import base64 import collections import json import sys import threading import traceback from urllib.parse import urlencode import requests import tornado.gen import tornado.web import math import secret.achievements.utils from common.constants import gameModes from common.constants import mods from common.log import logUtils as log from common.ripple import userUtils from common.ripple import scoreUtils from common.web import requestsManager from constants import exceptions from constants import rankedStatuses from constants.exceptions import ppCalcException from helpers import aeshelper from helpers import replayHelper from helpers import leaderboardHelper from objects import beatmap from objects import glob from objects import score from objects import scoreboard from objects import relaxboard from objects import rxscore from helpers.generalHelper import zingonify from objects.charts import BeatmapChart, OverallChart from common import generalUtils MODULE_NAME = "submit_modular" class handler(requestsManager.asyncRequestHandler): """ Handler for /web/osu-submit-modular.php """ @tornado.web.asynchronous @tornado.gen.engine #@sentry.captureTornado def asyncPost(self): newCharts = self.request.uri == "/web/osu-submit-modular-selector.php" try: # Resend the score in case of unhandled exceptions keepSending = True # Get request ip ip = self.getRequestIP() # Print arguments if glob.debug: requestsManager.printArguments(self) # Check arguments if not requestsManager.checkArguments(self.request.arguments, ["score", "iv", "pass"]): raise exceptions.invalidArgumentsException(MODULE_NAME) # TODO: Maintenance check # Get parameters and IP scoreDataEnc = self.get_argument("score") iv = self.get_argument("iv") password = self.get_argument("pass") ip = self.getRequestIP() # Get bmk and bml (notepad hack check) if "bmk" in self.request.arguments and "bml" in self.request.arguments: bmk = self.get_argument("bmk") bml = self.get_argument("bml") else: bmk = None bml = None # Get right AES Key if "osuver" in self.request.arguments: aeskey = "osu!-scoreburgr---------{}".format(self.get_argument("osuver")) else: aeskey = "h89f2-890h2h89b34g-h80g134n90133" # Get score data log.debug("Decrypting score data...") scoreData = aeshelper.decryptRinjdael(aeskey, iv, scoreDataEnc, True).split(":") username = scoreData[1].strip() # Login and ban check userID = userUtils.getID(username) # User exists check if userID == 0: raise exceptions.loginFailedException(MODULE_NAME, userID) # Bancho session/username-pass combo check if not userUtils.checkLogin(userID, password, ip): raise exceptions.loginFailedException(MODULE_NAME, username) # 2FA Check if userUtils.check2FA(userID, ip): raise exceptions.need2FAException(MODULE_NAME, userID, ip) # Generic bancho session check #if not userUtils.checkBanchoSession(userID): # TODO: Ban (see except exceptions.noBanchoSessionException block) # raise exceptions.noBanchoSessionException(MODULE_NAME, username, ip) # Ban check if userUtils.isBanned(userID): raise exceptions.userBannedException(MODULE_NAME, username) # Data length check if len(scoreData) < 16: raise exceptions.invalidArgumentsException(MODULE_NAME) # Get restricted restricted = userUtils.isRestricted(userID) # Get variables for relax used_mods = int(scoreData[13]) isRelaxing = used_mods & 128 # Create score object and set its data"[{}] {} has submitted a score on {}...".format("RELAX" if isRelaxing else "VANILLA", username, scoreData[0])) s = rxscore.score() if isRelaxing else score.score() s.setDataFromScoreData(scoreData) if s.completed == -1: # Duplicated score log.warning("Duplicated score detected, this is normal right after restarting the server") return # Set score stuff missing in score data s.playerUserID = userID # Get beatmap info beatmapInfo = beatmap.beatmap() beatmapInfo.setDataFromDB(s.fileMd5) # Make sure the beatmap is submitted and updated if beatmapInfo.rankedStatus == rankedStatuses.NOT_SUBMITTED or beatmapInfo.rankedStatus == rankedStatuses.NEED_UPDATE or beatmapInfo.rankedStatus == rankedStatuses.UNKNOWN: log.debug("Beatmap