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2016-05-18 17:12:46 +00:00
from objects import fokabot
2016-04-19 17:40:59 +00:00
import random
2016-05-18 17:12:46 +00:00
from objects import glob
from constants import serverPackets
from constants import exceptions
from helpers import userHelper
2016-04-19 17:40:59 +00:00
import time
2016-05-18 17:12:46 +00:00
from helpers import systemHelper
import requests
import json
from constants import mods
from helpers import generalFunctions
2016-04-19 17:40:59 +00:00
Commands callbacks
Must have fro, chan and messages as arguments
fro -- name of who triggered the command
chan -- channel where the message was sent
message -- list containing arguments passed from the message
[0] = first argument
[1] = second argument
. . .
return the message or **False** if there's no response by the bot
def faq(fro, chan, message):
if message[0] == "rules":
return "Please make sure to check (Ripple's rules)[]."
elif message[0] == "swearing":
return "Please don't abuse swearing"
elif message[0] == "spam":
return "Please don't spam"
elif message[0] == "offend":
return "Please don't offend other players"
elif message[0] == "github":
return "(Ripple's Github page!)[]"
elif message[0] == "discord":
return "(Join Ripple's Discord!)[]"
elif message[0] == "blog":
return "You can find the latest Ripple news on the (blog)[]!"
elif message[0] == "changelog":
return "Check the (changelog)[] !"
elif message[0] == "status":
return "Check the server status (here!)[]"
2016-05-19 18:33:46 +00:00
elif message[0] == "english":
return "Please keep this channel in english."
2016-04-19 17:40:59 +00:00
def roll(fro, chan, message):
maxPoints = 100
if len(message) >= 1:
if message[0].isdigit() == True and int(message[0]) > 0:
maxPoints = int(message[0])
points = random.randrange(0,maxPoints)
return "{} rolls {} points!".format(fro, str(points))
def ask(fro, chan, message):
return random.choice(["yes", "no", "maybe"])
def alert(fro, chan, message):
glob.tokens.enqueueAll(serverPackets.notification(' '.join(message[:])))
return False
def moderated(fro, chan, message):
# Make sure we are in a channel and not PM
if chan.startswith("#") == False:
raise exceptions.moderatedPMException
# Get on/off
enable = True
if len(message) >= 1:
if message[0] == "off":
enable = False
# Turn on/off moderated mode
glob.channels.channels[chan].moderated = enable
return "This channel is {} in moderated mode!".format("now" if enable else "no longer")
except exceptions.moderatedPMException:
return "You are trying to put a private chat in moderated mode. Are you serious?!? You're fired."
def kickAll(fro, chan, message):
# Kick everyone but mods/admins
toKick = []
for key, value in glob.tokens.tokens.items():
if value.rank < 3:
# Loop though users to kick (we can't change dictionary size while iterating)
for i in toKick:
if i in glob.tokens.tokens:
return "Whoops! Rip everyone."
def kick(fro, chan, message):
# Get parameters
target = message[0].replace("_", " ")
# Get target token and make sure is connected
targetToken = glob.tokens.getTokenFromUsername(target)
if targetToken == None:
return "{} is not online".format(target)
# Kick user
# Bot response
return "{} has been kicked from the server.".format(target)
def fokabotReconnect(fro, chan, message):
# Check if fokabot is already connected
if glob.tokens.getTokenFromUserID(999) != None:
return"Fokabot is already connected to Bancho"
# Fokabot is not connected, connect it
return False
def silence(fro, chan, message):
for i in message:
i = i.lower()
target = message[0].replace("_", " ")
amount = message[1]
unit = message[2]
reason = ' '.join(message[3:])
# Get target user ID
targetUserID = userHelper.getID(target)
# Make sure the user exists
if targetUserID == False:
return "{}: user not found".format(target)
# Calculate silence seconds
if unit == 's':
silenceTime = int(amount)
elif unit == 'm':
silenceTime = int(amount)*60
elif unit == 'h':
silenceTime = int(amount)*3600
elif unit == 'd':
silenceTime = int(amount)*86400
return "Invalid time unit (s/m/h/d)."
# Max silence time is 7 days
if silenceTime > 604800:
return "Invalid silence time. Max silence time is 7 days."
