{{ define "tpl" }}
{{ if .Session.Get "2fa_must_validate" }} {{ $e := is2faEnabled .Context.User.ID }}
{{ .T "Hey, %s." .Context.User.Username }} {{ if eq $e 1 }} {{ .T "Before proceding any further on Ripple, we require you to use the message you just received on telegram to log in to your account." }} {{ else }} {{ .T "Before proceding further on Ripple, we require you to use your Google Authenticator App to use the code for Ripple, so that we can log you in." }} {{ end }}
{{ if eq $e 2 }}
{{ .T "Lost your phone, or can't access Google Authenticator?" }} {{ .T "Click here to use a recovery code." }}
{{ end }}
{{ else }}
{{ end }}
{{ end }}