good." msgstr "" "Deze waarschuwing kan ook voorkomen als je een andere computer op hetzelfde " "netwerk gebruikt als %s. Zolang je niet dezelfde computer gebruikt, zou " "alles ok moeten zijn." msgid "Don't stop me now!" msgstr "Don't stop me now!" msgid "Bring me back to safety!" msgstr "Breng me terug naar veiligheid!" # login.html msgid "Log in" msgstr "Inloggen" msgid "Username (or email)" msgstr "Gebruikersnaam (of e-mail)" # in relationship to a password msgid "(forgot?)" msgstr "(vergeten?)" msgid "Username or password not set." msgstr "Gebruikersnaam of wachtwoord afwezig." msgid "No user with such %s!" msgstr "Geen gebruiker met zulke %s!" msgid "" "Your password is sooooooo old, that we don't even know how to deal with it " "anymore. Could you please change it?" msgstr "" "Je wachtwoord is zooooooo oud dat we niet weten wat er mee te doen! Zou je " "het kunnen veranderen voor ons?" msgid "Wrong password." msgstr "Fout wachtwoord." msgid "You will need to verify your account first." msgstr "Je moet je account eerst verifiëren." msgid "" "You are not allowed to login. This means your account is either banned or " "locked." msgstr "" "Je hebt geen toestemming in te loggen. Dit betekent dat je account verbannen " "of gesloten is." msgid "Hey %s! You are now logged in." msgstr "Hey %s! Je bent nu ingelogd!" msgid "You're already logged out!" msgstr "Je ben al uitgelogd!" msgid "Successfully logged out." msgstr "Succesvol uitgelogd." # pwreset.html msgid "" "Forgot your password? Worry not! Here you can reset it. Just tell us your " "username or email address, and we'll take care of it. You will receive an " "email at the email address you used to sign up on Ripple. To continue the " "password reset procedure, click the link on that email." msgstr "" "Wachtwoord vergeten? Vrees niet! Hier kan je het resetten. Zeg ons gewoon je " "gebruikersnaam of email adres, en wij zorgen voor de rest. Je zal een e-mail " "krijgen in het e-mail adres dat je gebruikt hebt om te registreren bij " "Ripple. Om verder te gaan met de reset procedure, klik de link in die e-mail." msgid "You look pretty banned/locked here." msgstr "" msgid "" "Done! You should shortly receive an email from us at the email you used to " "sign up on Ripple." msgstr "Klaar! Je zal binnenkort een e-mail van ons krijgen." msgid "Ripple password recovery instructions" msgstr "Ripple wachtwoord herstel instructies." msgid "" "Hey %s! Someone, which we really hope was you, requested a password reset " "for your account. In case it was you, please click here to " "reset your password on Ripple. Otherwise, silently ignore this email." msgstr "" "Hey %s! Iemand, we hopen jou, heeft een wachtwoord reset aangevraagd voor " "jou account. Als jij dit was, gelieve hier te klikken om je " "Ripple wachtwoord te resetten. Als jij dit niet was, negeer deze e-mail dan " "maar." # not_found.html msgid "Not Found" msgstr "Niet gevonden" msgid "" "We're sorry, but we were unable to find the content you were looking for!" msgstr "Sorry, maar we vonden niet waar je naar op zoek bent!" # navbar.html msgid "Home page" msgstr "Startpagina" msgid "Leaderboard" msgstr "Scorebord" msgid "Help" msgstr "Hulp" msgid "About" msgstr "Over ons" msgid "Chat (Discord)" msgstr "Chat (Discord)" msgid "Contact support" msgstr "Contacteer support" msgid "Beatmaps" msgstr "Beatmaps" msgid "Donate" msgstr "Doneren" msgid "RAP" msgstr "RAP" msgid "Profile" msgstr "Profiel" msgid "Friends" msgstr "Vrienden" msgid "Settings" msgstr "Instellingen" msgid "Log out" msgstr "Afmelden" msgid "Looking for someone?" msgstr "Op zoek naar iemand?" # homepage.html msgid "Home Page" msgstr "Startpagina" # about.html msgid "Welcome to Ripple." msgstr "Welkom bij Ripple." msgid "" "Ripple is a private osu! server, featuring multiplayer, PP, a very active " "community and a development team going strong implementing new features and " "squashing bugs. You can check out even more features " "here. It has also a very friendly community, and it's open source! Just so you know, we " "currently have %s users online and %s registered users!" msgstr "" "Ripple is een privéserver voor osu!, met multiplayer, PP, een heel actieve " "gemeenschap en een ontwikkelingsteam dat heel snel nieuwe functies toevoegt " "en bugs fixt.Je kan nog meer nieuwe functies hier " "vinden. Het heeft ook een vriendelijke gemeenschap, en is open source!. En als je " "geïnteresseerd bent, we hebben op dit moment %s online gebruikers en %s " "geregistreerde spelers!" msgid "" "What are you waiting for? Join Ripple! It's risk-free: you won't get your " "account banned on the official server if you play on Ripple.
You can also " "switch anytime between the official osu! server and Ripple!" msgstr "" "Waar wacht je nog op? Sluit je aan bij Ripple! Het is volledig veilig: Je " "kan niet gestraft worden op de officiële osu! server door op Ripple te " "spelen.
Je kan ook op elk moment verwisselen van server!" msgid "Howdy, %s!" msgstr "Hallo daar, %s!" msgid "" "Welcome back to Ripple. We currently have %s online users and %s total " "registered users. Nice day to farm a few maps, isn't it?" msgstr "" msgid "Latest news from our blog" msgstr "Het laatste nieuws van onze blog" # base.html msgid "" "Ripple's score submission is currently in maintenance mode. You will not be " "allowed to submit scores for the time being." msgstr "" "Ripple's scoresubmissiesysteem is in onderhoud-modus. Het is op dit moment " "niet toegestaan scores te uploaden." msgid "" "The Ripple website is currently in maintenance mode. Only certain users are " "allowed to access the full website." msgstr "" "De Ripple website is op dit moment in onderhouds-modus. Slechts enkele " "mensen hebben toegang tot de volledige site." msgid "" "Your account is currently in restricted mode. You will not be able to do " "certain actions, and your profile can only be seen by you and by Ripple's " "staff. If you believe we have mistaken putting you in restricted mode, or a " "month has passed since you first saw this, then you can send an appeal at" msgstr "" msgid "© 2015-%d Ripple, using Hanayo %s." msgstr "© 2015-%d Ripple, gebruikt Hanayo %s." msgid "Team" msgstr "Team" msgid "Who is working on this thing?" msgstr "Wie werkt er aan dit ding?" msgid "Developer docs" msgstr "Documentatie voor ontwikkelaars." msgid "See what changed!" msgstr "Kijk wat er veranderd is!" msgid "Changelog" msgstr "Changelog" msgid "Blog" msgstr "Blog" msgid "What's going on under the hood?" msgstr "Wat gebeurt er achter de schermen?" msgid "Follow us on Twitter!" msgstr "Volg ons op Twitter!" msgid "Share irrelevant opinions on reddit!" msgstr "Deel je onbelangrijke meningen op Reddit!" msgid "Language" msgstr "Taal" # beatmap.html msgid "Artist" msgstr "" msgid "Title" msgstr "" msgid "Creator" msgstr "" msgid "Source" msgstr "" msgid "Circle Size" msgstr "" msgid "HP Drain" msgstr "" msgid "Overall Difficulty" msgstr "" msgid "Passes/Plays" msgstr "" msgid "Approach Rate" msgstr "" msgid "Star Difficulty" msgstr "" msgid "Length" msgstr "" msgid "BPM" msgstr "" msgid "osu!direct" msgstr "" msgid "download" msgstr "" msgid "download (no video)" msgstr "" # 2fa_gateway.html msgid "Two Factor Authentication" msgstr "Twee factor authenticatie" msgid "" "Before proceding further on Ripple, we require you to use your Google " "Authenticator App to use the code for Ripple, so that we can log you in." msgstr "" "Voordat je verder kan op Ripple moet je je code uit de Google Authenticator " "App invullen zodat we je kunnen inloggen." msgid "" "Before proceding any further on Ripple, we require you to use the message " "you just received on telegram to log in to your account." msgstr "" "Voordat je verdergaat in Ripple moet je het bericht gebruiken dat je net via " "telegram hebt gekregen om in te loggen in je account." msgid "Lost your phone, or can't access Google Authenticator?" msgstr "GSM kwijt? Kan je niet aan je Google Authenticator?" msgid "Click here to use a recovery code." msgstr "Klik hier om een recovery code te gebruiken." msgid "Telegram code" msgstr "Telegram code" msgid "(send again?)" msgstr "(stuur opnieuw?)" msgid "Google Authenticator passcode" msgstr "Google Authenticator passcode" msgid "Hey, %s." msgstr "Hey, %s." msgid "You need to complete the 2fa challenge first." msgstr "Je moet eerst de 2FA challenge vervolledigen." msgid "A new code has been generated and sent to you through Telegram." msgstr "Een nieuwe code is gegenereerd en naar je verzonden via Telegram." msgid "You've been successfully logged in." msgstr "Je bent succesvol ingelogd." msgid "" "Ooops! Looks like something went really wrong while trying to process your " "request. Perhaps report this to a Ripple developer? Retrying doing what you " "were trying to do might work, too." msgstr "" "Oeps! Het lijkt erop dat er iets volledig fout ging tijdens het verwerken " "van je actie. Misschien kan je dit aangeven bij een Ripple ontwikkelaar? " "Gewoon opnieuw proberen kan natuurlijk ook werken." msgid "Ripple is a private osu! server." msgstr "Ripple is een privé-server voor osu!." msgid "There are many like it, but this one is ours." msgstr "Er zijn er vele, maar dit is de onze." # %s is eggplant emoji msgid "Don't you like %s?" msgstr "Houd je niet van de %s?" msgid "We have leaderboards." msgstr "We hebben scoreborden." msgid "Online user listing." msgstr "Lijst met online gebruikers." msgid "Free osu!direct." msgstr "Gratis osu!direct." msgid "Global leaderboards." msgstr "Globale scoreborden." msgid "and PP for all game modes" msgstr "" msgid "Ranking queue for unranked beatmaps." msgstr "Ranking-wachtlijst voor ongerankte beatmaps." msgid "Spectator." msgstr "Toeschouwer-modus." msgid "Multiplayer." msgstr "Multiplayer." msgid "FokaBot, our chat bot" msgstr "FokaBot, onze chatbot." msgid "" "with plenty of functions for just about anything, check " "it out!" msgstr "met vele functies voor zowat alles, kijk maar!" msgid "And a lot more to come!" msgstr "En nog meer in de toekomst!" msgid "" "Ripple is the result of the hard work of two Italian developers, who got " "tired about the whole osu! ecosystem, and also because they wanted to play " "with a few banned friends." msgstr "" "Ripple is het resultaat van het harde werk van twee Italiaanse " "ontwikkelaars, die het hete osu! ecosysteem moe werden, en ook omdat ze " "wouden spelen met enkele gebande vrienden." # %s is wink emoji #, fuzzy msgid "" "It has now evolved into the largest available osu! private server, with more " "than 50,000 registered users. Signing up on Ripple " "won't result in getting your account on osu! restricted, so what are you " "waiting for?! Come join us! %s" msgstr "" "Het is nu geëvolueerd tot de grootste privé-server voor osu!, met meer da, " "10.000 geregistreerde spelers. Registreren bij " "Ripple zorgt er niet voor dat je osu! account word gerestricteerd, dus waar " "wacht je nog op?! Doe mee! %s" msgid "" "In case you want to make sure we're not doing shady stuff with your data, " "you can also check the source " "code Ripple is running on." msgstr "" "In het geval dat je zeker wil weten dat we geen verdachte dingen doen met je " "data, kan je de broncode " "bekijken waar Ripple op draait." # changelog.html msgid "" "This is the changelog. Changes are published here as soon as they hit the " "production status (as in, live on the website)." msgstr "" "Dit is de changelog. Alle veranderingen worden hier gepubliceerd zodra ze in " "productie gebruikt worden (zoals op de site, bijvoorbeeld)." msgid "" "For various reasons, some software of Ripple does not contribute to the " "changelog, to which this website is a part of. In case you want to see the " "changelog of Hanayo, you can do so by clicking here." msgstr "" "Vanwege verschillende redenen verschijnt de changelog van sommige van onze " "software (o.a. Hanayo, onze website) niet op deze pagina. Om de Hanayo " "changelog te bekijken, klik hier" msgid "Author" msgstr "Auteur" msgid "Subject" msgstr "Onderwerp" msgid "Time" msgstr "Tijd" # doc_content.html msgid "View document" msgstr "Bekijk document" msgid "Documentation