# Calculate silence end time
endTime = int(time.time())+silenceTime
# Update silence end in db
userHelper.silence(targetUserID, endTime, reason)
# Send silence packet to target if he's connected
targetToken = glob.tokens.getTokenFromUsername(target)
if targetToken != None:
return "{} has been silenced for the following reason: {}".format(target, reason)
def removeSilence(fro, chan, message):
# Get parameters
for i in message:
i = i.lower()
target = message[0].replace("_", " ")
# Make sure the user exists
targetUserID = userHelper.getID(target)
if targetUserID == False:
return "{}: user not found".format(target)
# Reset user silence time and reason in db
userHelper.silence(targetUserID, 0, "")
# Send new silence end packet to user if he's online
targetToken = glob.tokens.getTokenFromUsername(target)
if targetToken != None:
return "{}'s silence reset".format(target)
def ban(fro, chan, message):
# Get parameters
for i in message:
i = i.lower()
target = message[0].replace("_", " ")
# Make sure the user exists
targetUserID = userHelper.getID(target)
if targetUserID == False:
return "{}: user not found".format(target)
# Set allowed to 0
userHelper.setAllowed(targetUserID, 0)
# Send ban packet to the user if he's online
targetToken = glob.tokens.getTokenFromUsername(target)
if targetToken != None:
return "RIP {}. You will not be missed.".format(target)
def unban(fro, chan, message):
# Get parameters
for i in message:
i = i.lower()
target = message[0].replace("_", " ")
# Make sure the user exists
targetUserID = userHelper.getID(target)
if targetUserID == False:
return "{}: user not found".format(target)
# Set allowed to 1
userHelper.setAllowed(targetUserID, 1)
return "Welcome back {}!".format(target)
2016-04-19 17:40:59 +00:00
def restartShutdown(restart):
"""Restart (if restart = True) or shutdown (if restart = False) safely"""
msg = "We are performing some maintenance. Bancho will {} in 5 seconds. Thank you for your patience.".format("restart" if restart else "shutdown")
systemHelper.scheduleShutdown(5, restart, msg)
return msg
def systemRestart(fro, chan, message):
return restartShutdown(True)
def systemShutdown(fro, chan, message):
return restartShutdown(False)
def systemReload(fro, chan, message):
#Reload settings from bancho_settings
# Reload channels too
# Send new channels and new bottom icon to everyone
for key, _ in glob.channels.channels.items():
return "Bancho settings reloaded!"
def systemMaintenance(fro, chan, message):
# Turn on/off bancho maintenance
maintenance = True
# Get on/off
if len(message) >= 2:
if message[1] == "off":
maintenance = False
# Set new maintenance value in bancho_settings table
if maintenance == True:
# We have turned on maintenance mode
# Users that will be disconnected
who = []
# Disconnect everyone but mod/admins
for _, value in glob.tokens.tokens.items():
if value.rank < 3:
glob.tokens.enqueueAll(serverPackets.notification("Our bancho server is in maintenance mode. Please try to login again later."))
glob.tokens.multipleEnqueue(serverPackets.loginError(), who)
msg = "The server is now in maintenance mode!"
# We have turned off maintenance mode
# Send message if we have turned off maintenance mode
msg = "The server is no longer in maintenance mode!"