is not submitted/outdated/unknown. Score submission aborted.") return # increment user playtime length = 0 if s.passed: length = userUtils.getBeatmapTime(beatmapInfo.beatmapID) else: length = math.ceil(int(self.get_argument("ft")) / 1000) userUtils.incrementPlaytime(userID, s.gameMode, length) # Calculate PP midPPCalcException = None try: s.calculatePP() except Exception as e: # Intercept ALL exceptions and bypass them. # We want to save scores even in case PP calc fails # due to some rippoppai bugs. # I know this is bad, but who cares since I'll rewrite # the scores server again. log.error("Caught an exception in pp calculation, re-raising after saving score in db") s.pp = 0 midPPCalcException = e # Restrict obvious cheaters™ if restricted == False: if isRelaxing: # Relax rxGods = [7340, 2137, 6868, 1215, 15066, 14522, 1325, 5798, 21610, 1254, 15070, 3445, 17157, 14791, 14728] # Yea yea it's a bad way of doing it, kill yourself - cmyui osu gaming """ CTBLIST = [] TAIKOLIST = [] """ if (s.pp >= 1200 and s.gameMode == gameModes.STD and used_mods & 1024) and userID not in rxGods: userUtils.restrict(userID) userUtils.appendNotes(userID, "Restricted due to too high pp gain with FLASHLIGHT ({}pp)".format(s.pp)) log.warning("**{}** ({}) has been restricted due to too high pp gain with FLASHLIGHT **({}pp)**".format(username, userID, s.pp), "cm") elif (s.pp >= 2000 and s.gameMode == gameModes.STD) and userID not in rxGods: userUtils.restrict(userID) userUtils.appendNotes(userID, "Restricted due to too high pp gain ({}pp)".format(s.pp)) log.warning("**{}** ({}) has been restricted due to too high pp gain **({}pp)**".format(username, userID, s.pp), "cm") """ elif (s.pp >= 10000 and s.gameMode == gameModes.TAIKO) and userID not in TAIKOLIST: userUtils.restrict(userID) userUtils.appendNotes(userID, "Restricted due to too high pp gain ({}pp)".format(s.pp)) log.warning("**{}** ({}) has been restricted due to too high pp gain **({}pp)**".format(username, userID, s.pp), "cm") elif s.pp >= 10000 and (s.gameMode == gameModes.CTB) and userID not in CTBLIST: userUtils.restrict(userID) userUtils.appendNotes(userID, "Restricted due to too high pp gain ({}pp)".format(s.pp)) log.warning("**{}** ({}) has been restricted due to too high pp gain **({}pp)**".format(username, userID, s.pp), "cm") """ else: # Vanilla if (s.pp >= 500 and s.gameMode == gameModes.STD and used_mods & 1024): userUtils.restrict(userID) userUtils.appendNotes(userID, "Restricted due to too high pp gain with FLASHLIGHT ({}pp)".format(s.pp)) log.warning("**{}** ({}) has been restricted due to too high pp gain with FLASHLIGHT **({}pp)**".format(username, userID, s.pp), "cm") elif (s.pp >= 700 and s.gameMode == gameModes.STD): userUtils.restrict(userID) userUtils.appendNotes(userID, "Restricted due to too high pp gain ({}pp)".format(s.pp)) log.warning("**{}** ({}) has been restricted due to too high pp gain **({}pp)**".format(username, userID, s.pp), "cm") """ elif (s.pp >= 10000 and s.gameMode == gameModes.TAIKO): userUtils.restrict(userID) userUtils.appendNotes(userID, "Restricted due to too high pp gain ({}pp)".format(s.pp)) log.warning("**{}** ({}) has been restricted due to too high pp gain **({}pp)**".format(username, userID, s.pp), "cm") elif s.pp >= 10000 and (s.gameMode == gameModes.CTB): userUtils.restrict(userID) userUtils.appendNotes(userID, "Restricted due to too high pp gain ({}pp)".format(s.pp)) log.warning("**{}** ({}) has been restricted due to too high pp gain **({}pp)**".format(username, userID, s.pp), "cm") """ # Check notepad hack if bmk is None and bml is None: # No bmk and bml params passed, edited or super old client #log.warning("{} ({}) most likely submitted a score from an edited client or a super old client".format(username, userID), "cm") pass elif bmk != bml and not restricted: # bmk and bml passed and they are different, restrict the user userUtils.restrict(userID) userUtils.appendNotes(userID, "Restricted due to notepad hack") log.warning("**{}** ({}) has been restricted due to notepad hack".format(username, userID), "cm") return # Right before submitting the score, get the personal best score object (we need it for charts) if s.passed and s.oldPersonalBest > 0: oldPersonalBestRank = glob.personalBestCache.get(userID, s.fileMd5) if oldPersonalBestRank == 0: oldScoreboard = scoreboard.scoreboard(username, s.gameMode, beatmapInfo, False) oldScoreboard.setPersonalBestRank() oldPersonalBestRank = max(oldScoreboard.personalBestRank, 0) oldPersonalBest = score.score(s.oldPersonalBest, oldPersonalBestRank) else: oldPersonalBestRank = 0 oldPersonalBest = None # Save score in db s.saveScoreInDB() # Client anti-cheat flags haxFlags = scoreData[17].count(' ') # 4 is normal, 0 is irregular but inconsistent. if haxFlags != 4 and haxFlags != 0 and s.completed > 1 and restricted == False: flagsReadable = generalUtils.calculateFlags(haxFlags, used_mods, s.gameMode) userUtils.appendNotes(userID, "-- has received clientside flags: {} [{}] (cheated score id: {})".format(haxFlags, flagsReadable, s.scoreID)) log.warning("**{}** ({}) has received clientside anti cheat flags.\n\nFlags: {}.\n[{}]\n\nScore ID: {scoreID}\nReplay:{scoreID}".format(username, userID, haxFlags, flagsReadable, scoreID=s.scoreID), "cm") if s.score < 0 or s.score > (2 ** 63) - 1: userUtils.ban(userID) userUtils.appendNotes(userID, "Banned due to negative score.") if s.passed: # just incase :)! if (s.score - (s.c300 * 300 + s.c100 * 100 + s.c50 * 50)) < 0 and not isRelaxing: #userUtils.ban(userID) #userUtils.appendNotes(userID, "Banned due to score being less than no-combo value.") log.cmyui("{} has submitted a score where score is less than no-combo value. (scoreID: {}, score: {}, pp:{})".format(username, s.scoreID, s.score, s.pp), discord="cm") if s.fullCombo and s.cMiss > 0: log.cmyui("{} has submitted a score with 'fullCombo' flag, but has > 0 misses. (scoreID: {}, score: {}, pp:{})".format(username, s.scoreID, s.score, s.pp), discord="cm") # Make sure the score is not memed if s.gameMode == gameModes.MANIA and s.score > 1000000: userUtils.ban(userID) userUtils.appendNotes(userID, "Banned due to mania score > 1000000.") # Ci metto la faccia, ci metto la testa e ci metto il mio cuore if ((s.mods & mods.DOUBLETIME) > 0 and (s.mods & mods.HALFTIME) > 0) \ or ((s.mods & mods.HARDROCK) > 0 and (s.mods & mods.EASY) > 0) \ or ((s.mods & mods.SUDDENDEATH) > 0 and (s.mods & mods.NOFAIL) > 0)\ or ((s.mods & mods.RELAX) > 0 and (s.mods & mods.RELAX2) > 0): userUtils.ban(userID) userUtils.appendNotes(userID, "Impossible mod combination ({}).".format(s.mods)) # NOTE: Process logging was removed from the client starting from 20180322 # Save replay for all passed scores # Make sure the score has an id as well (duplicated?, query error?) if s.passed and s.scoreID > 0: if "score" in self.request.files: # Save the replay if it was provided log.debug("Saving replay ({})...".format(s.scoreID)) replay = self.request.files["score"][0]["body"] with open(".data/replays/replay_{}.osr".format(s.scoreID), "wb") as f: f.write(replay) # Send to cono ALL passed replays, even non high-scores if glob.conf.config["cono"]["enable"]: if isRelaxing: threading.Thread(target=lambda: glob.redis.publish( "cono:analyze", json.dumps({ "score_id": s.scoreID, "beatmap_id": beatmapInfo.beatmapID, "user_id": s.playerUserID, "game_mode": s.gameMode, "pp": s.pp, "replay_data": base64.b64encode( replayHelper.rxbuildFullReplay( s.scoreID, rawReplay=self.request.files["score"][0]["body"] ) ).decode(), }) )).start() else: # We run this in a separate thread to avoid slowing down scores submission, # as cono needs a full replay threading.Thread(target=lambda: glob.redis.publish( "cono:analyze", json.dumps({ "score_id": s.scoreID, "beatmap_id": beatmapInfo.beatmapID, "user_id": s.playerUserID, "game_mode": s.gameMode, "pp": s.pp, "replay_data": base64.b64encode( replayHelper.buildFullReplay( s.scoreID, rawReplay=self.request.files["score"][0]["body"] ) ).decode(), }) )).start() else: # Restrict if no replay was provided if not restricted: userUtils.restrict(userID) userUtils.appendNotes(userID, "Restricted due to missing