package main import ( "bufio" "bytes" "encoding/json" "fmt" "html/template" "io" "io/ioutil" "net/http" "os" "strings" "time" "" "" "" "" "" "" ) var templates = make(map[string]*template.Template) var baseTemplates = [...]string{ "templates/base.html", "templates/navbar.html", "templates/simplepag.html", } var simplePages []templateConfig var gdb = gountries.New() func countryReadable(s string) string { if s == "XX" || s == "" { return "" } reg, err := gdb.FindCountryByAlpha(s) if err != nil { return "" } return reg.Name.Common } func loadTemplates(subdir string) { ts, err := ioutil.ReadDir("templates" + subdir) if err != nil { panic(err) } for _, i := range ts { // if it's a directory, load recursively if i.IsDir() && i.Name() != ".." && i.Name() != "." { loadTemplates(subdir + "/" + i.Name()) continue } // ignore non-html files if strings.HasPrefix(i.Name(), ".html") { continue } fullName := "templates" + subdir + "/" + i.Name() _c := parseConfig(fullName) var c templateConfig if _c != nil { c = *_c } if c.NoCompile { continue } var files ="templates" + subdir + "/") files = append(files, fullName) // do not compile base templates on their own var comp bool for _, j := range baseTemplates { if fullName == j { comp = true break } } if comp { continue } var inName string if subdir != "" && subdir[0] == '/' { inName = subdir[1:] + "/" } // add new template to template slice templates[inName+i.Name()] = template.Must(template.New(i.Name()).Funcs(funcMap).ParseFiles( append(files, baseTemplates[:]...)..., )) if _c != nil { simplePages = append(simplePages, *_c) } } } func resp(c *gin.Context, statusCode int, tpl string, data interface{}) { if c == nil { return } t := templates[tpl] if t == nil { c.String(500, "Template not found! Please tell this to a dev!") return } sess := getSession(c) if corrected, ok := data.(page); ok { corrected.SetMessages(getMessages(c)) corrected.SetPath(c.Request.URL.Path) corrected.SetContext(getContext(c)) corrected.SetGinContext(c) corrected.SetSession(sess) } sess.Save() buf := &bytes.Buffer{} err := t.ExecuteTemplate(buf, "base", data) if err != nil { c.String( 200, "An error occurred while trying to render the page, and we have now been notified about it.", ) c.Error(err) return } c.Header("Content-Type", "text/html; charset=utf-8") c.Status(statusCode) _, err = io.Copy(c.Writer, buf) if err != nil { c.Writer.WriteString("We don't know what's happening now.") c.Error(err) return } } type baseTemplateData struct { TitleBar string // required HeadingTitle string HeadingOnRight bool Scripts []string KyutGrill string KyutGrillAbsolute bool SolidColour string DisableHH bool // HH = Huge Heading Messages []message RequestInfo map[string]interface{} // ignore, they're set by resp() Context context Path string FormData map[string]string Gin *gin.Context Session sessions.Session } func (b *baseTemplateData) SetMessages(m []message) { b.Messages = append(b.Messages, m...) } func (b *baseTemplateData) SetPath(path string) { b.Path = path } func (b *baseTemplateData) SetContext(c context) { b.Context = c } func (b *baseTemplateData) SetGinContext(c *gin.Context) { b.Gin = c } func (b *baseTemplateData) SetSession(sess sessions.Session) { b.Session = sess } func (b baseTemplateData) Get(s string, params ...interface{}) map[string]interface{} { s = fmt.Sprintf(s, params...) req, err := http.NewRequest("GET", config.API+s, nil) if err != nil { b.Gin.Error(err) return nil } req.Header.Set("User-Agent", "hanayo") req.Header.Set("H-Key", config.APISecret) req.Header.Set("X-Ripple-Token", b.Context.Token) resp, err := http.DefaultClient.Do(req) if err != nil { b.Gin.Error(err) return nil } data, err := ioutil.ReadAll(resp.Body) defer resp.Body.Close() if err != nil { b.Gin.Error(err) return nil } x := make(map[string]interface{}) err = json.Unmarshal(data, &x) if err != nil { b.Gin.Error(err) return nil } return x } func (b baseTemplateData) Has(privs uint64) bool { return uint64(b.Context.User.Privileges)&privs == privs } func (b baseTemplateData) Conf() interface{} { return config } // list of client flags const ( CFDarkSite = 1 << iota ) func (b baseTemplateData) ClientFlags() int { s, _ := b.Gin.Cookie("cflags") return common.Int(s) } type page interface { SetMessages([]message) SetPath(string) SetContext(context) SetGinContext(*gin.Context) SetSession(sessions.Session) } func reloader() error { c := make(chan notify.EventInfo, 1) if err := notify.Watch("./templates/...", c, notify.All); err != nil { return err } go func() { var last time.Time for ev := range c { if !strings.HasSuffix(ev.Path(), ".html") || time.Since(last) < time.Second*3 { continue } fmt.Println("Change detected! Refreshing templates") simplePages = []templateConfig{} loadTemplates("") l.Close() last = time.Now() } defer notify.Stop(c) }() return nil } type templateConfig struct { NoCompile bool Include string Template string // Stuff that used to be in simpleTemplate Handler string TitleBar string KyutGrill string MinPrivileges uint64 HugeHeadingRight bool AdditionalJS string } func (t templateConfig) inc(prefix string) []string { if t.Include == "" { return nil } a := strings.Split(t.Include, ",") for i, s := range a { a[i] = prefix + s } return a } func (t templateConfig) mp() common.UserPrivileges { return common.UserPrivileges(t.MinPrivileges) } func (t templateConfig) additionalJS() []string { parts := strings.Split(t.AdditionalJS, ",") if len(parts) > 0 && parts[len(parts)-1] == "" { parts = parts[:len(parts)-1] } return parts } func parseConfig(s string) *templateConfig { f, err := os.Open(s) defer f.Close() if err != nil { return nil } i := bufio.NewScanner(f) var inConfig bool var buff string var t templateConfig for i.Scan() { u := i.Text() switch u { case "{{/*###": inConfig = true case "*/}}": if !inConfig { continue } conf.LoadRaw(&t, []byte(buff)) t.Template = strings.TrimPrefix(s, "templates/") return &t } if !inConfig { continue } buff += u + "\n" } return nil } func respEmpty(c *gin.Context, title string, messages ...message) { resp(c, 200, "empty.html", &baseTemplateData{TitleBar: title, Messages: messages}) }