import json from common.log import logUtils as log from common.web import requestsManager from constants import exceptions from helpers import systemHelper from objects import glob class handler(requestsManager.asyncRequestHandler): def asyncGet(self): statusCode = 400 data = {"message": "unknown error"} try: # Check arguments if not requestsManager.checkArguments(self.request.arguments, ["k"]): raise exceptions.invalidArgumentsException() # Check ci key key = self.get_argument("k") if key is None or key != glob.conf.config["server"]["cikey"]: raise exceptions.invalidArgumentsException()"Ci event triggered!!") systemHelper.scheduleShutdown(5, False, "A new Bancho update is available and the server will be restarted in 5 seconds. Thank you for your patience.") # Status code and message statusCode = 200 data["message"] = "ok" except exceptions.invalidArgumentsException: statusCode = 400 data["message"] = "invalid ci key" finally: # Add status code to data data["status"] = statusCode # Send response self.write(json.dumps(data)) self.set_status(statusCode)