2019-02-23 16:59:14 +00:00

40 lines
1.8 KiB

{{ define "tpl" }}
<div class="ui container">
{{ if .Session.Get "2fa_must_validate" }}
{{ $e := is2faEnabled .Context.User.ID }}
<div class="tiny container">
<div class="ui raised segments">
<div class="ui segment">
{{ .T "Hey, %s." .Context.User.Username }}
{{ if eq $e 1 }}
{{ .T "Before proceding any further on Yozora, we require you to use the message you just received on telegram to log in to your account." }}
{{ else }}
{{ .T "Before proceding further on Yozora, we require you to use your Google Authenticator App to use the code for Yozora, so that we can log you in." }}
{{ end }}
<div class="ui segment">
<div class="ui form">
<div class="field">
<label>{{ if eq $e 1 }}{{ .T "Telegram code" }} <a href="/2fa_gateway/clear">{{ .T "(send again?)" }}</a>{{ else }}Google Authenticator passcode{{ end }}</label>
<input tabindex="1" type="text" placeholder="{{ if eq $e 1 }}AWYXZ13Y{{ else }}612 511{{ end }}" id="telegram-code">
{{ if eq $e 2 }}
<div class="ui segment">
<b>{{ .T "Lost your phone, or can't access Google Authenticator?" }}</b> <a href="/2fa_gateway/recover">{{ .T "Click here to use a recovery code." }}</a>
{{ end }}
var redir = {{ .RequestInfo.redir }};
{{ else }}
<div class="ui segment">
<code style="word-break: break-all">LVstLS0tLS0tPis8XT4tLlstLS0+KysrKzxdPisuK1stLS0+KzxdPi4rWy0+KysrPF0+Li0tWy0tLT4rPF0+LS5bLT4rKys8XT4rLisrKysrKysrKysrKysuLVstPisrKysrPF0+LS5bLT4rKzxdPisuPi1bLS0tPis8XT4tLS4tLVstPisrKys8XT4tLisrKysrKy4uLVstPisrKys8XT4uK1stPisrKzxdPisuKysrKysuLS0tLS0tLisrKysrKysrLi0tWy0+KysrPF0+LS4+KysrKysrKysrKy4rWy0+KysrKys8XT4rLisrKysrLi4uLi4uKysrKysrKy4=</code>
{{ end }}
{{ end }}