file not found!" msgstr "Documentatie niet gevonden" msgid "View all docs" msgstr "Bekijk alle documentatie" # doc.html msgid "" "Need some help getting around? Look no further! From here you will be able " "to view our documentation, which is basically a very simplistic wiki." msgstr "" "Heb je wat help nodig? Kijk niet verder! Op deze pagina kan je onze " "documentatie bekijken, wat in principe een simplistische wiki is." msgid "Looks like there is no documentation on this ripple instance!" msgstr "Het lijkt erop dat er geen documentatie is gevonden!" # friends.html msgid "" "On this page you can see all of your friends, and unfriend them as you see " "fit." msgstr "" "Op deze pagina kan je al je vrienden zien en verwijderen (als je dat wil)." msgid "Mutual" msgstr "Wederzijdse vriend" msgid "Remove" msgstr "Verwijderen" # irc.html msgid "" "Here you can generate a new IRC token. You can use it to connect to Ripple's " "chat using IRC. Remember that your IRC token is like a password, anyone who " "knows it, has access to your account. If you're interested knowing how to " "connect to Ripple's chat via IRC, you may want to check out this." msgstr "" "Hier kan je een nieuwe IRC token aanmaken. Je kan deze gebruiken om met " "Ripple's chat te verbinden via een IRC client. Onthoud dat je IRC token " "zoals je wachtwoord is: iedereen die het kent, heeft toegang tot je account. " "Als je wil weten hoe te verbinden via IRC kan je op deze " "link klikken." msgid "Generate a new token!" msgstr "Maak een nieuwe token aan!" # leaderboard.html msgid "Rank" msgstr "Rang" msgid "Player" msgstr "Speler" msgid "PP/Score" msgstr "PP/Score" msgid "Accuracy" msgstr "Nauwkeurigheid" msgid "Playcount" msgstr "Aantal maal afgespeeld" # profile.html msgid "%s's profile" msgstr "%s's profiel" # for , expires . msgid "User is silenced for %s, expires %s." msgstr "Gebruiker is het zwijgen opgelegd wegens \"%s\", tot %s" # %s is placeholder for an adjective of the user, e.g. "locked", "pending verification", "restricted" msgid "User is %s" msgstr "Gebruiker is %s" msgid "pending verification" msgstr "aan het wachten op verificatie" msgid "banned" msgstr "verbannen" msgid "restricted" msgstr "gerestricteerd" msgid "locked" msgstr "vergrendeld" msgid "User not found" msgstr "Gebruiker niet gevonden" msgid "(aka %s)" msgstr "(aka %s)" msgid "Online" msgstr "Online" msgid "Offline" msgstr "Offline" msgid "Unknown" msgstr "Onbekend" msgid "%s is a Ripple player from %s." msgstr "%s is een Ripple speler uit %s." msgid "Last seen: %s." msgstr "Voor het laatst gezien: %s." msgid "They signed up on Ripple %s." msgstr "Heeft zich geregistreerd bij Ripple op %s." msgid "They play with %s." msgstr "Speelt met %s." msgid "Mouse" msgstr "Muis" msgid "Tablet" msgstr "Tablet" msgid "Keyboard" msgstr "Toetsenbord" msgid "Touchscreen" msgstr "Touchscreen" msgid "Spoon" msgstr "Lepel" msgid "Leap motion" msgstr "Leap motion" msgid "Oculus rift" msgstr "Oculus rift" msgid "Dick" msgstr "Piemel" msgid "Eggplant" msgstr "Aubergine" msgid "This user hasn't got any badges!" msgstr "Deze gebruiker heeft geen badges!" msgid "Global rank" msgstr "Globale rang" msgid "Country rank" msgstr "Rang in land" msgid "PP" msgstr "PP" msgid "Ranked score" msgstr "Gerankte score" msgid "Total score" msgstr "Totale score" msgid "Replays watched" msgstr "Bekeken replays" msgid "Total hits" msgstr "Totale hits" msgid "Level %s" msgstr "Level %s" msgid "Achievements" msgstr "" # support.html msgid "Support Ripple" msgstr "Steunt Ripple" msgid "You are a donor!" msgstr "Je bent een donor!" msgid "" "Your donor expires %s. No need to feel guilty for not having donated!" msgstr "" "Je donor-status verloopt %s. Voel je niet schuldig als je niet " "doneert!" msgid "Did you know?" msgstr "Wist je dat?" msgid "(Probably.)" msgstr "(Waarschijnlijk.)" msgid "(Probably not.)" msgstr "(Waarschijnlijk niet.)" msgid "Ripple is not cheap to run." msgstr "Ripple is niet goedkoop om draaiende te houden." msgid "" "While we provide this service for free, we