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"""That's basically from, with some changes to make it work with replay files."""
from constants import dataTypes
import struct
def uleb128Encode(num):
arr = bytearray()
length = 0
if num == 0:
return bytearray(b"\x00")
while num > 0:
arr.append(num & 127)
num >>= 7
if num != 0:
arr[length] |= 128
return arr
def packData(__data, __dataType):
data = bytes()
pack = True
packType = "<B"
if __dataType == dataTypes.bbytes:
pack = False
data = __data
elif __dataType == dataTypes.string:
pack = False
if len(__data) == 0:
data += b"\x00"
data += b"\x0B"
data += uleb128Encode(len(__data))
data += str.encode(__data, "latin_1")
elif __dataType == dataTypes.uInt16:
packType = "<H"
elif __dataType == dataTypes.sInt16:
packType = "<h"
elif __dataType == dataTypes.uInt32:
packType = "<L"
elif __dataType == dataTypes.sInt32:
packType = "<l"
elif __dataType == dataTypes.uInt64:
packType = "<Q"
elif __dataType == dataTypes.sInt64:
packType = "<q"
elif __dataType == dataTypes.string:
packType = "<s"
elif __dataType == dataTypes.ffloat:
packType = "<f"
elif __dataType == dataTypes.rawReplay:
pack = False
data += packData(len(__data), dataTypes.uInt32)
data += __data
if pack:
data += struct.pack(packType, __data)
return data
def binaryWrite(structure = None):
if structure is None:
structure = []
packetData = bytes()
for i in structure:
packetData += packData(i[0], i[1])
return packetData