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2016-05-18 17:12:46 +00:00
from constants import exceptions
from constants import clientPackets
from objects import glob
from objects import fokabot
from constants import serverPackets
from helpers import discordBotHelper
from helpers import logHelper as log
from helpers import userHelper
import time
2016-04-19 17:40:59 +00:00
def handle(userToken, packetData):
Event called when someone sends a public message
userToken -- request user token
packetData -- request data bytes
# Get userToken data
2016-04-19 17:40:59 +00:00
userID = userToken.userID
username = userToken.username
userRank = userToken.rank
# Public chat packet
packetData = clientPackets.sendPublicMessage(packetData)
# Receivers
who = []
# Make sure the user is not silenced
if userToken.isSilenced() == True:
raise exceptions.userSilencedException
# Check message length
packetData["message"] = packetData["message"][:2048]+"..." if len(packetData["message"]) > 2048 else packetData["message"]
# Get receivers list
2016-04-19 17:40:59 +00:00
# Check #spectator
if packetData["to"] == "#spectator":
# Spectator channel
# Send this packet to every spectator and host
if userToken.spectating == 0:
# We have sent to send a message to our #spectator channel
targetToken = userToken
who = targetToken.spectators[:]
# No need to remove us because we are the host so we are not in spectators list
# We have sent a message to someone else's #spectator
targetToken = glob.tokens.getTokenFromUserID(userToken.spectating)
who = targetToken.spectators[:]
# Remove us
if userID in who:
# Add host
elif packetData["to"] == "#multiplayer":
# Multiplayer Channel
# Get match ID and match object
matchID = userToken.matchID
# Make sure we are in a match
if matchID == -1:
# Make sure the match exists
if matchID not in glob.matches.matches:
# The match exists, get object
match = glob.matches.matches[matchID]
# Create targets list
who = []
for i in range(0,16):
uid = match.slots[i]["userID"]
if uid > -1 and uid != userID:
# Standard channel
# Make sure the channel exists
if packetData["to"] not in glob.channels.channels:
raise exceptions.channelUnknownException
# Make sure the channel is not in moderated mode
if glob.channels.channels[packetData["to"]].moderated == True and userRank <= 2:
raise exceptions.channelModeratedException
# Make sure we have write permissions
if glob.channels.channels[packetData["to"]].publicWrite == False and userRank <= 2:
raise exceptions.channelNoPermissionsException
# Send this packet to everyone in that channel except us
who = glob.channels.channels[packetData["to"]].getConnectedUsers()[:]
if userID in who:
# We have receivers
2016-04-19 17:40:59 +00:00
# Send packet to required users
glob.tokens.multipleEnqueue(serverPackets.sendMessage(username, packetData["to"], packetData["message"]), who, False)
# Fokabot command check
fokaMessage = fokabot.fokabotResponse(username, packetData["to"], packetData["message"])
if fokaMessage != False:
glob.tokens.multipleEnqueue(serverPackets.sendMessage("FokaBot", packetData["to"], fokaMessage), who, False)"FokaBot @ {}: {}".format(packetData["to"], str(fokaMessage.encode("UTF-8"))))
2016-04-19 17:40:59 +00:00
# Spam protection
# Console and file log"{fro} @ {to}: {message}".format(fro=username, to=packetData["to"], message=str(packetData["message"].encode("utf-8"))))
# Discord log
discordBotHelper.sendChatlog("**{fro} @ {to}:** {message}".format(fro=username, to=packetData["to"], message=str(packetData["message"].encode("utf-8"))[2:-1]))
except exceptions.userSilencedException:
log.warning("{} tried to send a message during silence".format(username))
2016-04-19 17:40:59 +00:00
except exceptions.channelModeratedException:
log.warning("{} tried to send a message to a channel that is in moderated mode ({})".format(username, packetData["to"]))
2016-04-19 17:40:59 +00:00
except exceptions.channelUnknownException:
log.warning("{} tried to send a message to an unknown channel ({})".format(username, packetData["to"]))
2016-04-19 17:40:59 +00:00
except exceptions.channelNoPermissionsException:
log.warning("{} tried to send a message to channel {}, but they have no write permissions".format(username, packetData["to"]))
except exceptions.messageTooLongException:
# Message > 256 silence
userToken.silence(2*3600, "Sending messages longer than 256 characters")