from constants import clientPackets from constants import serverPackets from objects import glob from constants import exceptions from helpers import logHelper as log from helpers import chatHelper as chat from helpers import generalFunctions def handle(userToken, packetData): # read packet data packetData = clientPackets.joinMatch(packetData) # Get match from ID joinMatch(userToken, packetData["matchID"], packetData["password"]) def joinMatch(userToken, matchID, password, isPasswordHashed = False): try: # Stop spectating userToken.stopSpectating() # Leave other matches userToken.partMatch() # Get usertoken data userID = userToken.userID # Make sure the match exists if matchID not in glob.matches.matches: raise exceptions.matchNotFoundException # Match exists, get object match = glob.matches.matches[matchID] # Hash password if needed if isPasswordHashed == False and password != "": password = generalFunctions.stringMd5(password) # Check password # TODO: Admins can enter every match if match.matchPassword != "": if match.matchPassword != password: raise exceptions.matchWrongPasswordException # Password is correct, join match result = match.userJoin(userID) # Check if we've joined the match successfully if result == False: raise exceptions.matchJoinErrorException # Match joined, set matchID for usertoken userToken.joinMatch(matchID) # Send packets userToken.enqueue(serverPackets.matchJoinSuccess(matchID)) chat.joinChannel(token=userToken, channel="#multi_{}".format(matchID)) except exceptions.matchNotFoundException: userToken.enqueue(serverPackets.matchJoinFail()) log.warning("{} has tried to join a mp room, but it doesn't exist".format(userToken.username)) except exceptions.matchWrongPasswordException: userToken.enqueue(serverPackets.matchJoinFail()) log.warning("{} has tried to join a mp room, but he typed the wrong password".format(userToken.username)) except exceptions.matchJoinErrorException: userToken.enqueue(serverPackets.matchJoinFail()) log.warning("{} has tried to join a mp room, but an error has occured".format(userToken.username))