2018-12-09 05:15:56 +00:00
import json
import tornado.gen
import tornado.web
from objects import beatmap
from objects import scoreboard
from objects import relaxboard
from common.constants import privileges
from common.log import logUtils as log
from common.ripple import userUtils
from common.web import requestsManager
from constants import exceptions
from objects import glob
from common.constants import mods
from common.sentry import sentry
MODULE_NAME = "get_scores"
class handler(requestsManager.asyncRequestHandler):
Handler for /web/osu-osz2-getscores.php
def asyncGet(self):
# Get request ip
ip = self.getRequestIP()
# Print arguments
if glob.debug:
# TODO: Maintenance check
# Check required arguments
if not requestsManager.checkArguments(self.request.arguments, ["c", "f", "i", "m", "us", "v", "vv", "mods"]):
raise exceptions.invalidArgumentsException(MODULE_NAME)
# GET parameters
md5 = self.get_argument("c")
fileName = self.get_argument("f")
beatmapSetID = self.get_argument("i")
gameMode = self.get_argument("m")
username = self.get_argument("us")
password = self.get_argument("ha")
scoreboardType = int(self.get_argument("v"))
scoreboardVersion = int(self.get_argument("vv"))
# Login and ban check
userID = userUtils.getID(username)
if userID == 0:
raise exceptions.loginFailedException(MODULE_NAME, userID)
if not userUtils.checkLogin(userID, password, ip):
raise exceptions.loginFailedException(MODULE_NAME, username)
if userUtils.check2FA(userID, ip):
raise exceptions.need2FAException(MODULE_NAME, username, ip)
# Ban check is pointless here, since there's no message on the client
#if userHelper.isBanned(userID) == True:
# raise exceptions.userBannedException(MODULE_NAME, username)
# Hax check
if "a" in self.request.arguments:
if int(self.get_argument("a")) == 1 and not userUtils.getAqn(userID):
log.warning("Found AQN folder on user {} ({})".format(username, userID), "cm")
# Scoreboard type
isDonor = userUtils.getPrivileges(userID) & privileges.USER_DONOR > 0
country = False
friends = False
modsFilter = -1
mods = int(self.get_argument("mods"))
if scoreboardType == 4:
# Country leaderboard
country = True
elif scoreboardType == 2:
# Mods leaderboard, replace mods (-1, every mod) with "mods" GET parameters
modsFilter = int(self.get_argument("mods"))
elif scoreboardType == 3 and isDonor:
# Friends leaderboard
friends = True
# Console output
2019-02-16 18:49:52 +00:00
fileNameShort = fileName[:48]+"..." if len(fileName) > 48 else fileName[:-4]
2019-02-16 18:31:16 +00:00
log.info("[{}] Requested beatmap {}".format("RELAX" if scoreboardType == 1 and int(self.get_argument("mods")) & 128 else "VANILLA", fileNameShort))
2018-12-09 05:15:56 +00:00
# Create beatmap object and set its data
bmap = beatmap.beatmap(md5, beatmapSetID, gameMode)
if int(self.get_argument("mods")) & 128:
glob.redis.publish("peppy:update_rxcached_stats", userID)
glob.redis.publish("peppy:update_cached_stats", userID)
if bool(mods & 128):
sboard = relaxboard.scoreboard(username, gameMode, bmap, setScores=True, country=country, mods=modsFilter, friends=friends)
sboard = scoreboard.scoreboard(username, gameMode, bmap, setScores=True, country=country, mods=modsFilter, friends=friends)
# Data to return
data = ""
data += bmap.getData(sboard.totalScores, scoreboardVersion)
data += sboard.getScoresData()
# Datadog stats
except exceptions.need2FAException:
self.write("error: 2fa")
except exceptions.invalidArgumentsException:
self.write("error: meme")
except exceptions.userBannedException:
self.write("error: ban")
except exceptions.loginFailedException:
self.write("error: pass")