package mailgun import ( "encoding/json" "errors" "io" "time" ) // MaxNumberOfRecipients represents the largest batch of recipients that Mailgun can support in a single API call. // This figure includes To:, Cc:, Bcc:, etc. recipients. const MaxNumberOfRecipients = 1000 // Message structures contain both the message text and the envelop for an e-mail message. type Message struct { to []string tags []string campaigns []string dkim bool deliveryTime *time.Time attachments []string readerAttachments []ReaderAttachment inlines []string readerInlines []ReaderAttachment testMode bool tracking bool trackingClicks bool trackingOpens bool headers map[string]string variables map[string]string recipientVariables map[string]map[string]interface{} dkimSet bool trackingSet bool trackingClicksSet bool trackingOpensSet bool specific features mg Mailgun } type ReaderAttachment struct { Filename string ReadCloser io.ReadCloser } // StoredMessage structures contain the (parsed) message content for an email // sent to a Mailgun account. // // The MessageHeaders field is special, in that it's formatted as a slice of pairs. // Each pair consists of a name [0] and value [1]. Array notation is used instead of a map // because that's how it's sent over the wire, and it's how encoding/json expects this field // to be. type StoredMessage struct { Recipients string `json:"recipients"` Sender string `json:"sender"` From string `json:"from"` Subject string `json:"subject"` BodyPlain string `json:"body-plain"` StrippedText string `json:"stripped-text"` StrippedSignature string `json:"stripped-signature"` BodyHtml string `json:"body-html"` StrippedHtml string `json:"stripped-html"` Attachments []StoredAttachment `json:"attachments"` MessageUrl string `json:"message-url"` ContentIDMap map[string]struct { Url string `json:"url"` ContentType string `json:"content-type"` Name string `json:"name"` Size int64 `json:"size"` } `json:"content-id-map"` MessageHeaders [][]string `json:"message-headers"` } // StoredAttachment structures contain information on an attachment associated with a stored message. type StoredAttachment struct { Size int `json:"size"` Url string `json:"url"` Name string `json:"name"` ContentType string `json:"content-type"` } type StoredMessageRaw struct { Recipients string `json:"recipients"` Sender string `json:"sender"` From string `json:"from"` Subject string `json:"subject"` BodyMime string `json:"body-mime"` } // plainMessage contains fields relevant to plain API-synthesized messages. // You're expected to use various setters to set most of these attributes, // although from, subject, and text are set when the message is created with // NewMessage. type plainMessage struct { from string cc []string bcc []string subject string text string html string } // mimeMessage contains fields relevant to pre-packaged MIME messages. type mimeMessage struct { body io.ReadCloser } type sendMessageResponse struct { Message string `json:"message"` Id string `json:"id"` } // features abstracts the common characteristics between regular and MIME messages. // addCC, addBCC, recipientCount, and setHTML are invoked via the package-global AddCC, AddBCC, // RecipientCount, and SetHtml calls, as these functions are ignored for MIME messages. // Send() invokes addValues to add message-type-specific MIME headers for the API call // to Mailgun. isValid yeilds true if and only if the message is valid enough for sending // through the API. Finally, endpoint() tells Send() which endpoint to use to submit the API call. type features interface { addCC(string) addBCC(string) setHtml(string) addValues(*formDataPayload) isValid() bool endpoint() string recipientCount() int } // NewMessage returns a new e-mail message with the simplest envelop needed to send. // // DEPRECATED. // The package will panic if you use AddRecipient(), AddBcc(), AddCc(), et. al. // on a message already equipped with MaxNumberOfRecipients recipients. // Use Mailgun.NewMessage() instead. // It works similarly to this function, but supports larger lists of recipients. func NewMessage(from string, subject string, text string, to ...string) *Message { return &Message{ specific: &plainMessage{ from: from, subject: subject, text: text, }, to: to, } } // NewMessage returns a new e-mail message with the simplest envelop needed to send. // // Unlike the global function, // this method supports arbitrary-sized recipient lists by // automatically sending mail in batches of up to MaxNumberOfRecipients. // // To support batch sending, you don't want to provide a fixed To: header at this point. // Pass nil as the to parameter to skip adding the To: header at this stage. // You can do this explicitly, or implicitly, as follows: // // // Note absence of To parameter(s)! // m := mg.NewMessage("", "Help save our planet", "Hello world!") // // Note that you'll need to invoke the AddRecipientAndVariables or AddRecipient method // before sending, though. func (mg *MailgunImpl) NewMessage(from, subject, text string, to ...string) *Message { return &Message{ specific: &plainMessage{ from: from, subject: subject, text: text, }, to: to, mg: