package fasthttp import ( "bytes" "fmt" "testing" "time" ) func TestURICopyToQueryArgs(t *testing.T) { var u URI a := u.QueryArgs() a.Set("foo", "bar") var u1 URI u.CopyTo(&u1) a1 := u1.QueryArgs() if string(a1.Peek("foo")) != "bar" { t.Fatalf("unexpected query args value %q. Expecting %q", a1.Peek("foo"), "bar") } } func TestURIAcquireReleaseSequential(t *testing.T) { testURIAcquireRelease(t) } func TestURIAcquireReleaseConcurrent(t *testing.T) { ch := make(chan struct{}, 10) for i := 0; i < 10; i++ { go func() { testURIAcquireRelease(t) ch <- struct{}{} }() } for i := 0; i < 10; i++ { select { case <-ch: case <-time.After(time.Second): t.Fatalf("timeout") } } } func testURIAcquireRelease(t *testing.T) { for i := 0; i < 10; i++ { u := AcquireURI() host := fmt.Sprintf("", i*23) path := fmt.Sprintf("/foo/%d/bar", i*17) queryArgs := "?foo=bar&baz=aass" u.Parse([]byte(host), []byte(path+queryArgs)) if string(u.Host()) != host { t.Fatalf("unexpected host %q. Expecting %q", u.Host(), host) } if string(u.Path()) != path { t.Fatalf("unexpected path %q. Expecting %q", u.Path(), path) } ReleaseURI(u) } } func TestURILastPathSegment(t *testing.T) { testURILastPathSegment(t, "", "") testURILastPathSegment(t, "/", "") testURILastPathSegment(t, "/foo/bar/", "") testURILastPathSegment(t, "/foobar.js", "foobar.js") testURILastPathSegment(t, "/foo/bar/baz.html", "baz.html") } func testURILastPathSegment(t *testing.T, path, expectedSegment string) { var u URI u.SetPath(path) segment := u.LastPathSegment() if string(segment) != expectedSegment { t.Fatalf("unexpected last path segment for path %q: %q. Expecting %q", path, segment, expectedSegment) } } func TestURIPathEscape(t *testing.T) { testURIPathEscape(t, "/foo/bar", "/foo/bar") testURIPathEscape(t, "/f_o-o=b:ar,b.c&q", "/f_o-o=b:ar,b.c&q") testURIPathEscape(t, "/aa?bb.тест~qq", "/aa%3Fbb.%D1%82%D0%B5%D1%81%D1%82~qq") } func testURIPathEscape(t *testing.T, path, expectedRequestURI string) { var u URI u.SetPath(path) requestURI := u.RequestURI() if string(requestURI) != expectedRequestURI { t.Fatalf("unexpected requestURI %q. Expecting %q. path %q", requestURI, expectedRequestURI, path) } } func TestURIUpdate(t *testing.T) { // full uri testURIUpdate(t, "", "", "") // empty uri testURIUpdate(t, "", "", "") // request uri testURIUpdate(t, "ftp://aaa/xxx/yyy?aaa=bb#aa", "/boo/bar?xx", "ftp://aaa/boo/bar?xx") // relative uri testURIUpdate(t, "", "bb.html?xx=12#pp", "") testURIUpdate(t, "http://xx/a/b/c/d", "../qwe/p?zx=34", "http://xx/a/b/qwe/p?zx=34") testURIUpdate(t, "https://qqq/aaa.html?foo=bar", "?baz=434&aaa#xcv", "https://qqq/aaa.html?baz=434&aaa#xcv") testURIUpdate(t, "", "~a/%20b=c,тест?йцу=ке", ",%D1%82%D0%B5%D1%81%D1%82?