2016-08-17 16:41:05 +02:00
import bottle
2016-05-31 22:49:30 +02:00
import datetime
import gzip
from objects import glob
2016-08-17 16:41:05 +02:00
from helpers import packetHelper
from helpers import logHelper as log
2016-05-31 22:49:30 +02:00
from constants import exceptions
from constants import packetIDs
from constants import serverPackets
from events import sendPublicMessageEvent
from events import sendPrivateMessageEvent
from events import channelJoinEvent
from events import channelPartEvent
from events import changeActionEvent
from events import cantSpectateEvent
from events import startSpectatingEvent
from events import stopSpectatingEvent
from events import spectateFramesEvent
from events import friendAddEvent
from events import friendRemoveEvent
from events import logoutEvent
from events import loginEvent
from events import setAwayMessageEvent
from events import joinLobbyEvent
from events import createMatchEvent
from events import partLobbyEvent
from events import changeSlotEvent
from events import joinMatchEvent
from events import partMatchEvent
from events import changeMatchSettingsEvent
from events import changeMatchPasswordEvent
from events import changeMatchModsEvent
from events import matchReadyEvent
from events import matchLockEvent
from events import matchStartEvent
from events import matchPlayerLoadEvent
from events import matchSkipEvent
from events import matchFramesEvent
from events import matchCompleteEvent
from events import matchNoBeatmapEvent
from events import matchHasBeatmapEvent
from events import matchTransferHostEvent
from events import matchFailedEvent
from events import matchInviteEvent
from events import matchChangeTeamEvent
2016-06-16 13:38:17 +02:00
from events import userStatsRequestEvent
from events import requestStatusUpdateEvent
2016-06-17 17:43:49 +02:00
from events import userPanelRequestEvent
2016-06-15 19:01:00 +02:00
2016-08-17 16:41:05 +02:00
@bottle.route("/", method="POST")
def POSTMain():
# Track time if needed
if glob.outputRequestTime == True:
# Start time
st = datetime.datetime.now()
# Client's token string and request data
2016-08-22 22:28:18 +02:00
#requestTokenString = bottle.request.headers.get("osu-token")
requestTokenString = bottle.request.get_header("osu-token")
2016-08-17 16:41:05 +02:00
requestData = bottle.request.body.read()
# Server's token string and request data
responseTokenString = "ayy"
responseData = bytes()
if requestTokenString == None:
# No token, first request. Handle login.
responseTokenString, responseData = loginEvent.handle(bottle.request)
userToken = None # default value
2016-05-31 22:49:30 +02:00
2016-08-17 16:41:05 +02:00
# This is not the first packet, send response based on client's request
# Packet start position, used to read stacked packets
pos = 0
# Make sure the token exists
if requestTokenString not in glob.tokens.tokens:
raise exceptions.tokenNotFoundException()
# Token exists, get its object and lock it
userToken = glob.tokens.tokens[requestTokenString]
# Keep reading packets until everything has been read
while pos < len(requestData):
# Get packet from stack starting from new packet
leftData = requestData[pos:]
# Get packet ID, data length and data
packetID = packetHelper.readPacketID(leftData)
dataLength = packetHelper.readPacketLength(leftData)
packetData = requestData[pos:(pos+dataLength+7)]
# Console output if needed
if glob.outputPackets == True and packetID != 4:
log.debug("Incoming packet ({})({}):\n\nPacket code: {}\nPacket length: {}\nSingle packet data: {}\n".format(requestTokenString, userToken.username, str(packetID), str(dataLength), str(packetData)))
# Event handler
def handleEvent(ev):
def wrapper():
ev.handle(userToken, packetData)
return wrapper
eventHandler = {
# TODO: Rename packets and events
# TODO: Host check for multi
packetIDs.client_changeAction: handleEvent(changeActionEvent),
packetIDs.client_logout: handleEvent(logoutEvent),
packetIDs.client_friendAdd: handleEvent(friendAddEvent),
packetIDs.client_friendRemove: handleEvent(friendRemoveEvent),
packetIDs.client_userStatsRequest: handleEvent(userStatsRequestEvent),
packetIDs.client_requestStatusUpdate: handleEvent(requestStatusUpdateEvent),
packetIDs.client_userPanelRequest: handleEvent(userPanelRequestEvent),
packetIDs.client_channelJoin: handleEvent(channelJoinEvent),
packetIDs.client_channelPart: handleEvent(channelPartEvent),
packetIDs.client_sendPublicMessage: handleEvent(sendPublicMessageEvent),
packetIDs.client_sendPrivateMessage: handleEvent(sendPrivateMessageEvent),
packetIDs.client_setAwayMessage: handleEvent(setAwayMessageEvent),
packetIDs.client_startSpectating: handleEvent(startSpectatingEvent),
packetIDs.client_stopSpectating: handleEvent(stopSpectatingEvent),
packetIDs.client_cantSpectate: handleEvent(cantSpectateEvent),
