import time from objects import beatmap from common.constants import gameModes from common.log import logUtils as log from common.ripple import userUtils from constants import rankedStatuses from common.ripple import scoreUtils from objects import glob from pp import rippoppai from pp import rxoppai from pp import wifipiano2 from pp import cicciobello class score: PP_CALCULATORS = { gameModes.STD: rxoppai.oppai, gameModes.TAIKO: rippoppai.oppai, gameModes.CTB: cicciobello.Cicciobello, gameModes.MANIA: wifipiano2.piano } __slots__ = ["scoreID", "playerName", "score", "maxCombo", "c50", "c100", "c300", "cMiss", "cKatu", "cGeki", "fullCombo", "mods", "playerUserID","rank","date", "hasReplay", "fileMd5", "passed", "playDateTime", "gameMode", "completed", "accuracy", "pp", "oldPersonalBest", "rankedScoreIncrease"] def __init__(self, scoreID = None, rank = None, setData = True): """ Initialize a (empty) score object. scoreID -- score ID, used to get score data from db. Optional. rank -- score rank. Optional setData -- if True, set score data from db using scoreID. Optional. """ self.scoreID = 0 self.playerName = "nospe" self.score = 0 self.maxCombo = 0 self.c50 = 0 self.c100 = 0 self.c300 = 0 self.cMiss = 0 self.cKatu = 0 self.cGeki = 0 self.fullCombo = False self.mods = 0 self.playerUserID = 0 self.rank = rank # can be empty string too = 0 self.hasReplay = 0 self.fileMd5 = None self.passed = False self.playDateTime = 0 self.gameMode = 0 self.completed = 0 self.accuracy = 0.00 self.pp = 0.00 self.oldPersonalBest = 0 self.rankedScoreIncrease = 0 if scoreID is not None and setData == True: self.setDataFromDB(scoreID, rank) def calculateAccuracy(self): """ Calculate and set accuracy for that score """ if self.gameMode == 0: # std totalPoints = self.c50*50+self.c100*100+self.c300*300 totalHits = self.c300+self.c100+self.c50+self.cMiss if totalHits == 0: self.accuracy = 1 else: self.accuracy = totalPoints/(totalHits*300) elif self.gameMode == 1: # taiko totalPoints = (self.c100*50)+(self.c300*100) totalHits = self.cMiss+self.c100+self.c300 if totalHits == 0: self.accuracy = 1 else: self.accuracy = totalPoints / (totalHits * 100) elif self.gameMode == 2: # ctb fruits = self.c300+self.c100+self.c50 totalFruits = fruits+self.cMiss+self.cKatu if totalFruits == 0: self.accuracy = 1 else: self.accuracy = fruits / totalFruits elif self.gameMode == 3: # mania totalPoints = self.c50*50+self.c100*100+self.cKatu*200+self.c300*300+self.cGeki*300 totalHits = self.cMiss+self.c50+self.c100+self.c300+self.cGeki+self.cKatu self.accuracy = totalPoints / (totalHits * 300) else: # unknown gamemode self.accuracy = 0 def setRank(self, rank): """ Force a score rank rank -- new score rank """ self.rank = rank def setDataFromDB(self, scoreID, rank = None): """ Set this object's score data from db Sets playerUserID too scoreID -- score ID rank -- rank in scoreboard. Optional. """ data = glob.db.fetch("SELECT scores_relax.*, users.username FROM scores_relax LEFT JOIN users ON = scores_relax.userid WHERE = %s LIMIT 1", [scoreID]) if data is not None: self.setDataFromDict(data, rank) def setDataFromDict(self, data, rank = None): """ Set this object's score data from dictionary Doesn't set playerUserID data -- score dictionarty rank -- rank in scoreboard. Optional. """ #print(str(data)) self.scoreID = data["id"] if "username" in data: self.playerName = userUtils.getClan(data["userid"]) else: self.playerName = userUtils.getUsername(data["userid"]) self.playerUserID = data["userid"] self.score = data["score"] self.maxCombo = data["max_combo"] self.gameMode = data["play_mode"] self.c50 = data["50_count"] self.c100 = data["100_count"] self.c300 = data["300_count"] self.cMiss = data["misses_count"] self.cKatu = data["katus_count"] self.cGeki = data["gekis_count"] self.fullCombo = True if data["full_combo"] == 1 else False self.mods = data["mods"] self.rank = rank if rank is not None else "" = data["time"] self.fileMd5 = data["beatmap_md5"] self.completed = data["completed"] #if "pp" in data: self.pp = data["pp"] self.calculateAccuracy() def