net/http ======== Raven Go provides middleware that can be used with the stdlib ``net/http`` library to automatically handle panics that occur during an http request. Installation ------------ Simply install ``raven-go`` through ``go get``:: $ go get Setup ----- Make sure that you've set configured ``raven`` with your DSN, typically inside the ``init()`` in your ``main`` package is a good place. .. sourcecode:: go package main import "" func init() { raven.SetDSN("___DSN___") } If you don't call ``SetDSN``, we will attempt to read it from your environment under the ``SENTRY_DSN`` environment variable. Next, we need to wrap our ``http.Handler`` with our ``RecoveryHandler``: .. sourcecode:: go func root(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) { // ... do stuff } http.HandleFunc("/", raven.RecoveryHandler(root))