mg, } } // NewMIMEMessage creates a new MIME message. These messages are largely canned; // you do not need to invoke setters to set message-related headers. // However, you do still need to call setters for Mailgun-specific settings. // // DEPRECATED. // The package will panic if you use AddRecipient(), AddBcc(), AddCc(), et. al. // on a message already equipped with MaxNumberOfRecipients recipients. // Use Mailgun.NewMIMEMessage() instead. // It works similarly to this function, but supports larger lists of recipients. func NewMIMEMessage(body io.ReadCloser, to ...string) *Message { return &Message{ specific: &mimeMessage{ body: body, }, to: to, } } // NewMIMEMessage creates a new MIME message. These messages are largely canned; // you do not need to invoke setters to set message-related headers. // However, you do still need to call setters for Mailgun-specific settings. // // Unlike the global function, // this method supports arbitrary-sized recipient lists by // automatically sending mail in batches of up to MaxNumberOfRecipients. // // To support batch sending, you don't want to provide a fixed To: header at this point. // Pass nil as the to parameter to skip adding the To: header at this stage. // You can do this explicitly, or implicitly, as follows: // // // Note absence of To parameter(s)! // m := mg.NewMessage("", "Help save our planet", "Hello world!") // // Note that you'll need to invoke the AddRecipientAndVariables or AddRecipient method // before sending, though. func (mg *MailgunImpl) NewMIMEMessage(body io.ReadCloser, to ...string) *Message { return &Message{ specific: &mimeMessage{ body: body, }, to: to, mg: mg, } } // AddReaderAttachment arranges to send a file along with the e-mail message. // File contents are read from a io.ReadCloser. // The filename parameter is the resulting filename of the attachment. // The readCloser parameter is the io.ReadCloser which reads the actual bytes to be used // as the contents of the attached file. func (m *Message) AddReaderAttachment(filename string, readCloser io.ReadCloser) { ra := ReaderAttachment{Filename: filename, ReadCloser: readCloser} m.readerAttachments = append(m.readerAttachments, ra) } // AddAttachment arranges to send a file from the filesystem along with the e-mail message. // The attachment parameter is a filename, which must refer to a file which actually resides // in the local filesystem. func (m *Message) AddAttachment(attachment string) { m.attachments = append(m.attachments, attachment) } // AddReaderInline arranges to send a file along with the e-mail message. // File contents are read from a io.ReadCloser. // The filename parameter is the resulting filename of the attachment. // The readCloser parameter is the io.ReadCloser which reads the actual bytes to be used // as the contents of the attached file. func (m *Message) AddReaderInline(filename string, readCloser io.ReadCloser) { ra := ReaderAttachment{Filename: filename, ReadCloser: readCloser} m.readerInlines = append(m.readerInlines, ra) } // AddInline arranges to send a file along with the e-mail message, but does so // in a way that its data remains "inline" with the rest of the message. This // can be used to send image or font data along with an HTML-encoded message body. // The attachment parameter is a filename, which must refer to a file which actually resides // in the local filesystem. func (m *Message) AddInline(inline string) { m.inlines = append(m.inlines, inline) } // AddRecipient appends a receiver to the To: header of a message. // // NOTE: Above a certain limit (currently 1000 recipients), // this function will cause the message as it's currently defined to be sent. // This allows you to support large mailing lists without running into Mailgun's API limitations. func (m *Message) AddRecipient(recipient string) error { return m.AddRecipientAndVariables(recipient, nil) } // AddRecipientAndVariables appends a receiver to the To: header of a message, // and as well attaches a set of variables relevant for this recipient. // // NOTE: Above a certain limit (see MaxNumberOfRecipients), // this function will cause the message as it's currently defined to be sent. // This allows you to support large mailing lists without running into Mailgun's API limitations. func (m *Message) AddRecipientAndVariables(r string, vars map[string]interface{}) error { if m.RecipientCount() >= MaxNumberOfRecipients { _, _, err := m.send() if err != nil { return err } = make([]string, len( m.recipientVariables = make(map[string]map[string]interface{}, len(m.recipientVariables)) } = append(, r) if vars != nil { if m.recipientVariables == nil { m.recipientVariables = make(map[string]map[string]interface{}) } m.recipientVariables[r] = vars } return nil } // RecipientCount returns the total number of recipients for the message. // This includes To:, Cc:, and Bcc: fields. // // NOTE: At present, this method is reliable only for non-MIME messages, as the // Bcc: and Cc: fields are easily accessible. // For MIME messages, only the To: field is considered. // A fix for this issue is planned for a future release. // For now, MIME messages are always