setDataFromScoreData(self, scoreData): """ Set this object's score data from scoreData list (submit modular) scoreData -- scoreData list """ if len(scoreData) >= 16: self.fileMd5 = scoreData[0] self.playerName = scoreData[1].strip() # %s%s%s = scoreData[2] self.c300 = int(scoreData[3]) self.c100 = int(scoreData[4]) self.c50 = int(scoreData[5]) self.cGeki = int(scoreData[6]) self.cKatu = int(scoreData[7]) self.cMiss = int(scoreData[8]) self.score = int(scoreData[9]) self.maxCombo = int(scoreData[10]) self.fullCombo = True if scoreData[11] == 'True' else False #self.rank = scoreData[12] self.mods = int(scoreData[13]) self.passed = True if scoreData[14] == 'True' else False self.gameMode = int(scoreData[15]) #self.playDateTime = int(scoreData[16]) self.playDateTime = int(time.time()) self.calculateAccuracy() #osuVersion = scoreData[17] self.calculatePP() # Set completed status self.setCompletedStatus() def getData(self, pp=True): """Return score row relative to this score for getscores""" return "{}|{}|{}|{}|{}|{}|{}|{}|{}|{}|{}|{}|{}|{}|{}|1\n".format( self.scoreID, self.playerName, int(self.pp) if pp else self.score, self.maxCombo, self.c50, self.c100, self.c300, self.cMiss, self.cKatu, self.cGeki, self.fullCombo, self.mods, self.playerUserID, self.rank, def setCompletedStatus(self): """ Set this score completed status and rankedScoreIncrease """ self.completed = 0 if self.passed == True and scoreUtils.isRankable(self.mods): # Get userID userID = userUtils.getID(self.playerName) # Make sure we don't have another score identical to this one duplicate = glob.db.fetch("SELECT id FROM scores_relax WHERE userid = %s AND beatmap_md5 = %s AND play_mode = %s AND time = %s AND score = %s LIMIT 1", [userID, self.fileMd5, self.gameMode,, self.score]) if duplicate is not None: # Found same score in db. Don't save this score. self.completed = -1 return # No duplicates found. # Get right "completed" value personalBest = glob.db.fetch("SELECT id, pp, score FROM scores_relax WHERE userid = %s AND beatmap_md5 = %s AND play_mode = %s AND completed = 3 LIMIT 1", [userID, self.fileMd5, self.gameMode]) if personalBest is None: # This is our first score on this map, so it's our best score self.completed = 3 self.rankedScoreIncrease = self.score self.oldPersonalBest = 0 else: # Compare personal best's score with current score if self.pp > personalBest["pp"]: # New best score self.completed = 3 self.rankedScoreIncrease = self.score-personalBest["score"] self.oldPersonalBest = personalBest["id"] else: self.completed = 2 self.rankedScoreIncrease = 0 self.oldPersonalBest = 0"Completed status: {}".format(self.completed)) def saveScoreInDB(self): """ Save this score in DB (if passed and mods are valid) """ # Add this score if self.completed >= 2: query = "INSERT INTO scores_relax (id, beatmap_md5, userid, score, max_combo, full_combo, mods, 300_count, 100_count, 50_count, katus_count, gekis_count, misses_count, time, play_mode, completed, accuracy, pp) VALUES (NULL, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s);" self.scoreID = int(glob.db.execute(query, [self.fileMd5, userUtils.getID(self.playerName), self.score, self.maxCombo, 1 if self.fullCombo == True else 0, self.mods, self.c300, self.c100, self.c50, self.cKatu, self.cGeki, self.cMiss, self.playDateTime, self.gameMode, self.completed, self.accuracy * 100, self.pp])) # Set old personal best to completed = 2 if self.oldPersonalBest != 0: glob.db.execute("UPDATE scores_relax SET completed = 2 WHERE id = %s", [self.oldPersonalBest]) def calculatePP(self, b = None): """ Calculate this score's pp value if completed == 3 """ # Create beatmap object if b is None: b = beatmap.beatmap(self.fileMd5, 0) # Calculate pp if b.rankedStatus >= rankedStatuses.RANKED and b.rankedStatus != rankedStatuses.LOVED and b.rankedStatus != rankedStatuses.UNKNOWN \ and scoreUtils.isRankable(self.mods) and self.passed and self.gameMode in score.PP_CALCULATORS: calculator = score.PP_CALCULATORS[self.gameMode](b, self) self.pp = calculator.pp else: self.pp = 0