package main import ( "database/sql" "fmt" "net/http" "os" "strings" "time" "" _ "" osuapi "" "" "" "" "" "" // Components of the API we want to use _ "" _ "" ) const searchDSNDocs = `"DSN to use for fulltext searches. ` + `This should be a SphinxQL server. Follow the format of the MySQL DSN. ` + `This can be the same as MYSQL_DSN, and cheesegull will still run ` + `successfully, however what happens when search is tried is undefined ` + `behaviour and you should definetely bother to set it up (follow the README).` var ( osuAPIKey = kingpin.Flag("api-key", "osu! API key").Short('k').Envar("OSU_API_KEY").String() osuUsername = kingpin.Flag("osu-username", "osu! username (for downloading and fetching whether a beatmap has a video)").Short('u').Envar("OSU_USERNAME").String() osuPassword = kingpin.Flag("osu-password", "osu! password (for downloading and fetching whether a beatmap has a video)").Short('p').Envar("OSU_PASSWORD").String() mysqlDSN = kingpin.Flag("mysql-dsn", "DSN of MySQL").Short('m').Default("root@/cheesegull").Envar("MYSQL_DSN").String() searchDSN = kingpin.Flag("search-dsn", searchDSNDocs).Default("root@tcp(").Envar("SEARCH_DSN").String() httpAddr = kingpin.Flag("http-addr", "Address on which to take HTTP requests.").Short('a').Default("").String() maxDisk = kingpin.Flag("max-disk", "Maximum number of GB used by beatmap cache.").Default("10").Envar("MAXIMUM_DISK").Float64() ) func addTimeParsing(dsn string) string { sep := "?" if strings.Contains(dsn, "?") { sep = "&" } dsn += sep + "parseTime=true&multiStatements=true" return dsn } func main() { kingpin.Parse() fmt.Println("CheeseGull", Version) // set up osuapi client c := osuapi.NewClient(*osuAPIKey) // set up downloader d, err := downloader.LogIn(*osuUsername, *osuPassword) if err != nil { fmt.Println("Can't log in into osu!:", err) os.Exit(1) } dbmirror.SetHasVideo(d.HasVideo) // set up mysql db, err := sql.Open("mysql", addTimeParsing(*mysqlDSN)) if err != nil { fmt.Println(err) os.Exit(1) } // set up search db2, err := sql.Open("mysql", *searchDSN) if err != nil { fmt.Println(err) os.Exit(1) } // set up housekeeper house := housekeeper.New() err = house.LoadState() if err != nil { fmt.Println(err) os.Exit(1) } house.MaxSize = uint64(float64(1024*1024*1024) * (*maxDisk)) house.StartCleaner() // run mysql migrations err = models.RunMigrations(db) if err != nil { fmt.Println("Error running migrations", err) } // start running components of cheesegull go dbmirror.StartSetUpdater(c, db) go dbmirror.DiscoverEvery(c, db, time.Hour*6, time.Second*20) // create request handler panic(http.ListenAndServe(*httpAddr, api.CreateHandler(db, db2, house, d))) }