{{/*### Handler=/team TitleBar=Team Include=user_group.html KyutGrill=team2.jpg */}} {{ define "tpl" }}

{{ .T "This is a list of the wonderful people who keep Yozora up and running and deal with its community." }}

{{ .T "Owners" }}

{{ .T "Alicia/Sarah are the owners that adds new features to the server, squash bugs, keep the server up and running and take care of its maintenance.}} {{ .T "They try to listen to the community. You know it is us because we have a blue name in-game."" }}

{{ template "userGroup" (.Get "badges/members?id=%d" 2) }}

{{ .T "Community Managers" }}

{{ .T "Community Managers deal with bans, silences, name changes and pretty much everything that has to do with the community." }}
{{ .T "They take care of our Discord server and reply to emails sent to the support services (email and support@yozora.pw). Community Managers have a red name in the in-game chat." | html }}

{{ template "userGroup" (.Get "badges/members?id=%d" 10) }}

{{ .T "Chat Moderators" }}

{{ .T "Chat moderators manage the chat to make sure The Law™ (the rules) is respected." | html }}

{{ template "userGroup" (.Get "badges/members?id=%d" 4) }}

{{ .T "BATs" }}

{{ .T "BATs play beatmaps in the ranking queue and decide whether they are good enough to be ranked or not." }}

{{ template "userGroup" (.Get "badges/members?id=%d" 5) }}

{{ .T "Special thanks" }}

{{ .T "Here's a list of people who helped with Yozora." }}

  • {{ .T "Franc[e]sco/lolisamurai, for oppai, used as standard pp calculator." | html }}
    oppai is licensed under GPL v3. Our implementation can be found here.
  • {{ .T "Tom94, for osu-performance, used as a reference for our mania pp calculator." | html }}
    osu-performance is licensed under AGPL v3. Our implementation can be found here.
  • {{ .T "Sunpy, for catch-the-pp, used as catch the beat pp calculator." | html }}
    catch-the-pp is licensed under GPL v3. Our implementation can be found here.
  • {{ .T "jrosdahl, for miniircd, used as a base for our IRC server." | html }}
    miniircd is licensed under GPL v2. Our implementation can be found here.
  • {{ .T "Kotrik, for helping out with some features." | html }}.
  • {{ .T "Jacksonisiah, for designing the Yozora logo." | html }}
  • {{ .T "Everyone who has supported the Yozora project by donating or inviting other people." | html }}
{{ $ := . }} {{ .T "Looking for how you should contact our team? Check out this email." | html }}
{{ end }}