still have to pay for it, and if " "we always took the money out of our own pockets, 1. we would be broke, 2. we " "wouldn't be able to upgrade our hardware to accomodate our users. While we " "do have loads of software optimisations that allow us to have Ripple run " "crazy fast while still being on not so high-end hardware, the more users we " "have, the higher-end our hardware needs to be. So we are asking you for help " "on this :)." msgstr "" "Alhoewel we deze service gratis aanbieden moeten we er nog steeds zelf voor " "betalen, en als we altijd dit geld uit onze eigen zakken zouden halen zouden " "we 1. blut zijn en 2. onze servers niet kunnen upgraden om onze gebruikers " "te voorzien. Hoewel we veel software-optimizaties hebben die on toelaten om " "ripple super-snel te laten lopen zonder al te dure hardware, hoe meer we " "gebruikers we hebben, des te beter onze hardware meot worden. Dus we vragen " "jou help hiermee :)." msgid "We are still students." msgstr "We zijn nog steeds studenten." msgid "" "Ripple developers, and most of the Ripple staff, do not have a day job. This " "means that we get most of our income as students from doing small jobs as \"" "freelancers\" every so often, or, you know, allowance." msgstr "" "De Ripple ontwikkelaars, en de meeste van de Ripple staff, hebben geen " "gewone job. Dat betekent dat we het grootste deel van ons inkomen krijgen " "door kleine jobs als freelancers te doen, of, je weet wel, zakgeld." msgid "We do not have ads. And never will." msgstr "We tonen geen advertenties. En dat zal ook zo blijven!" msgid "We love picking random icons from our icon library." msgstr "" "We houden ervan om willekeurige icoontjes uit onze bibliotheek te kiezen." msgid "" "You may have adblock enabled and have not noticed, but we don't have ads " "anywhere on our website. We believe ads are bad, as they can be very " "annoying to you and that you would rather spend a few bucks to help us " "rather than watch annoying ads all the time." msgstr "" "Als je een adblocker hebt, heb je dit mischien nog niet gemerkt, maar er " "zijn nergens advertenties op onze site. We zijn van de mening dat " "advertenties slecht zijn (want ze zijn irritant) en dat je ons " "waarschijnlijk liever enkele euros geeft in plaats van advertenties te " "bekijken." msgid "So what can you do?" msgstr "Dus, wat kan je doen om te helpen?" msgid "Well, you can give us money." msgstr "Wel, je kan ons geld geven." msgid "Well, you can give us even more money." msgstr "Wel, je kan ons nog meer geld geven." msgid "Here's what you get:" msgstr "Dit is wat je krijgt:" msgid "Yellow username" msgstr "Gele gebruikersnaam" msgid "Donor badge" msgstr "Donor badge" msgid "Custom badge editor" msgstr "Eigen badge" msgid "Friends ranking" msgstr "Vrienden ranglijst" msgid "Discord privileges" msgstr "Discord privileges" msgid "Profile background" msgstr "Profielachtergrond" msgid "More to come!" msgstr "Meer in de toekomst!" msgid "" "Just like in osu!, you get a shiny yellow username in the in-game " "chat to show everyone you're a really cool dude who has helped us pay the " "server bills." msgstr "" "Net zoals in osu! krijg je een mooie gele gebruikersnaam in de in-" "game chat zodat iedereen kan zien dat je een coole gast bent die ons helpt " "de server draaiende te houden!" msgid "" "Again, just like in osu!, you will get a donor badge on your profile, " "to show everyone you're supporting us." msgstr "" "Opnieuw, net zoals in osu! krijg je donor badge op je profiel, om " "iedereen te laten zien dat je ons helpt." msgid "" "You get to be able to create your own personal badge, with custom " "text and icon, to show off on your profile! Let the world know you're an " "anchor. Or prank people showing a spinnin' wheel with \"Loading...