from common.constants import bcolors from objects import glob def printServerStartHeader(asciiArt=True): """ Print server start message :param asciiArt: print BanchoBoat ascii art. Default: True :return: """ if asciiArt: print("{} _ __".format(bcolors.GREEN)) print(" (_) / /") print(" ______ __ ____ ____ / /____") print(" / ___/ / _ \\/ _ \\/ / _ \\") print(" / / / / /_) / /_) / / ____/") print("/__/ /__/ .___/ .___/__/ \\_____/") print(" / / / /") print(" /__/ /__/\r\n") print(" .. o .") print(" o.o o . o") print(" oo...") print(" __[]__") print(" nyo --> _\\:D/_/o_o_o_|__ u wot m8") print(" \\\"\"\"\"\"\"\"\"\"\"\"\"\"\"/") print(" \\ . .. .. . /") print("^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^{}".format(bcolors.ENDC)) printColored("> Welcome to osu!bancho server v{}".format(glob.VERSION), bcolors.GREEN) printColored("> Common submodule v{}".format(glob.COMMON_VERSION), bcolors.GREEN) printColored("> Made by the Ripple team", bcolors.GREEN) printColored("> {}".format(bcolors.UNDERLINE), bcolors.GREEN) printColored("> Custom branch by the osufx team (just Sunpy)", bcolors.GREEN) printColored("> {}".format(bcolors.UNDERLINE), bcolors.GREEN) printColored("> Press CTRL+C to exit\n", bcolors.GREEN) def printNoNl(string): """ Print a string without \n at the end :param string: string to print :return: """ print(string, end="") def printColored(string, color): """ Print a colored string :param string: string to print :param color: ANSI color code :return: """ print("{}{}{}".format(color, string, bcolors.ENDC)) def printError(): """ Print a red "Error" :return: """ printColored("Error", bcolors.RED) def printDone(): """ Print a green "Done" :return: """ printColored("Done", bcolors.GREEN) def printWarning(): """ Print a yellow "Warning" :return: """ printColored("Warning", bcolors.YELLOW)