{{ define "tpl" }}
{{/* Dirty hack to detect if it's a multi */}} {{ if eq .TitleBar (.T "Welcome back!") }}
{{ .T "Congratulations for not reading things!" }}

{{ .T "Multiaccounts are not allowed on Yozora" }}

{{ .T "Your new account has been banned and your main account has been restricted. You can appeal in a month by sending an email to support@yozora.pw. You better read the rules next time." | html }}
{{ else }}

{{ .T "Welcome to Yozora" }}

{{ .T "We're glad to have you here. Your account is now active. You can now play on Yozora and log in on the website!" | html }}

{{ .T "Here's a few things you might want to check out:" }}

{{ end }}
{{ end }}