\"! Up to " "you." msgstr "" "Je kan een persoonlijke badge voor je profiel maken, met eigen tekst " "en icoon. Laat de wereld zien dat Ripple op jou kan vertrouwen. Of houd je " "vrienden voor de gek en laat ze denken dat je een \"geverifieerde choker\" " "bent. Aan jou de keus!" msgid "" "Competing with friends is really cool, you can play on the " "leaderboard with someone more or less on your level, without getting " "crippling depression and RSI for not beating that pro!" msgstr "" msgid "" "You'll get exclusive access to the \"#donators\" text and voice " "channels, you'll be able to change your discord nickname and you'll get a " "custom role with custom username colour!" msgstr "" msgid "" "Think about spicing your profile up with some eggplants? Got you " "covered! Having donor privileges, you get to be able to change your profile " "background." msgstr "" msgid "" "Who knows what we could implement next? You could be able to do even " "more stuff for donors once we implement it." msgstr "" msgid "And this is how you pay" msgstr "" msgid "" "You may donate through either PayPal (or credit/debit card linked to " "PayPal) or Bitcoin. Use the slider below to choose the amount of " "months you'd like to have the donor benefits, and the cost will be instantly " "calculated. Remember that if, for instance, you choose to donate € 4 instead " "of € 3.51, you will only be given one donor month." msgstr "" msgid "Loading..." msgstr "" msgid "PayPal" msgstr "" msgid "User:" msgstr "" msgid "Bitcoin" msgstr "" msgid "Send %s BTC to this Bitcoin address:" msgstr "" msgid "" "Afterwards, please send an email to containing the transaction hash!" msgstr "" msgid "I've donated, now what?" msgstr "" msgid "" "You'll have to wait until we verify and process your payment. It can take up " "to 12 hours. If 12 hours have passed and you still haven't received " "your Donor tag, contact a Dev/Community Manager in our Discord server " "or send an email to Once we have processed your payment, you'll " "receive an email to the address you've used to sign up and you'll get " "all the donor privileges, except the Discord ones. To get the Discord " "donor privileges, go here." msgstr "" msgid "Please log in to get supporter" msgstr "" # Settings msgid "Userpage" msgstr "Gebruikerspagina" msgid "Avatar" msgstr "" msgid "Discord donor" msgstr "" msgid "Two factor authentication is enabled on your account." msgstr "" msgid "Two factor authentication is not enabled on your account." msgstr "" msgid "Telegram 2FA" msgstr "" msgid "" "To enable Telegram Two Factor Authentication, click this button, then click " "\"start\" on Telegram:" msgstr "" msgid "Enable Telegram 2FA" msgstr "" msgid "" "If you don't have Telegram on the current device, you can either open this " "page from a device on which you have it, or scan this QR code:" msgstr "" msgid "" "In case you don't have a way to scan QR codes or you simply can't be " "bothered to download an app that scans them, you can also open Telegram, " "start a conversation with @ripple2fabot and send this message:" msgstr "" msgid "Google Authenticator (TOTP) based 2FA" msgstr "" msgid "" "At the moment you currently have set up Telegram Two Factor Authentication. " "Should you wish to disable it, please fill out the following form:" msgstr "" msgid "" "At the moment you currently have set up TOTP-based (Google Authenticator) " "Two Factor Authentication. Should you wish to disable it, please fill out " "the following form:" msgstr "" msgid "Disable Telegram 2FA" msgstr "" msgid "Disable TOTP-based 2FA" msgstr "" msgid "Google Authenticator recovery keys" msgstr "" msgid "" "These are the only thing that will let you get back into your Ripple account " "if you lose your device. Our suggestion is to paste them inside a document " "in your word processor (Microsoft Word, LibreOffice Writer), print them and " "store them in a safe place." msgstr "" msgid "Open File" msgstr "" msgid "Save" msgstr "" msgid "" "Your discord account has been linked to this Ripple account. Welcome to " "the donors club and thank you for supporting us! You have now access to " "the #donators text and voice channels on our official Discord server! You " "can also set a custom role name and username colour and change your nickname " "on Discord. If