assumed to have 10 recipients between Cc: and Bcc: fields. // If your MIME messages have more than 10 non-To: field recipients, // you may find that some recipients will not receive your e-mail. // It's perfectly OK, of course, for a MIME message to not have any Cc: or Bcc: recipients. func (m *Message) RecipientCount() int { return len( + m.specific.recipientCount() } func (pm *plainMessage) recipientCount() int { return len(pm.bcc) + len( } func (mm *mimeMessage) recipientCount() int { return 10 } func (m *Message) send() (string, string, error) { return } func (m *Message) SetReplyTo(recipient string) { m.AddHeader("Reply-To", recipient) } // AddCC appends a receiver to the carbon-copy header of a message. func (m *Message) AddCC(recipient string) { m.specific.addCC(recipient) } func (pm *plainMessage) addCC(r string) { = append(, r) } func (mm *mimeMessage) addCC(_ string) {} // AddBCC appends a receiver to the blind-carbon-copy header of a message. func (m *Message) AddBCC(recipient string) { m.specific.addBCC(recipient) } func (pm *plainMessage) addBCC(r string) { pm.bcc = append(pm.bcc, r) } func (mm *mimeMessage) addBCC(_ string) {} // If you're sending a message that isn't already MIME encoded, SetHtml() will arrange to bundle // an HTML representation of your message in addition to your plain-text body. func (m *Message) SetHtml(html string) { m.specific.setHtml(html) } func (pm *plainMessage) setHtml(h string) { pm.html = h } func (mm *mimeMessage) setHtml(_ string) {} // AddTag attaches a tag to the message. Tags are useful for metrics gathering and event tracking purposes. // Refer to the Mailgun documentation for further details. func (m *Message) AddTag(tag string) { m.tags = append(m.tags, tag) } // This feature is deprecated for new software. func (m *Message) AddCampaign(campaign string) { m.campaigns = append(m.campaigns, campaign) } // SetDKIM arranges to send the o:dkim header with the message, and sets its value accordingly. // Refer to the Mailgun documentation for more information. func (m *Message) SetDKIM(dkim bool) { m.dkim = dkim m.dkimSet = true } // EnableTestMode allows submittal of a message, such that it will be discarded by Mailgun. // This facilitates testing client-side software without actually consuming e-mail resources. func (m *Message) EnableTestMode() { m.testMode = true } // SetDeliveryTime schedules the message for transmission at the indicated time. // Pass nil to remove any installed schedule. // Refer to the Mailgun documentation for more information. func (m *Message) SetDeliveryTime(dt time.Time) { pdt := new(time.Time) *pdt = dt m.deliveryTime = pdt } // SetTracking sets the o:tracking message parameter to adjust, on a message-by-message basis, // whether or not Mailgun will rewrite URLs to facilitate event tracking. // Events tracked includes opens, clicks, unsubscribes, etc. // Note: simply calling this method ensures that the o:tracking header is passed in with the message. // Its yes/no setting is determined by the call's parameter. // Note that this header is not passed on to the final recipient(s). // Refer to the Mailgun documentation for more information. func (m *Message) SetTracking(tracking bool) { m.tracking = tracking m.trackingSet = true } // Refer to the Mailgun documentation for more information. func (m *Message) SetTrackingClicks(trackingClicks bool) { m.trackingClicks = trackingClicks m.trackingClicksSet = true } // Refer to the Mailgun documentation for more information. func (m *Message) SetTrackingOpens(trackingOpens bool) { m.trackingOpens = trackingOpens m.trackingOpensSet = true } // AddHeader allows you to send custom MIME headers with the message. func (m *Message) AddHeader(header, value string) { if m.headers == nil { m.headers = make(map[string]string) } m.headers[header] = value } // AddVariable lets you associate a set of variables with messages you send, // which Mailgun can use to, in essence, complete form-mail. // Refer to the Mailgun documentation for more information. func (m *Message) AddVariable(variable string, value interface{}) error { j, err := json.Marshal(value) if err != nil { return err } if m.variables == nil { m.variables = make(map[string]string) } m.variables[variable] = string(j) return nil } // Send attempts to queue a message (see Message, NewMessage, and its methods) for delivery. // It returns the Mailgun server response, which consists of two components: // a human-readable status message, and a message ID. The status and message ID are set only // if no error occurred. func (m *MailgunImpl) Send(message *Message) (mes string, id string, err error) { if !isValid(message) { err = errors.New("Message not valid") } else { payload := newFormDataPayload() message.specific.addValues(payload) for _, to := range { payload.addValue("to", to) } for _, tag := range message.tags { payload.addValue("o:tag", tag) } for _, campaign := range message.campaigns { payload.addValue("o:campaign", campaign) } if message.dkimSet { payload.addValue("o:dkim", yesNo(message.dkim)) } if message.deliveryTime != nil { payload.addValue("o:deliverytime", formatMailgunTime(message.deliveryTime)) } if