2019-02-23 13:29:15 +00:00

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// Package dbmirror is a package to create a database which is almost exactly
// the same as osu!'s beatmap database.
package dbmirror
import (
raven "github.com/getsentry/raven-go"
osuapi "github.com/thehowl/go-osuapi"
const (
// NewBatchEvery is the amount of time that will elapse between one batch
// of requests and another.
NewBatchEvery = time.Minute
// PerBatch is the amount of requests and updates every batch contains.
PerBatch = 100
// SetUpdaterWorkers is the number of goroutines which should take care of
// new batches. Keep in mind that this will be the number of maximum
// concurrent connections to the osu! API.
SetUpdaterWorkers = PerBatch / 20
// hasVideo checks whether a beatmap set has a video.
var hasVideo func(set int) (bool, error)
// SetHasVideo sets the hasVideo function to the one passed.
func SetHasVideo(f func(int) (bool, error)) {
if f == nil {
hasVideo = f
func createChildrenBeatmaps(bms []osuapi.Beatmap) []models.Beatmap {
cgBms := make([]models.Beatmap, len(bms))
for idx, bm := range bms {
cgBms[idx] = models.Beatmap{
ID: bm.BeatmapID,
ParentSetID: bm.BeatmapSetID,
DiffName: bm.DiffName,
FileMD5: bm.FileMD5,
Mode: int(bm.Mode),
BPM: bm.BPM,
AR: float32(bm.ApproachRate),
OD: float32(bm.OverallDifficulty),
CS: float32(bm.CircleSize),
HP: float32(bm.HPDrain),
TotalLength: bm.TotalLength,
HitLength: bm.HitLength,
Playcount: bm.Playcount,
Passcount: bm.Passcount,
MaxCombo: bm.MaxCombo,
DifficultyRating: bm.DifficultyRating,
return cgBms
func setFromOsuAPIBeatmap(b osuapi.Beatmap) models.Set {
return models.Set{
ID: b.BeatmapSetID,
RankedStatus: int(b.Approved),
ApprovedDate: time.Time(b.ApprovedDate),
LastUpdate: time.Time(b.LastUpdate),
LastChecked: time.Now(),
Artist: b.Artist,
Title: b.Title,
Creator: b.Creator,
Source: b.Source,
Tags: b.Tags,
Genre: int(b.Genre),
Language: int(b.Language),
Favourites: b.FavouriteCount,
func updateSet(c *osuapi.Client, db *sql.DB, set models.Set) error {
var (
err error
bms []osuapi.Beatmap
for i := 0; i < 5; i++ {
bms, err = c.GetBeatmaps(osuapi.GetBeatmapsOpts{
BeatmapSetID: set.ID,
if err == nil {
if i >= 5 {
return err
if len(bms) == 0 {
// set has been deleted from osu!, so we do the same thing
return models.DeleteSet(db, set.ID)
// create the new set based on the information we can obtain from the
// first beatmap's information
var x = bms[0]
updated := !time.Time(x.LastUpdate).Equal(set.LastUpdate)
set = setFromOsuAPIBeatmap(x)
set.ChildrenBeatmaps = createChildrenBeatmaps(bms)
if updated {
// if it has been updated, video might have been added or removed
// so we need to check for it
set.HasVideo, err = hasVideo(x.BeatmapSetID)
if err != nil {
return err
return models.CreateSet(db, set)
// By making the buffer the same size of the batch, we can be sure that all
// sets from the previous batch will have completed by the time we finish
// pushing all the beatmaps to the queue.
var setQueue = make(chan models.Set, PerBatch)
// setUpdater is a function to be run as a goroutine, that receives sets
// from setQueue and brings the information in the database up-to-date for that
// set.
func setUpdater(c *osuapi.Client, db *sql.DB) {
for set := range setQueue {
err := updateSet(c, db, set)
if err != nil {
// StartSetUpdater does batch updates for the beatmaps in the database,
// employing goroutines to fetch the data from the osu! API and then write it to
// the database.
func StartSetUpdater(c *osuapi.Client, db *sql.DB) {
for i := 0; i < SetUpdaterWorkers; i++ {
go setUpdater(c, db)
for {
sets, err := models.FetchSetsForBatchUpdate(db, PerBatch)
if err != nil {
for _, set := range sets {
setQueue <- set
if len(sets) > 0 {
log.Printf("[U] Updating sets, oldest LastChecked %v, newest %v, total length %d",
var envSentryDSN = os.Getenv("SENTRY_DSN")
// logError attempts to log an error to Sentry, as well as stdout.
func logError(err error) {
if err == nil {
if envSentryDSN != "" {
raven.CaptureError(err, nil)