you want to change your nickname, you can use the " "/nick command. To set or edit your custom role name and " "colour, use the command !role HEX_COLOUR ROLE_NAME. You can " "pick your HEX colour here, it's the one that starts with '#'. You can change your " "role name and colour whenever you want!" msgstr "" msgid "Thank you for supporting us and have fun on Ripple!" msgstr "" msgid "Donors get special privileges on our Discord server too!" msgstr "" msgid "" "Discord is a chatroom with text and voice channels, bots and lots of other " "cool features. You can download Discord for free here and you can join our " "official Discord server here." msgstr "" msgid "Here's what you get if you link your Discord account:" msgstr "" msgid "Access to /nick command, to change your Discord nickname" msgstr "" msgid "Access to #donators text and voice channels" msgstr "" msgid "Username on donors list" msgstr "" msgid "Custom role with custom username" msgstr "" msgid "" "To get these perks, first of all join our " "Discord server, then click this fancy button:" msgstr "" msgid "Get Discord donor privileges" msgstr "" msgid "New password (leave blank if you don't want to change it)" msgstr "" msgid "Current password" msgstr "" msgid "BBCode syntax reference" msgstr "" msgid "General" msgstr "" msgid "Email address" msgstr "" msgid "Alternative username (cannot be used for login)" msgstr "" msgid "Also known as..." msgstr "" msgid "Custom badge" msgstr "" msgid "Enable" msgstr "" msgid "" "Do not use offensive badges and do not pretend to be someone else with " "your badge. If you abuse the badges system, you'll be silenced and you " "won't be able to edit your custom badge anymore." msgstr "" msgid "Icon reference" msgstr "" msgid "Dinosaur, oompa-loompa, cool guy..." msgstr "" msgid "Playstyle" msgstr "" msgid "Authorized applications" msgstr "" msgid "" "From here you can check all the applications you granted authorization to " "your account, and revoke their permissions if necessary." msgstr "" msgid "... but it looks like you have none!" msgstr "" msgid "That authorization has been successfully revoked." msgstr "" msgid "Authorization created %s" msgstr "" msgid "Owner" msgstr "" msgid "Revoke" msgstr "" msgid "Dark site" msgstr "" msgid "Preferences" msgstr "" # Go source msgid "TOTP-based 2FA has been enabled on your account." msgstr "" msgid "Passcode is invalid. Perhaps it expired?" msgstr "" msgid "No passcode/secret was given. Please try again" msgstr "" msgid "TOTP-based 2FA is already enabled!" msgstr "" msgid "" "You currently have Telegram 2FA enabled. You first need to disable that if " "you want to use TOTP-based 2FA." msgstr "" msgid "2FA disabled successfully." msgstr "" msgid "Changing avatar is currently not possible." msgstr "" msgid "An error occurred." msgstr "" msgid "We were not able to save your avatar." msgstr "" msgid "" "Your avatar was successfully changed. It may take some time to properly " "update. To force a cache refresh, you can use CTRL+F5." msgstr "" msgid "Internal Server Error" msgstr "" msgid "You're not a donor!" msgstr "" msgid "" "You've not joined the discord server! Links to it are below on the page. " "Please join the server before attempting to connect your account to Discord." msgstr "" msgid "Your account has been linked successfully!" msgstr "" msgid "" "Your new IRC token is %s. The old IRC token is not valid " "anymore.
Keep it safe, don't show it around, and store it now! We won't " "show it to you again." msgstr "" msgid "Your profile background has been saved." msgstr "" msgid "We were not able to save your profile background." msgstr "" msgid "Background type" msgstr "" msgid "None" msgstr "" msgid "Image" msgstr "" msgid "Solid colour" msgstr "" msgid "Colour is invalid" msgstr "" msgid "" "You have been automatically logged out of your account because your account " "has either been banned or locked. Should you believe this is a mistake, you " "can contact our support team at" msgstr "" msgid "" "You have been automatically logged