message.testMode { payload.addValue("o:testmode", "yes") } if message.trackingSet { payload.addValue("o:tracking", yesNo(message.tracking)) } if message.trackingClicksSet { payload.addValue("o:tracking-clicks", yesNo(message.trackingClicks)) } if message.trackingOpensSet { payload.addValue("o:tracking-opens", yesNo(message.trackingOpens)) } if message.headers != nil { for header, value := range message.headers { payload.addValue("h:"+header, value) } } if message.variables != nil { for variable, value := range message.variables { payload.addValue("v:"+variable, value) } } if message.recipientVariables != nil { j, err := json.Marshal(message.recipientVariables) if err != nil { return "", "", err } payload.addValue("recipient-variables", string(j)) } if message.attachments != nil { for _, attachment := range message.attachments { payload.addFile("attachment", attachment) } } if message.readerAttachments != nil { for _, readerAttachment := range message.readerAttachments { payload.addReadCloser("attachment", readerAttachment.Filename, readerAttachment.ReadCloser) } } if message.inlines != nil { for _, inline := range message.inlines { payload.addFile("inline", inline) } } if message.readerInlines != nil { for _, readerAttachment := range message.readerInlines { payload.addReadCloser("inline", readerAttachment.Filename, readerAttachment.ReadCloser) } } r := newHTTPRequest(generateApiUrl(m, message.specific.endpoint())) r.setClient(m.Client()) r.setBasicAuth(basicAuthUser, m.ApiKey()) var response sendMessageResponse err = postResponseFromJSON(r, payload, &response) if err == nil { mes = response.Message id = response.Id } } return } func (pm *plainMessage) addValues(p *formDataPayload) { p.addValue("from", pm.from) p.addValue("subject", pm.subject) p.addValue("text", pm.text) for _, cc := range { p.addValue("cc", cc) } for _, bcc := range pm.bcc { p.addValue("bcc", bcc) } if pm.html != "" { p.addValue("html", pm.html) } } func (mm *mimeMessage) addValues(p *formDataPayload) { p.addReadCloser("message", "message.mime", mm.body) } func (pm *plainMessage) endpoint() string { return messagesEndpoint } func (mm *mimeMessage) endpoint() string { return mimeMessagesEndpoint } // yesNo translates a true/false boolean value into a yes/no setting suitable for the Mailgun API. func yesNo(b bool) string { if b { return "yes" } else { return "no" } } // isValid returns true if, and only if, // a Message instance is sufficiently initialized to send via the Mailgun interface. func isValid(m *Message) bool { if m == nil { return false } if !m.specific.isValid() { return false } if !validateStringList(, true) { return false } if !validateStringList(m.tags, false) { return false } if !validateStringList(m.campaigns, false) || len(m.campaigns) > 3 { return false } return true } func (pm *plainMessage) isValid() bool { if pm.from == "" { return false } if !validateStringList(, false) { return false } if !validateStringList(pm.bcc, false) { return false } if pm.text == "" && pm.html == "" { return false } return true } func (mm *mimeMessage) isValid() bool { return mm.body != nil } // validateStringList returns true if, and only if, // a slice of strings exists AND all of its elements exist, // OR if the slice doesn't exist AND it's not required to exist. // The requireOne parameter indicates whether the list is required to exist. func validateStringList(list []string, requireOne bool) bool { hasOne := false if list == nil { return !requireOne } else { for _, a := range list { if a == "" { return false } else { hasOne = hasOne || true } } } return hasOne } // GetStoredMessage retrieves information about a received e-mail message. // This provides visibility into, e.g., replies to a message sent to a mailing list. func (mg *MailgunImpl) GetStoredMessage(id string) (StoredMessage, error) { url := generateStoredMessageUrl(mg, messagesEndpoint, id) r := newHTTPRequest(url) r.setClient(mg.Client()) r.setBasicAuth(basicAuthUser, mg.ApiKey()) var response StoredMessage err := getResponseFromJSON(r, &response) return response, err } // GetStoredMessageRaw retrieves the raw MIME body of a received e-mail message. // Compared to GetStoredMessage, it gives access to the unparsed MIME body, and // thus delegates to the caller the required parsing. func (mg *MailgunImpl) GetStoredMessageRaw(id string) (StoredMessageRaw, error) { url := generateStoredMessageUrl(mg, messagesEndpoint, id) r := newHTTPRequest(url) r.setClient(mg.Client()) r.setBasicAuth(basicAuthUser, mg.ApiKey()) r.addHeader("Accept", "message/rfc2822") var response StoredMessageRaw err := getResponseFromJSON(r, &response) return response, err } // DeleteStoredMessage removes a previously stored message. // Note that Mailgun institutes a policy of automatically deleting messages after a set time. // Consult the current Mailgun API documentation for more details. func (mg *MailgunImpl) DeleteStoredMessage(id string) error { url := generateStoredMessageUrl(mg, messagesEndpoint, id) r := newHTTPRequest(url) r.setClient(mg.Client()) r.setBasicAuth(basicAuthUser, mg.ApiKey()) _, err := makeDeleteRequest(r) return err }