replay while submitting a score.") log.warning("**{}** ({}) has been restricted due to not submitting a replay on map {}.".format( username, userID, s.fileMd5 ), "cm") # Update beatmap playcount (and passcount) beatmap.incrementPlaycount(s.fileMd5, s.passed) # Let the api know of this score if s.scoreID: glob.redis.publish("api:score_submission", s.scoreID) # Re-raise pp calc exception after saving score, cake, replay etc # so Sentry can track it without breaking score submission if midPPCalcException is not None: raise ppCalcException(midPPCalcException) # If there was no exception, update stats and build score submitted panel # Get "before" stats for ranking panel (only if passed) if s.passed: # Get stats and rank if isRelaxing: oldUserData = glob.userStatsCache.rxget(userID, s.gameMode) oldRank = userUtils.rxgetGameRank(userID, s.gameMode) else: oldUserData = glob.userStatsCache.get(userID, s.gameMode) oldRank = userUtils.getGameRank(userID, s.gameMode) # Always update users stats (total/ranked score, playcount, level, acc and pp) # even if not passed log.debug("[{}] Updating {}'s stats...".format("RELAX" if isRelaxing else "VANILLA", username)) if isRelaxing: userUtils.rxupdateStats(userID, s) else: userUtils.updateStats(userID, s) # Get "after" stats for ranking panel # and to determine if we should update the leaderboard # (only if we passed that song) if s.passed: # Get new stats if isRelaxing: newUserData = userUtils.getRelaxStats(userID, s.gameMode) glob.userStatsCache.rxupdate(userID, s.gameMode, newUserData) else: newUserData = userUtils.getUserStats(userID, s.gameMode) glob.userStatsCache.update(userID, s.gameMode, newUserData) # Update leaderboard (global and country) if score/pp has changed if s.completed == 3 and newUserData["pp"] != oldUserData["pp"]: if isRelaxing: leaderboardHelper.rxupdate(userID, newUserData["pp"], s.gameMode) leaderboardHelper.rxupdateCountry(userID, newUserData["pp"], s.gameMode) else: leaderboardHelper.update(userID, newUserData["pp"], s.gameMode) leaderboardHelper.updateCountry(userID, newUserData["pp"], s.gameMode) # TODO: Update total hits and max combo # Update latest activity userUtils.updateLatestActivity(userID) # IP log userUtils.IPLog(userID, ip) # Score submission and stats update done log.debug("Score submission and user stats update done!") # Score has been submitted, do not retry sending the score if # there are exceptions while building the ranking panel keepSending = False # At the end, check achievements if s.passed: new_achievements = secret.achievements.utils.unlock_achievements(s, beatmapInfo, newUserData) # Output ranking panel only if we passed the song # and we got valid beatmap info from db if beatmapInfo is not None and beatmapInfo != False and s.passed: log.debug("Started building ranking panel.") if isRelaxing: # Relax # Trigger bancho stats cache update glob.redis.publish("peppy:update_rxcached_stats", userID) newScoreboard = relaxboard.scoreboard(username, s.gameMode, beatmapInfo, False) newScoreboard.setPersonalBestRank() personalBestID = newScoreboard.getPersonalBestID() assert personalBestID is not None currentPersonalBest = rxscore.score(personalBestID, newScoreboard.personalBestRank) # Get rank info (current rank, pp/score to next rank, user who is 1 rank above us) rankInfo = leaderboardHelper.rxgetRankInfo(userID, s.gameMode) else: # Vanilla # Trigger bancho stats cache update glob.redis.publish("peppy:update_cached_stats", userID) newScoreboard = scoreboard.scoreboard(username, s.gameMode, beatmapInfo, False) newScoreboard.setPersonalBestRank() personalBestID = newScoreboard.getPersonalBestID() assert personalBestID is not None currentPersonalBest = score.score(personalBestID, newScoreboard.personalBestRank) # Get rank info (current rank, pp/score to next rank, user who is 1 rank above us) rankInfo = leaderboardHelper.getRankInfo(userID, s.gameMode) if newCharts: log.debug("Using new charts") dicts = [ collections.OrderedDict([ ("beatmapId", beatmapInfo.beatmapID), ("beatmapSetId", beatmapInfo.beatmapSetID), ("beatmapPlaycount", beatmapInfo.playcount + 1), ("beatmapPasscount", beatmapInfo.passcount + (s.completed == 3)), ("approvedDate", "") ]), BeatmapChart( oldPersonalBest if s.completed == 3 else currentPersonalBest, currentPersonalBest if s.completed == 3 else s, beatmapInfo.beatmapID, ), OverallChart( userID, oldUserData, newUserData, beatmapInfo, s, new_achievements, oldRank, rankInfo["currentRank"] ) ] else: log.debug("Using old charts") dicts = [ collections.OrderedDict([ ("beatmapId", beatmapInfo.beatmapID), ("beatmapSetId", beatmapInfo.beatmapSetID), ("beatmapPlaycount", beatmapInfo.playcount), ("beatmapPasscount", beatmapInfo.passcount), ("approvedDate", "") ]), collections.OrderedDict([ ("chartId", "overall"), ("chartName", "Overall Ranking"), ("chartEndDate", ""), ("beatmapRankingBefore", oldPersonalBestRank), ("beatmapRankingAfter", newScoreboard.personalBestRank), ("rankedScoreBefore", oldUserData["rankedScore"]), ("rankedScoreAfter", newUserData["rankedScore"]), ("totalScoreBefore", oldUserData["totalScore"]), ("totalScoreAfter", newUserData["totalScore"]), ("playCountBefore", newUserData["playcount"]), ("accuracyBefore", float(oldUserData["accuracy"])/100), ("accuracyAfter", float(newUserData["accuracy"])/100), ("rankBefore", oldRank), ("rankAfter", rankInfo["currentRank"]), ("toNextRank", rankInfo["difference"]), ("toNextRankUser", rankInfo["nextUsername"]), ("achievements", ""), ("achievements-new", secret.achievements.utils.achievements_response(new_achievements)), ("onlineScoreId", s.scoreID) ]) ] output = "\n".join(zingonify(x) for x in dicts) log.debug("Generated output for online ranking screen!") log.debug(output) # Send message to #announce if we're rank #1 if newScoreboard.personalBestRank == 1 and s.completed == 3 and not restricted: annmsg = "[{}] [{} {}] achieved rank #1 on [{} {}] ({})".format( "RELAX" if isRelaxing else "VANILLA", userID, username.encode().decode("ASCII", "ignore"), beatmapInfo.beatmapID, beatmapInfo.songName.encode().decode("ASCII", "ignore"), gameModes.getGamemodeFull(s.gameMode) ) params = urlencode({"k": glob.conf.config["server"]["apikey"], "to": "#announce", "msg": annmsg}) requests.get("{}/api/v1/fokabotMessage?{}".format(glob.conf.config["server"]["banchourl"], params)) scoreUtils.newFirst(s.scoreID, userID, s.fileMd5, s.gameMode, isRelaxing) # Write message to client self.write(output) else: # No ranking panel, send just "ok" self.write("ok") # Send username change request to bancho if needed # (key is deleted bancho-side) newUsername = glob.redis.get("ripple:change_username_pending:{}".format(userID)) if newUsername is not None: log.debug("Sending username change request for user {} to Bancho".format(userID)) glob.redis.publish("peppy:change_username", json.dumps({ "userID": userID, "newUsername": newUsername.decode("utf-8") })) # Datadog stats".submitted_scores") except exceptions.invalidArgumentsException: pass except exceptions.loginFailedException: self.write("error: pass") except exceptions.need2FAException: # Send error pass to notify the user # resend the score at regular intervals # for users with memy connection self.set_status(408) self.write("error: 2fa") except exceptions.userBannedException: self.write("error: ban") except exceptions.noBanchoSessionException: # We don't have an active bancho session. # Don't ban the user but tell the client to send the score again. # Once we are sure that this error doesn't get triggered when it # shouldn't (eg: bancho restart), we'll ban users that submit # scores without an active bancho session. # We only log through schiavo atm (see self.set_status(408) self.write("error: pass") except: # Try except block to avoid more errors try: log.error("Unknown error in {}!\n```{}\n{}```".format(MODULE_NAME, sys.exc_info(), traceback.format_exc())) if glob.sentry: yield tornado.gen.Task(self.captureException, exc_info=True) except: pass # Every other exception returns a 408 error (timeout) # This avoids lost scores due to score server crash # because the client will send the score again after some time. if keepSending: self.set_status(408)