out for security reasons. Please log back in." msgstr "" msgid "You need to login first." msgstr "" msgid "Forbidden" msgstr "" msgid "You should not be 'round here." msgstr "" msgid "" "It seems like the original version of this file has been updated, so this " "file is out of date and may contain inaccurate information. If you want to " "make sure to be up-to-date, please refer to the English " "version." msgstr "" msgid "" "If you truly have understood what's written above and you have understood " "that creating a multiaccount will lead to a restriction on your main " "account, you can click here and you'll be brought to the sign up page." msgstr "" msgid "You look new here. Allow us to introduce you to what Ripple is." msgstr "" # PAY ATTENTION! This is Log in *with* Ripple, not *on* Ripple. This is for # oauth. msgid "Log in with Ripple" msgstr "" msgid "This application will be able to:" msgstr "" msgid "Identify" msgstr "" msgid "" "See your public information (everything somebody can see on your user " "profile), however with this alone it will not be able to see your private " "information (for instance your email address)." msgstr "" msgid "Read private information" msgstr "" msgid "" "This application will be able to see your email address, and any private " "information we will add in the future." msgstr "" msgid "Write" msgstr "" msgid "" "This application will be able to make modifications to your Ripple account. " "This is potentially really dangerous! Use this only with applications that " "you trust." msgstr "" msgid "Approve" msgstr "" msgid "Deny" msgstr "" # Team page msgid "" "This is a list of the wonderful people who keep Ripple up and running and " "deal with its community." msgstr "" msgid "Community Managers" msgstr "" msgid "" "Community Managers deal with bans, silences, name changes and pretty much " "everything that has to do with the community." msgstr "" msgid "" "They take care of our Discord server and reply to emails sent to the support " "services (email and Community Managers have a red name " "in the in-game chat." msgstr "" msgid "Developers" msgstr "" msgid "" "Developers add new features to the server, squash bugs, keep the server up " "and running and take care of its maintenance." msgstr "" msgid "" "They don't do anything related to the community. Developers have a blue name " "in the in-game chat." msgstr "" msgid "Chat Moderators" msgstr "" msgid "" "Chat moderators manage the chat to make sure The Law™ (the rules) is " "respected." msgstr "" msgid "" "BATs play beatmaps in the ranking queue and decide whether they are good " "enough to be ranked or not." msgstr "" msgid "Special thanks" msgstr "" msgid "Here's a list of people who helped with Ripple." msgstr "" msgid "" "Franc[e]sco/lolisamurai, for oppai, used as standard pp " "calculator." msgstr "" msgid "" "Tom94, for osu-" "performance, used as a reference for our mania pp calculator." msgstr "" msgid "" "Sunpy, for catch-the-" "pp, used as catch the beat pp calculator." msgstr "" msgid "" "jrosdahl, for miniircd, used as a base for " "our IRC server." msgstr "" msgid "Avail, for having hosted Ripple on his server." msgstr "" msgid "Angela Guerra, for designing the Ripple logo." msgstr "" msgid "" "Everyone who has supported the " "Ripple project by donating or inviting other people." msgstr "" msgid "They told me these are very cool people." msgstr "" msgid "" "Looking for how you should contact our team? Check out this page." msgstr "" msgid "And more..." msgstr "" msgid "Do you want to be in this list?" msgstr "" msgid "Support us with a donation!" msgstr "" msgid "(You get other cool perks too)" msgstr "" msgid "" "The Ripple API is the system through which developers can create " "applications to interact with Ripple. If you're asked to fill out an API " "token from this page, be wary and only actually create the token if you " "really trust the owner of the application." msgstr "" msgid "and PP for osu!standard and osu!mania" msgstr "en PP voor osu!standard en osu!mania"