# Chat output
return msg
def systemStatus(fro, chan, message):
# Print some server info
data = systemHelper.getSystemInfo()
# Final message
msg = "=== PEP.PY STATS ===\n"
msg += "Running server\n"
msg += "Webserver: {}\n".format(data["webServer"])
msg += "\n"
msg += "=== BANCHO STATS ===\n"
msg += "Connected users: {}\n".format(str(data["connectedUsers"]))
msg += "\n"
msg += "=== SYSTEM STATS ===\n"
msg += "CPU: {}%\n".format(str(data["cpuUsage"]))
msg += "RAM: {}GB/{}GB\n".format(str(data["usedMemory"]), str(data["totalMemory"]))
if data["unix"] == True:
msg += "Load average: {}/{}/{}\n".format(str(data["loadAverage"][0]), str(data["loadAverage"][1]), str(data["loadAverage"][2]))
return msg
def getPPMessage(userID):
# Get user token
token = glob.tokens.getTokenFromUserID(userID)
if token == None:
return False
# Send request to LETS api
2016-05-20 16:50:14 +00:00
resp = requests.get("{}&m={}&a={}".format(token.tillerino[0], token.tillerino[1], token.tillerino[2]), timeout=10).text
data = json.loads(resp)
# Make sure status is in response data
if "status" not in data:
raise exceptions.apiException
# Make sure status is 200
if data["status"] != 200:
if "message" in data:
return "Error in LETS API call ({}). Please tell this to a dev.".format(data["message"])
raise exceptions.apiException
# Return response in chat
# Song name and mods
msg = "{song}{plus}{mods} ".format(song=data["song_name"], plus="+" if token.tillerino[1] > 0 else "", mods=generalFunctions.readableMods(token.tillerino[1]))
# PP values
if token.tillerino[2] == -1:
msg += "95%: {pp95}pp | 98%: {pp98}pp | 99% {pp99}pp | 100%: {pp100}pp".format(pp100=data["pp"][0], pp99=data["pp"][1], pp98=data["pp"][2], pp95=data["pp"][3])
msg += "{acc:.2f}%: {pp}pp".format(acc=token.tillerino[2], pp=data["pp"][0])
# Beatmap info
msg += " | {bpm} BPM | AR {ar} | {stars:.2f} stars".format(bpm=data["bpm"], stars=data["stars"], ar=data["ar"])
# Return final message
return msg
except requests.exceptions.RequestException:
# RequestException
2016-05-20 16:50:14 +00:00
return "API Timeout."
except exceptions.apiException:
# API error
return "Unknown error in LETS API call. Please tell this to a dev."
# Unknown exception
# TODO: print exception
return False
def tillerinoNp(fro, chan, message):
# Run the command in PM only
if chan.startswith("#"):
return False
# Get URL from message
if message[1] == "listening":
beatmapURL = str(message[3][1:])
elif message[1] == "playing":
beatmapURL = str(message[2][1:])
return False
# Get beatmap id from URL
beatmapID =[0]
# Update latest tillerino song for current token
token = glob.tokens.getTokenFromUsername(fro)
if token != None:
token.tillerino = [int(beatmapID), 0, -1.0]
userID = token.userID
# Return tillerino message
return getPPMessage(userID)
return False
def tillerinoMods(fro, chan, message):
# Run the command in PM only
if chan.startswith("#"):
return False
# Get token and user ID
token = glob.tokens.getTokenFromUsername(fro)
if token == None:
return False
userID = token.userID
# Make sure the user has triggered the bot with /np command
if token.tillerino[0] == 0:
return "Please give me a beatmap first with /np command."
# Check passed mods and convert to enum
modsList = [message[0][i:i+2].upper() for i in range(0, len(message[0]), 2)]
modsEnum = 0
for i in modsList:
if i not in ["NO", "NF", "EZ", "HD", "HR", "DT", "HT", "NC", "FL", "SO"]:
return "Invalid mods. Allowed mods: NO, NF, EZ, HD, HR, DT, HT, NC, FL, SO. Do not use spaces for multiple mods."
if i == "NO":
modsEnum = 0
elif i == "NF":
modsEnum += mods.NoFail
elif i == "EZ":
modsEnum += mods.Easy
elif i == "HD":
modsEnum += mods.Hidden
elif i == "HR":
modsEnum += mods.HardRock
elif i == "DT":
modsEnum += mods.DoubleTime
elif i == "HT":
modsEnum += mods.HalfTime
elif i == "NC":
modsEnum += mods.Nightcore
elif i == "FL":
modsEnum += mods.Flashlight
elif i == "SO":
modsEnum += mods.SpunOut
# Set mods
token.tillerino[1] = modsEnum
# Return tillerino message for that beatmap with mods
return getPPMessage(userID)
return False
def tillerinoAcc(fro, chan, message):
# Run the command in PM only
if chan.startswith("#"):
return False
# Get token and user ID
token = glob.tokens.getTokenFromUsername(fro)
if token == None:
return False
userID = token.userID
# Make sure the user has triggered the bot with /np command
if token.tillerino[0] == 0:
return "Please give me a beatmap first with /np command."
