70 lines
3.3 KiB
70 lines
3.3 KiB
import os
from common import generalUtils
from constants import exceptions, dataTypes
from helpers import binaryHelper
from objects import glob
def buildFullReplay(scoreID=None, scoreData=None, rawReplay=None, relax=3):
if all(v is None for v in (scoreID, scoreData)) or all(v is not None for v in (scoreID, scoreData)):
raise AttributeError("Either scoreID or scoreData must be provided, not neither or both")
if relax == 3:
raise AttributeError("Not specified whether the replay is relax or regular. WILL NOT BUILD REPLAY!")
if scoreData is None:
scoreData = glob.db.fetch(
"SELECT scores{relax}.*, users.username FROM scores LEFT JOIN users ON scores{relax}.userid = users.id WHERE scores{relax}.id = {scoreID}".format(scoreID=scoreID, relax="_relax" if relax == 1 else ""))
scoreID = scoreData["id"]
if scoreData is None or scoreID is None:
raise exceptions.scoreNotFoundError()
if rawReplay is None:
# Make sure raw replay exists
fileName = ".data/replays/replay_{}.osr".format(scoreID)
if not os.path.isfile(fileName):
raise FileNotFoundError()
# Read raw replay
with open(fileName, "rb") as f:
rawReplay = f.read()
# Calculate missing replay data
rank = generalUtils.getRank(int(scoreData["play_mode"]), int(scoreData["mods"]), int(scoreData["accuracy"]),
int(scoreData["300_count"]), int(scoreData["100_count"]), int(scoreData["50_count"]),
magicHash = generalUtils.stringMd5(
"{}p{}o{}o{}t{}a{}r{}e{}y{}o{}u{}{}{}".format(int(scoreData["100_count"]) + int(scoreData["300_count"]),
scoreData["50_count"], scoreData["gekis_count"],
scoreData["katus_count"], scoreData["misses_count"],
scoreData["beatmap_md5"], scoreData["max_combo"],
"True" if int(scoreData["full_combo"]) == 1 else "False",
scoreData["username"], scoreData["score"], rank,
scoreData["mods"], "True"))
# Add headers (convert to full replay)
fullReplay = binaryHelper.binaryWrite([
[scoreData["play_mode"], dataTypes.byte],
[20150414, dataTypes.uInt32],
[scoreData["beatmap_md5"], dataTypes.string],
[scoreData["username"], dataTypes.string],
[magicHash, dataTypes.string],
[scoreData["300_count"], dataTypes.uInt16],
[scoreData["100_count"], dataTypes.uInt16],
[scoreData["50_count"], dataTypes.uInt16],
[scoreData["gekis_count"], dataTypes.uInt16],
[scoreData["katus_count"], dataTypes.uInt16],
[scoreData["misses_count"], dataTypes.uInt16],
[scoreData["score"], dataTypes.uInt32],
[scoreData["max_combo"], dataTypes.uInt16],
[scoreData["full_combo"], dataTypes.byte],
[scoreData["mods"], dataTypes.uInt32],
[0, dataTypes.byte],
[0, dataTypes.uInt64],
[rawReplay, dataTypes.rawReplay],
[0, dataTypes.uInt32],
[0, dataTypes.uInt32],
# Return full replay
return fullReplay |