from objects import glob from objects import channel from helpers import logHelper as log class channelList: """ Channel list channels -- dictionary. key: channel name, value: channel object """ channels = {} def loadChannels(self): """ Load chat channels from db and add them to channels dictionary """ # Get channels from DB channels = glob.db.fetchAll("SELECT * FROM bancho_channels") # Add each channel if needed for i in channels: if i["name"] not in self.channels: publicRead = True if i["public_read"] == 1 else False publicWrite = True if i["public_write"] == 1 else False self.addChannel(i["name"], i["description"], publicRead, publicWrite) def addChannel(self, name, description, publicRead, publicWrite, temp = False): """ Add a channel object to channels dictionary name -- channel name description -- channel description publicRead -- bool, if true channel can be read by everyone, if false it can be read only by mods/admins publicWrite -- bool, same as public read but relative to write permissions temp -- if True, channel will be deleted when there's no one in the channel. Optional. Default = False. """ self.channels[name] =, description, publicRead, publicWrite, temp)"Created channel {}".format(name)) def addTempChannel(self, name): """ Add a temporary channel (like #spectator or #multiplayer), gets deleted when there's no one in the channel name -- channel name return -- True if channel was created, False if failed """ if name in self.channels: return False self.channels[name] =, "Chat", True, True, True)"Created temp channel {}".format(name)) def removeChannel(self, name): """ Removes a channel from channels list name -- channel name """ if name not in self.channels: log.debug("{} is not in channels list".format(name)) return self.channels.pop(name)"Removed channel {}".format(name))