# Convert acc to float
acc = float(message[0])
# Set new tillerino list acc value
token.tillerino[2] = acc
# Return tillerino message for that beatmap with mods
return getPPMessage(userID)
except ValueError:
return "Invalid acc value"
return False
2016-05-25 14:23:53 +00:00
def tillerinoLast(fro, chan, message):
2016-05-28 20:33:05 +00:00
data = glob.db.fetch("""SELECT beatmaps.song_name as sn, scores.pp
2016-05-25 14:23:53 +00:00
FROM scores
LEFT JOIN beatmaps ON beatmaps.beatmap_md5=scores.beatmap_md5
2016-05-28 20:33:05 +00:00
LEFT JOIN users ON = scores.userid
WHERE users.username = ?
2016-05-25 14:23:53 +00:00
ORDER BY scores.time DESC
LIMIT 1""", [fro])
if data == None:
return False
2016-05-28 20:33:05 +00:00
return "{0:.2f}pp ({1} on {2})".format(data["pp"], fro, data["sn"])
2016-05-25 14:23:53 +00:00
except Exception as a:
return False
2016-04-19 17:40:59 +00:00
Commands list
trigger: message that triggers the command
callback: function to call when the command is triggered. Optional.
response: text to return when the command is triggered. Optional.
syntax: command syntax. Arguments must be separated by spaces (eg: <arg1> <arg2>)
minRank: minimum rank to execute that command. Optional (default = 1)
You MUST set trigger and callback/response, or the command won't work.
commands = [
"trigger": "!roll",
"callback": roll
}, {
"trigger": "!faq",
"syntax": "<name>",
"callback": faq
}, {
"trigger": "!report",
"response": "Report command isn't here yet :c"
}, {
"trigger": "!help",
"response": "Click (here)[] for FokaBot's full command list"
}, {
"trigger": "!ask",
"syntax": "<question>",
"callback": ask
}, {
"trigger": "!mm00",
"response": random.choice(["meme", "MA MAURO ESISTE?"])
}, {
"trigger": "!alert",
"syntax": "<message>",
"minRank": 4,
"callback": alert
}, {
"trigger": "!moderated",
"minRank": 3,
"callback": moderated
}, {
"trigger": "!kickall",
"minRank": 4,
"callback": kickAll
}, {
"trigger": "!kick",
"syntax": "<target>",
"minRank": 3,
"callback": kick
}, {
"trigger": "!fokabot reconnect",
"minRank": 3,
"callback": fokabotReconnect
}, {
"trigger": "!silence",
"syntax": "<target> <amount> <unit(s/m/h/d)> <reason>",
"minRank": 3,
"callback": silence
}, {
"trigger": "!removesilence",
"syntax": "<target>",
"minRank": 3,
"callback": removeSilence
}, {
"trigger": "!system restart",
"minRank": 4,
"callback": systemRestart
}, {
"trigger": "!system shutdown",
"minRank": 4,
"callback": systemShutdown
}, {
"trigger": "!system reload",
"minRank": 3,
"callback": systemReload
}, {
"trigger": "!system maintenance",
"minRank": 3,
"callback": systemMaintenance
}, {
"trigger": "!system status",
"minRank": 3,
"callback": systemStatus
}, {
"trigger": "!ban",
"syntax": "<target>",
"minRank": 3,
"callback": ban
}, {
"trigger": "!unban",
"syntax": "<target>",
"minRank": 3,
"callback": unban
}, {
"trigger": "ACTION is listening to [",
"callback": tillerinoNp
}, {
"trigger": "ACTION is playing [",
"callback": tillerinoNp
}, {
"trigger": "!with",
"callback": tillerinoMods,
"syntax": "<mods>"
2016-05-25 14:23:53 +00:00
}, {
"trigger": "!last",
"callback": tillerinoLast
# "trigger": "!acc",
# "callback": tillerinoAcc,
# "syntax": "<accuarcy>"
2016-04-19 17:40:59 +00:00
# Commands list default values
for cmd in commands:
cmd.setdefault("syntax", "")
cmd.setdefault("minRank", 1)
cmd.setdefault("callback", None)
cmd.setdefault("response", "u w0t m8?")