import json import sys import traceback import tornado.gen import tornado.web from raven.contrib.tornado import SentryMixin from objects import beatmap from common.constants import gameModes from common.log import logUtils as log from common.web import requestsManager from constants import exceptions from helpers import osuapiHelper from objects import glob from pp import rippoppai from pp import rxoppai from common.sentry import sentry MODULE_NAME = "api/pp" class handler(requestsManager.asyncRequestHandler): """ Handler for /api/v1/pp """ @tornado.web.asynchronous @tornado.gen.engine @sentry.captureTornado def asyncGet(self): statusCode = 400 data = {"message": "unknown error"} try: # Check arguments if not requestsManager.checkArguments(self.request.arguments, ["b"]): raise exceptions.invalidArgumentsException(MODULE_NAME) # Get beatmap ID and make sure it's a valid number beatmapID = self.get_argument("b") if not beatmapID.isdigit(): raise exceptions.invalidArgumentsException(MODULE_NAME) # Get mods if "m" in self.request.arguments: modsEnum = self.get_argument("m") if not modsEnum.isdigit(): raise exceptions.invalidArgumentsException(MODULE_NAME) modsEnum = int(modsEnum) else: modsEnum = 0 # Get game mode if "g" in self.request.arguments: gameMode = self.get_argument("g") if not gameMode.isdigit(): raise exceptions.invalidArgumentsException(MODULE_NAME) gameMode = int(gameMode) else: gameMode = 0 # Get acc if "a" in self.request.arguments: accuracy = self.get_argument("a") try: accuracy = float(accuracy) except ValueError: raise exceptions.invalidArgumentsException(MODULE_NAME) else: accuracy = -1.0 # Print message"Requested pp for beatmap {}".format(beatmapID)) # Get beatmap md5 from osuapi # TODO: Move this to beatmap object osuapiData = osuapiHelper.osuApiRequest("get_beatmaps", "b={}".format(beatmapID)) if osuapiData is None or "file_md5" not in osuapiData or "beatmapset_id" not in osuapiData: raise exceptions.invalidBeatmapException(MODULE_NAME) beatmapMd5 = osuapiData["file_md5"] beatmapSetID = osuapiData["beatmapset_id"] # Create beatmap object bmap = beatmap.beatmap(beatmapMd5, beatmapSetID) # Check beatmap length if bmap.hitLength > 900: raise exceptions.beatmapTooLongException(MODULE_NAME) returnPP = [] if gameMode == gameModes.STD and bmap.starsStd == 0: # Mode Specific beatmap, auto detect game mode if bmap.starsTaiko > 0: gameMode = gameModes.TAIKO if bmap.starsCtb > 0: gameMode = gameModes.CTB if bmap.starsMania > 0: gameMode = gameModes.MANIA # Calculate pp if gameMode == gameModes.STD or gameMode == gameModes.TAIKO: # Std pp if accuracy < 0 and modsEnum == 0: # Generic acc # Get cached pp values cachedPP = bmap.getCachedTillerinoPP() if cachedPP != [0,0,0,0]: log.debug("Got cached pp.") returnPP = cachedPP else: log.debug("Cached pp not found. Calculating pp with oppai...") # Cached pp not found, calculate them oppai = rippoppai.oppai(bmap, mods=modsEnum, tillerino=True) returnPP = oppai.pp bmap.starsStd = oppai.stars # Cache values in DB log.debug("Saving cached pp...") if type(returnPP) == list and len(returnPP) == 4: bmap.saveCachedTillerinoPP(returnPP) else: # Specific accuracy, calculate # Create oppai instance log.debug("Specific request ({}%/{}). Calculating pp with oppai...".format(accuracy, modsEnum)) if modsEnum & 128: oppai = rxoppai.oppai(bmap, mods=modsEnum, tillerino=True) else: oppai = rippoppai.oppai(bmap, mods=modsEnum, tillerino=True) bmap.starsStd = oppai.stars if accuracy > 0: returnPP.append(calculatePPFromAcc(oppai, accuracy)) else: returnPP = oppai.pp else: raise exceptions.unsupportedGameModeException() # Data to return data = { "song_name": bmap.songName, "pp": [round(x, 2) for x in returnPP] if type(returnPP) == list else returnPP, "length": bmap.hitLength, "stars": bmap.starsStd, "ar": bmap.AR, "bpm": bmap.bpm, } # Set status code and message statusCode = 200 data["message"] = "ok" except exceptions.invalidArgumentsException: # Set error and message statusCode = 400 data["message"] = "missing required arguments" except exceptions.invalidBeatmapException: statusCode = 400 data["message"] = "beatmap not found" except exceptions.beatmapTooLongException: statusCode = 400 data["message"] = "requested beatmap is too long" except exceptions.unsupportedGameModeException: statusCode = 400 data["message"] = "Unsupported gamemode" finally: # Add status code to data data["status"] = statusCode # Debug output log.debug(str(data)) # Send response #self.clear() self.write(json.dumps(data)) self.set_header("Content-Type", "application/json") self.set_status(statusCode) def calculatePPFromAcc(ppcalc, acc): ppcalc.acc = acc ppcalc.calculatePP() return ppcalc.pp