2019-02-23 13:29:15 +00:00

92 lines
1.9 KiB

package main
import (
func loadSimplePages(r *gin.Engine) {
for _, el := range simplePages {
if el.Handler == "" {
r.GET(el.Handler, simplePageFunc(el))
func simplePageFunc(p templateConfig) gin.HandlerFunc {
return func(c *gin.Context) {
s := getContext(c)
if s.User.Privileges&p.mp() != p.mp() {
simple(c, p, nil, nil)
func resp403(c *gin.Context) {
if getContext(c).User.ID == 0 {
ru := c.Request.URL
addMessage(c, warningMessage{T(c, "You need to login first.")})
c.Redirect(302, "/login?redir="+url.QueryEscape(ru.Path+"?"+ru.RawQuery))
respEmpty(c, "Forbidden", warningMessage{T(c, "You should not be 'round here.")})
func simpleReply(c *gin.Context, errs ...message) error {
t := getSimple(c.Request.URL.Path)
if t.Handler == "" {
return errors.New("simpleReply: simplepage not found")
simple(c, t, errs, nil)
return nil
func getSimple(h string) templateConfig {
for _, s := range simplePages {
if s.Handler == h {
return s
fmt.Println("oh handler shit not found", h)
return templateConfig{}
func getSimpleByFilename(f string) templateConfig {
for _, s := range simplePages {
if s.Template == f {
return s
fmt.Println("oh shit not found", f)
return templateConfig{}
func simple(c *gin.Context, p templateConfig, errs []message, requestInfo map[string]interface{}) {
resp(c, 200, p.Template, &baseTemplateData{
TitleBar: p.TitleBar,
KyutGrill: p.KyutGrill,
Scripts: p.additionalJS(),
HeadingOnRight: p.HugeHeadingRight,
FormData: normaliseURLValues(c.Request.PostForm),
RequestInfo: requestInfo,
Messages: errs,
func normaliseURLValues(uv url.Values) map[string]string {
m := make(map[string]string, len(uv))
for k, v := range uv {
if len(v) > 0 {
m[k] = v[0]
return m