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from common.log import logUtils as log
from common.constants import gameModes
from constants import exceptions
from helpers import mapsHelper
from pp.catch_the_pp.osu_parser.beatmap import Beatmap as CalcBeatmap
from pp.catch_the_pp.osu.ctb.difficulty import Difficulty
from pp.catch_the_pp import ppCalc
class Cicciobello:
def __init__(self, _beatmap, _score=None, accuracy=0, mods=0, combo=-1, misses=0, tillerino=False):
# Beatmap is always present
self.beatmap = _beatmap
# If passed, set everything from score object
if _score is not None:
self.score = _score
self.accuracy = self.score.accuracy
self.mods = self.score.mods
self.combo = self.score.maxCombo
self.misses = self.score.cMiss
# Otherwise, set acc and mods from params (tillerino)
self.accuracy = accuracy
self.mods = mods
self.combo = combo
if self.combo < 0:
self.combo = self.beatmap.maxCombo
self.misses = misses
# Multiple acc values computation
self.tillerino = tillerino
# Result
self.pp = 0
def calculate_pp(self):
# Cache beatmap
mapFile = mapsHelper.cachedMapPath(self.beatmap.beatmapID)
mapsHelper.cacheMap(mapFile, self.beatmap)
# TODO: Sanizite mods
# Gamemode check
if self.score and self.score.gameMode != gameModes.CTB:
raise exceptions.unsupportedGameModeException()
# Accuracy check
if self.accuracy > 1:
raise ValueError("Accuracy must be between 0 and 1")
# Calculate difficulty
calcBeatmap = CalcBeatmap(mapFile)
difficulty = Difficulty(beatmap=calcBeatmap, mods=self.mods)
# Calculate pp
if self.tillerino:
results = []
for acc in [1, 0.99, 0.98, 0.95]:
diff=difficulty, accuracy=acc, combo=self.combo, miss=self.misses
self.pp = results
self.pp = ppCalc.calculate_pp(
diff=difficulty, accuracy=self.accuracy, combo=self.combo, miss=self.misses
except exceptions.osuApiFailException:
log.error("cicciobello ~> osu!api error!")
self.pp = 0
except exceptions.unsupportedGameModeException:
log.error("cicciobello ~> Unsupported gamemode")
self.pp = 0
except Exception as e:
log.error("cicciobello ~> Unhandled exception: {}".format(str(e)))
self.pp = 0
log.debug("cicciobello ~> Shutting down, pp = {}".format(self.pp))