йцу=ке") testURIUpdate(t, "", "/qwe#fragment", "") testURIUpdate(t, "http://foobar/baz/xxx", "aaa.html#bb?cc=dd&ee=dfd", "http://foobar/baz/aaa.html#bb?cc=dd&ee=dfd") // hash testURIUpdate(t, "", "#fragment", "") } func testURIUpdate(t *testing.T, base, update, result string) { var u URI u.Parse(nil, []byte(base)) u.Update(update) s := u.String() if s != result { t.Fatalf("unexpected result %q. Expecting %q. base=%q, update=%q", s, result, base, update) } } func TestURIPathNormalize(t *testing.T) { var u URI // double slash testURIPathNormalize(t, &u, "/aa//bb", "/aa/bb") // triple slash testURIPathNormalize(t, &u, "/x///y/", "/x/y/") // multi slashes testURIPathNormalize(t, &u, "/abc//de///fg////", "/abc/de/fg/") // encoded slashes testURIPathNormalize(t, &u, "/xxxx%2fyyy%2f%2F%2F", "/xxxx/yyy/") // dotdot testURIPathNormalize(t, &u, "/aaa/..", "/") // dotdot with trailing slash testURIPathNormalize(t, &u, "/xxx/yyy/../", "/xxx/") // multi dotdots testURIPathNormalize(t, &u, "/aaa/bbb/ccc/../../ddd", "/aaa/ddd") // dotdots separated by other data testURIPathNormalize(t, &u, "/a/b/../c/d/../e/..", "/a/c/") // too many dotdots testURIPathNormalize(t, &u, "/aaa/../../../../xxx", "/xxx") testURIPathNormalize(t, &u, "/../../../../../..", "/") testURIPathNormalize(t, &u, "/../../../../../../", "/") // encoded dotdots testURIPathNormalize(t, &u, "/aaa%2Fbbb%2F%2E.%2Fxxx", "/aaa/xxx") // double slash with dotdots testURIPathNormalize(t, &u, "/aaa////..//b", "/b") // fake dotdot testURIPathNormalize(t, &u, "/aaa/..bbb/ccc/..", "/aaa/..bbb/") // single dot testURIPathNormalize(t, &u, "/a/./b/././c/./d.html", "/a/b/c/d.html") testURIPathNormalize(t, &u, "./foo/", "/foo/") testURIPathNormalize(t, &u, "./../.././../../aaa/bbb/../../../././../", "/") testURIPathNormalize(t, &u, "./a/./.././../b/./foo.html", "/b/foo.html") } func testURIPathNormalize(t *testing.T, u *URI, requestURI, expectedPath string) { u.Parse(nil, []byte(requestURI)) if string(u.Path()) != expectedPath { t.Fatalf("Unexpected path %q. Expected %q. requestURI=%q", u.Path(), expectedPath, requestURI) } } func TestURIFullURI(t *testing.T) { var args Args // empty scheme, path and hash testURIFullURI(t, "", "", "", "", &args, "") // empty scheme and hash testURIFullURI(t, "", "", "/foo/bar", "", &args, "") // empty hash testURIFullURI(t, "fTP", "", "/foo", "", &args, "") // empty args testURIFullURI(t, "https", "", "/", "aaa", &args, "") // non-empty args and non-ASCII path args.Set("foo", "bar") args.Set("xxx", "йух") testURIFullURI(t, "", "", "/тест123", "2er", &args, "") // test with empty args and non-empty query string var u URI u.Parse([]byte(""), []byte("/foo?bar=baz&baraz#qqqq")) uri := u.FullURI() expectedURI := "" if string(uri) != expectedURI { t.Fatalf("Unexpected URI: %q. Expected %q", uri, expectedURI) } } func testURIFullURI(t *testing.T, scheme, host, path, hash string, args *Args, expectedURI string) { var u URI u.SetScheme(scheme) u.SetHost(host) u.SetPath(path) u.SetHash(hash) args.CopyTo(u.QueryArgs()) uri := u.FullURI() if string(uri) != expectedURI { t.Fatalf("Unexpected URI: %q. Expected %q", uri, expectedURI) } } func TestURIParseNilHost(t *testing.T) { testURIParseScheme(t, "", "http") testURIParseScheme(t, "HTtP://", "http") testURIParseScheme(t, "://", "http") testURIParseScheme(t, "fTP://", "ftp") testURIParseScheme(t, "httPS://", "https") } func testURIParseScheme(t *testing.T, uri, expectedScheme string) { var u URI u.Parse(nil, []byte(uri)) if string(u.Scheme()) != expectedScheme { t.Fatalf("Unexpected scheme %q. Expected %q for uri %q", u.Scheme(), expectedScheme, uri) } } func TestURIParse(t *testing.T) { var u URI // no args testURIParse(t, &u, "aaa", "sdfdsf", "http://aaa/sdfdsf", "aaa", "/sdfdsf", "sdfdsf", "", "") // args testURIParse(t, &u, "xx", "/aa?ss", "http://xx/aa?ss", "xx", "/aa", "/aa", "ss", "") // args and hash testURIParse(t, &u, "", "/a.b.c?def=gkl#mnop", "", "", "/a.b.c", "/a.b.c", "def=gkl", "mnop") // '?' and '#' in hash testURIParse(t, &u, "", "/foo#bar?baz=aaa#bbb", "", "", "/foo", "/foo", "", "bar?baz=aaa#bbb") // encoded path testURIParse(t, &u, "", "/Test%20+%20%D0%BF%D1%80%D0%B8?asdf=%20%20&s=12#sdf", "", "", "/Test + при", "/Test%20+%20%D0%BF%D1%80%D0%B8", "asdf=%20%20&s=12", "sdf") // host in uppercase testURIParse(t, &u, "FOObar.COM", "/bC?De=F#Gh", "", "", "/bC", "/bC", "De=F", "Gh") // uri with hostname testURIParse(t, &u, "", "", "", "", "/foo/bar", "/foo/bar", "baz=aaa", "ddd") testURIParse(t, &u, "", "", "", "", "/f/b r", "/f/b%20r", "baz=aaa", "ddd") // no slash after hostname in uri testURIParse(t, &u, "", "", "", "", "/", "/", "", "") // uppercase hostname in uri testURIParse(t, &u, "", "", "", "", "/aaa", "/aaa", "", "") // http:// in query params testURIParse(t, &u, "", "/foo?bar=", "", "", "/foo", "/foo", "bar=", "") } func testURIParse(t *testing.T, u *URI, host, uri, expectedURI, expectedHost, expectedPath, expectedPathOriginal, expectedArgs, expectedHash string) { u.Parse([]byte(host), []byte(uri)) if !bytes.Equal(u.FullURI(), []byte(expectedURI)) { t.Fatalf("Unexpected uri %q. Expected %q. host=%q, uri=%q", u.FullURI(), expectedURI, host, uri) } if !bytes.Equal(u.Host(), []byte(expectedHost)) { t.Fatalf("Unexpected host %q. Expected %q. host=%q, uri=%q", u.Host(), expectedHost, host, uri) } if !bytes.Equal(u.PathOriginal(), []byte(expectedPathOriginal)) { t.Fatalf("Unexpected original path %q. Expected %q. host=%q, uri=%q", u.PathOriginal(), expectedPathOriginal, host, uri) } if !bytes.Equal(u.Path(), []byte(expectedPath)) { t.Fatalf("Unexpected path %q. Expected %q. host=%q, uri=%q", u.Path(), expectedPath, host, uri) } if !bytes.Equal(u.QueryString(), []byte(expectedArgs)) { t.Fatalf("Unexpected args %q. Expected %q. host=%q, uri=%q", u.QueryString(), expectedArgs, host, uri) } if !bytes.Equal(u.Hash(), []byte(expectedHash)) { t.Fatalf("Unexpected hash %q. Expected %q. host=%q, uri=%q", u.Hash(), expectedHash, host, uri) } }