packetIDs.client_spectateFrames: handleEvent(spectateFramesEvent),
packetIDs.client_joinLobby: handleEvent(joinLobbyEvent),
packetIDs.client_partLobby: handleEvent(partLobbyEvent),
packetIDs.client_createMatch: handleEvent(createMatchEvent),
packetIDs.client_joinMatch: handleEvent(joinMatchEvent),
packetIDs.client_partMatch: handleEvent(partMatchEvent),
packetIDs.client_matchChangeSlot: handleEvent(changeSlotEvent),
packetIDs.client_matchChangeSettings: handleEvent(changeMatchSettingsEvent),
packetIDs.client_matchChangePassword: handleEvent(changeMatchPasswordEvent),
packetIDs.client_matchChangeMods: handleEvent(changeMatchModsEvent),
packetIDs.client_matchReady: handleEvent(matchReadyEvent),
packetIDs.client_matchNotReady: handleEvent(matchReadyEvent),
packetIDs.client_matchLock: handleEvent(matchLockEvent),
packetIDs.client_matchStart: handleEvent(matchStartEvent),
packetIDs.client_matchLoadComplete: handleEvent(matchPlayerLoadEvent),
packetIDs.client_matchSkipRequest: handleEvent(matchSkipEvent),
packetIDs.client_matchScoreUpdate: handleEvent(matchFramesEvent),
packetIDs.client_matchComplete: handleEvent(matchCompleteEvent),
packetIDs.client_matchNoBeatmap: handleEvent(matchNoBeatmapEvent),
packetIDs.client_matchHasBeatmap: handleEvent(matchHasBeatmapEvent),
packetIDs.client_matchTransferHost: handleEvent(matchTransferHostEvent),
packetIDs.client_matchFailed: handleEvent(matchFailedEvent),
packetIDs.client_matchChangeTeam: handleEvent(matchChangeTeamEvent),
packetIDs.client_invite: handleEvent(matchInviteEvent),
# Packets processed if in restricted mode.
# All other packets will be ignored if the user is in restricted mode
packetsRestricted = [
# Process/ignore packet
if packetID != 4:
if packetID in eventHandler:
if userToken.restricted == False or (userToken.restricted == True and packetID in packetsRestricted):
log.warning("Ignored packet id from {} ({}) (user is restricted)".format(requestTokenString, packetID))
log.warning("Unknown packet id from {} ({})".format(requestTokenString, packetID))
# Update pos so we can read the next stacked packet
# +7 because we add packet ID bytes, unused byte and data length bytes
pos += dataLength+7
# Token queue built, send it
responseTokenString = userToken.token
responseData = userToken.queue
# Update ping time for timeout
except exceptions.tokenNotFoundException:
# Token not found. Disconnect that user
responseData = serverPackets.loginError()
responseData += serverPackets.notification("Whoops! Something went wrong, please login again.")
log.warning("Received packet from unknown token ({}).".format(requestTokenString))
log.info("{} has been disconnected (invalid token)".format(requestTokenString))
# Unlock token
if userToken != None:
if glob.outputRequestTime == True:
# End time
et = datetime.datetime.now()
# Total time:
tt = float((et.microsecond-st.microsecond)/1000)
log.debug("Request time: {}ms".format(tt))
# Send server's response to client
# We don't use token object because we might not have a token (failed login)
if glob.gzip == True:
# First, write the gzipped response
responseData = gzip.compress(responseData, int(glob.conf.config["server"]["gziplevel"]))
# Then, add gzip headers
bottle.response.add_header("Vary", "Accept-Encoding")
bottle.response.add_header("Content-Encoding", "gzip")
# First, write the response
responseData = responseData
# Add all the headers AFTER the response has been written
bottle.response.status = 200
bottle.response.add_header("cho-token", responseTokenString)
bottle.response.add_header("cho-protocol", "19")
bottle.response.add_header("Content-Type", "text/html; charset=UTF-8")
yield responseData
@bottle.route("/", method="GET")
def GETMain():
html = "<html><head><title>MA MAURO ESISTE?</title><style type='text/css'>body{width:30%}</style></head><body><pre>"
html += " _ __<br>"
html += " (_) / /<br>"
html += " ______ __ ____ ____ / /____<br>"
html += " / ___/ / _ \\/ _ \\/ / _ \\<br>"
html += " / / / / /_) / /_) / / ____/<br>"
html += "/__/ /__/ .___/ .___/__/ \\_____/<br>"
html += " / / / /<br>"
html += " /__/ /__/<br>"
html += "<b>PYTHON > ALL VERSION</b><br><br>"
html += "<marquee style='white-space:pre;'><br>"
html += " .. o .<br>"
html += " o.o o . o<br>"
html += " oo...<br>"
html += " __[]__<br>"
html += " phwr--> _\\:D/_/o_o_o_|__ <span style=\"font-family: 'Comic Sans MS'; font-size: 8pt;\">u wot m8</span><br>"
html += " \\\"\"\"\"\"\"\"\"\"\"\"\"\"\"/<br>"
html += " \\ . .. .. . /<br>"
html += "^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^<br>"
html += "</marquee><br><strike>reverse engineering a protocol impossible to reverse engineer since always</strike><br>we are actually reverse engineering bancho successfully. for the third time.<br><br><i>© Ripple team, 2016</i></pre></body></html>"
yield html